Fire Satterfield

Haha my gawd. This may be the dumbest comment yet today
No downfield passes… must have gone to the bathroom frequently to miss the downfield 2 passes to Lloyd and the one to Fidone, off the top of my head… all 3 of which hit the receivers’ fingertips. If I’m these recruits, I’m seeing that he throws a catchable long ball. Im seeing an electric atmosphere. I’m seeing a program on the rise. But oh well. Fire Satt.

I don't think Satterfield called a good game last night. Even in the first half I don't think he called a good one even though we dominated.

I also think it's time to sit Alvano. Love the kid, know he's an instate guy but you can't keep running that kid out there. If he's the best we got we absolutely WILL lose a fame or two trying to negotiate fgs or going for it BECAUSE he's not dependable..

Finally if the season persists as the first couple games has we probably should consider just kicking the ball in the end zone on kick offs. I know Ruhle likes to let those guys run down and cover and try to get them inside the 20 . But I don't think the risk reward makes sense. Just kick it in the end zone and put your defense out there.

Horrible referee play. Not sure how those guys got/keep jobs.

Loved Dowdell hard running. I was absolutely wrong about that dude. Just a physical specimen. Once he realizes it's not against the law to sidestep a dude in the open field he's REALLY gonna be a problem lol. I struggle with Rahmir so much. He's a super great kid, trust worthy and won't get you beat. But man he has the vision of Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder as a RB lol. YES I loved his long run and it was a thing of beauty. But he has so many plays where it's obvious he simply makes the wrong read due to his vision. I think he's a perfect case of a guy that the coaches just trust not to get them beat and they are willing to.sacrifice the other stuff .I don't think he's better than Emmet Johnson at all but again they trust him so there is something to that.

Gbaybor is HIM. Talk that shit young fella and show up with that chip on your shoulder and prove yourself right. Not gonna lie hes turning into one of my favorites.

Tommie Hill showing what he's capable of . One thing I love about him and Gbayor is that they are super instinctive. When those dudes see it they are GONE and I love it. That's how u make plays.

Finally BAT (big ass Ty) has been unblockable. That mofo has been wreaking havoc. Shot out to "death row" and CEO DL coach for getting and coaching those guys up. As good as BAT was Williams, Butler, Nash and company all balled out. Also shot out to the "jack boys" Sherman and Princewell. Those dudes were flying around as well.

I love our defense and how many guys just made plays. It's not a "stop this guy" defense. We have MUTIPLE guys who are gonna make plays. Those boys "ate" last night and they didn't play with their food. Masterpiece by T White for making a team with possibly two top ten draft picks look "average at best".

Just some random thoughts.

Well....while Husker Nation was wringing their hands about not running the I formation, not taking downfield shots, not dragging the TE over the middle, etc. I sat there and watched the offense snap the ball with 2 seconds left on the play clock every play, run down the clock to certain victory, and eventually CO pulled their 1st string QB and didn't use their timeouts because they knew the game was unwinnable. In my way of thinking that's smart football. After years of outsmarting ourselves to snatch a loss from the jaws of victory, I had NO PROBLEM with the play calling in the second half. Especially since our big plays were good calls, but were flagged for penalties. Used to drive me nuts when we had leads late in games and snapped the ball with 17 seconds left on the play clock (example - BYU).

Besides, we don't know if maybe Rhule told Satt to keep it conservative since we had the big lead. Maybe "playing not to lose" or not not crushing the opponent was Rhule's decision and not Satt's.
Well....while Husker Nation was wringing their hands about not running the I formation, not taking downfield shots, not dragging the TE over the middle, etc. I sat there and watched the offense snap the ball with 2 seconds left on the play clock every play, run down the clock to certain victory, and eventually CO pulled their 1st string QB and didn't use their timeouts because they knew the game was unwinnable. In my way of thinking that's smart football. After years of outsmarting ourselves to snatch a loss from the jaws of victory, I had NO PROBLEM with the play calling in the second half. Especially since our big plays were good calls, but were flagged for penalties. Used to drive me nuts when we had leads late in games and snapped the ball with 17 seconds left on the play clock (example - BYU).

Besides, we don't know if maybe Rhule told Satt to keep it conservative since we had the big lead. Maybe "playing not to lose" or not not crushing the opponent was Rhule's decision and not Satt's.
The play calling in the second half was deliberate conservative, as my neighbor noted they seemed to be trying stuff just to see if it would work. He also thought that at NO TIME in the second half did he believe Nebraska was going to lose, even after cu scored a few times.

I think the coaches did exactly what they thought they needed to do in the second half to win, but it was ugly for sure. A lot of things to iron out and get better at, the kicking game is the biggest worry I have right now. Punting not so much ( I say that and remember the blocked one), but some of those near misses on extra points and the fg miss have to get better in a hurry.

In some ways I think cu's talent is better than what they show, I believe (like many others) their coaching staff is a train wreck and it will be another losing season if they don't get their act together.
I hate to, but I will give CU a little credit on the 2nd half. The way their front 7/8 attacked our OL, coupled with how amazing Hunter is caused problems. Hunter covers half the field vs the pass and run. He's incredible.
CU’s D did not quit in the second half, NU was not going to do much on the risky side in terms of play calling. But the zebras inserted themselves in the second half and just killed the game flow. Maybe NU gets another score or two and CU gets another TD had the refs just let them play.
Imo Colorado was in full desperation mode and were stacking the box to sell out on the run hoping Nebraska would throw over the middle so they could dislodge the ball and get turnovers. They were head hunting and not caring if they got there early, quite a few cheap shots even when the ball didn't go that way. NU decided to leave well enough alone on their corners and trusting going to the tight ends over the middle against linebackers. I thought it was smart and was a good way of protecting our players. It worked until the refs stepped in.

The victory was there no sense risking turnovers and or injuries to a team that the refs were letting get away with murder.
Nebraska had 74 yards in the 2nd half against a shit hole defense. Oh gee whiz, let's be happy for the win and move on. bullshit - crush their spirit. you wanna learn how to win - teach them the game isn't over until it reads 00:00. the defense has it figured out but got - dam they're gonna get worn out one of these games trying to hold up for an inept bullshit play calling OC because they have glitter in his eyes.
Rhule acknowledged this. They need to do better, but also the refs called back every big play.
it will never not be funny to see the white knights come out to claim everyone who points out obvious, no-shit truths is just miserable and will never be happy

last night was a huge win

we also need to be a lot better up front, in the run game and in the booth.

both can be simultaneously true, ladies
Dear God. If I said we win 28-10 before the game you'd be happy AF. He did enough. The wheel route to Lloyd was there, that bullshit pancake "hold" was there as well. We left 10 points on the table and played conservative in the 2nd. I'm not a fan of bubble screens either, but take the DUB, man. #gbr
Rhule acknowledged this. They need to do better, but also the refs called back every big play.
Rahmir's TD run jumped out - great play and bodes well to have a home run hitter like him in the backfield. I didn't know if he had that in him, and he does.

our center also committed a blatant holding penalty on said play. he needs to be better along with the rest of the OL.
2nd half play calling was bullshit
Get used to this style of play. This is Matt Rhule. He will win more games than he loses the rest of his time at NU, and probably win a fair share of close games, but we won't be lighting up the scoreboard. Satterfield has always been a bottom half of the nation in scoring, and top in turnovers. He is with Rhule again because he does what Rhule wants and is willing to compliment the defense and special teams. Most OCs won't do this because it would jeopardize their careers to be in the bottom 50 of the NCAA in team scoring every year they are OC. The game plan was designed to not turn the ball over, as that was probably the only way to lose up 28-0. Satterfield was probably about to be fired at South Carolina when Rhule grabbed him up, and Satt is happy to have a very well paying job with a guy he trusts. It sucks to not obliterate teams, but ultimately a win is a win...this team, if it wins, will win ugly with defense and special teams. As much as people want a new OC...who is going to come coach for Rhule when his entire history is to handicap the OC in favor of is somewhat career suicide. We criticize Satt because we look at his career stats and they are absolute garbage, so we assume he is terrible...but much of that was with Rhule...if Satt was in the top 10 in scoring as an OC, we would trust him at this point...that he would figure it out. Much of the criticism is based on his past, which is directly related to Rhule's style of coaching.
Nebraska had 74 yards in the 2nd half against a shit hole defense. Oh gee whiz, let's be happy for the win and move on. bullshit - crush their spirit. you wanna learn how to win - teach them the game isn't over until it reads 00:00. the defense has it figured out but got - dam they're gonna get worn out one of these games trying to hold up for an inept bullshit play calling OC because they have glitter in his eyes.
There was so much PI going on, that referee crew was shit!! By the time Dylan threw the ball the receivers were just breaking free of getting held which screwed up the timing . JMO
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The defense dominated. The offense was pretty bad overall against a pretty bad defense
Teams with good corners are going to give us fits. We do not have anybody who can beat a good corner one on one, which means teams can load up 8 or 9 in the box...they were playing with 8-9 guys within four yards of Dylan pretty much all of the 2nd half. And we were 0-infinity on deep fades and anything to force the safeties to help in coverage. We have to find somebody can win 1 on 1 on the outside...this is why Malachi not developing is a big deal. He was supposed to bring 5 star speed and height to force safeties to stay back.
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Teams with good corners are going to give us fits. We do not have anybody who can beat a good corner one on one, which means teams can load up 8 or 9 in the box...they were playing with 8-9 guys within four yards of Dylan pretty much all of the 2nd half. And we were 0-infinity on deep fades and anything to force the safeties to help in coverage. We have to find somebody can win 1 on 1 on the outside...this is why Malachi not developing is a big deal. He was supposed to bring 5 star speed and height to force safeties to stay back.
They were holding all day long, are runs were getting called back, they chose to go conservative and run out the clock being unable to win against the Puffs AND THE REFS..
I think Rhule made it pretty clear he thought the game was over in the second half. The offense went into don’t lose and don’t put anything on film for better opponents. It would have been nice to run them out of the stadium, but I think a crappy second half is better for this team in the long run. They need to get back to work and blowing out a bad Colorado team may have inflated some of our guys egos. Take a dominant win and use the bad to get better.
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First time we’ve beat a team that’s breathing and people want coaches fired. AMAZING.
The point is he could’ve solidified his stature with us by making necessary adjustments to bury Colorado. He didn’t and we still have concerns about him. When we get into a close game, we will really worry about his abilities..
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Biggest disappointment with Satt to me last night was opening drive to the second half. You can't go 3 and out there. Then again, with this defense, maybe you can.
There was so much PI going on, that referee crew was shit!! By the time Dylan threw the ball the receivers were just breaking free of getting held which screwed up the timing . JMO
Same problem as last WRs that can beat their guy at the line. It is legal to get manhandled in the 1st 5 yards. Dylan couldn't wait for his WRs to break free, can't run pick plays because those are called PI now, and so he was just dumping quick screens. Wr is a big weakness on this team...I think they had more penalties than catches last night. Might has something to do with hiring a nobody to coach the position when there are better recruiters, better coaches all over the place. No offense, but how do you hire an inexperienced white guy, with no history of recruiting for that position?