There's a difference between a program being in disarray and a season being in disarray.Callahan's last year(2007) we were 5-7 (beating no one but there was that epic home win of one point to Ball State), that was back when 5-7 wasn't exactly celebrated, it was considered a disaster. Not only that but we lost 6 of our last 7 games, most of them not even close. Callahan was a good recruiter so it wasn't that but he just lost control of the program. We were a one legged man in an ass kicking contest that year. Everyone was beating us like a red headed step child. I'd call that disarray. But if you think it was wonderful maybe your basement is full of Bill Callahan memorabilia, some celebrating that epic 5 loss season he heroed in 06.
You originally said program, but you can only point to one season. Obviously Callahan needed to go, but Pelini did not inherit a program that was in disarray.
Your last sentence, ad hominem, which basically tells me you're an idiot.