Game day!! GBR!!

Lots of grown ass adults in the background standing in line to get autographs of college kids - pretty disturbing - I shudder to think what would be found on those peoples hard drives - probably would be doing hard time if ever investigated
Oh for the love of God...
Redmich has jumped the shark so completely I don’t understand why the mods haven’t done something. Every post the last 2 weeks have only been inflammatory all the time… it’s obvious that he is no longer attempting to hide his trolling. Out in the open for everyone to see.

For the second time in my husker board career, I’m gonna have to use the ignore function.
Redmich has jumped the shark so completely I don’t understand why the mods haven’t done something. Every post the last 2 weeks have only been inflammatory all the time… it’s obvious that he is no longer attempting to hide his trolling. Out in the open for everyone to see.

For the second time in my husker board career, I’m gonna have to use the ignore function.
Who was the other one?
Redmich has jumped the shark so completely I don’t understand why the mods haven’t done something. Every post the last 2 weeks have only been inflammatory all the time… it’s obvious that he is no longer attempting to hide his trolling. Out in the open for everyone to see.

For the second time in my husker board career, I’m gonna have to use the ignore function.
Mods are not around as much around line years past..
Hopefully they’ll figure out he’s the original jlb who they banned before ON3 started..
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Redmich has jumped the shark so completely I don’t understand why the mods haven’t done something. Every post the last 2 weeks have only been inflammatory all the time… it’s obvious that he is no longer attempting to hide his trolling. Out in the open for everyone to see.

For the second time in my husker board career, I’m gonna have to use the ignore function.
What a magnificently delicate snowflake

She is so precious
Wager arrested in a drunken stupor, Farmer leaving, Washington hand in a cast - seemingly unrelated events to those not in the know
Knock Out Win GIF by GLORY Kickboxing
My wife would shoot me if I payed $400/night for something that small.😂
My wife and I just spent around $400 a night for ten nights in a hotel in Rome right next to the Vatican. And that room was very, very small. Just enough room for a bed, a closet and a small euro sized bathroom. That price sounds outrageous for such a small room but, sadly, that is what rooms go for these days which are in prime locations in large cities.
Lots of grown ass adults in the background standing in line to get autographs of college kids - pretty disturbing - I shudder to think what would be found on those peoples hard drives - probably would be doing hard time if ever investigated
Not a single parent is going to turn a 10 year old loose on campus by themselves. Don’t be such a dumbass. Only Michigan fans do that.
Not a single parent is going to turn a 10 year old loose on campus by themselves. Don’t be such a dumbass. Only Michigan fans do that.
Over half of the attendees were “adults” without kids that either have some weird fetish for college aged males or were there simply because they knew there would be lots of little kids running around being loosely supervised

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Over half of the attendees were “adults” without kids that either have some weird fetish for college aged males or were there simply because they knew there would be lots of little kids running around being loosely supervised

Were you there?

Awfully specific for a 3rd hand account or based on still photos
Were you there?

Awfully specific for a 3rd hand account or based on still photos
It’s been a common thing at past Fan days and has been ruining the event. Weird middle-aged dudes in jorts trampling over all the children so they can shove piles of merchandise in the faces of our players. It’s not a sexual fetish thing. They want to turn it around on eBay for a quick buck. They most likely go back to their normal day jobs of stealing copper wire and catalytic converters and pilfering construction sites, etc afterwards .True scum of the scum causing the decay of our infrastructure and civilization as a whole. They should be rounded up on a rocket and shot directly into the sun.
Friend does private security - his company was hired for surveillance given the reputation of events like this at NU
You’re so full of sh##. Secondly it’s FAN day. You don’t think that there lots of normal adults who want to meet the coaches and players of other teams? Lol.
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It’s been a common thing at past Fan days and has been ruining the event. Weird middle-aged dudes in jorts trampling over all the children so they can shove piles of merchandise in the faces of our players. It’s not a sexual fetish thing. They want to turn it around on eBay for a quick buck. They most likely go back to their normal day jobs of stealing copper wire and catalytic converters and pilfering construction sites, etc afterwards .True scum of the scum causing the decay of our infrastructure and civilization as a whole. They should be rounded up on a rocket and shot directly into the sun.
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