Why can other schools get it done right away? Wisconsin comes to mind off the top my head. He was hired same year as MR. They are a top 5 team, we are struggling for .500 season.
Back in my highschool days (20 years ago) Our girls basketball program was horrible. Hadn't been to state let alone won a title in 20+ years. A few years after I graduated they hired a new coach. Almost every year since then they make it to state and have won like 7 or 8 State titles. I come from a town of 800, not a ton of talent to select from then or now. The difference is this coach works with the players he has. He is able to coach players up and get the most out of them year in and year out.
Bottom line good coaches win, they don't need their players, they don't need time, they don't need facilities or good recruiting base. They need to be great coach and work with what they have.