Game day!! GBR!!

Over half of the attendees were “adults” without kids that either have some weird fetish for college aged males or were there simply because they knew there would be lots of little kids running around being loosely supervised

How do you know that? Were you there by yourself or with a kid?
Redmich has jumped the shark so completely I don’t understand why the mods haven’t done something. Every post the last 2 weeks have only been inflammatory all the time… it’s obvious that he is no longer attempting to hide his trolling. Out in the open for everyone to see.

For the second time in my husker board career, I’m gonna have to use the ignore function.

I’m way ahead of you. I rarely use the ignore function, but I had to with Redmich. So I take it he still hasn’t been banned.
Wow. That's interesting on Fleeks part. He was supposed to be a burner and a veteran presence. Plus I thought I read he was friends with McGuire.

So if Farmer is suspended I assume he has a path to return.

Hopefully Rhule addresses Washington in a cast.