Diaco says D can't tackle. D quits on him.

I don't think Diaco or Banker at the helm of the Defense would have made any difference this year.
The 3-4 is the way to go in the future though. Diaco is a great defensive mind/coach and could get this team on the right track if given more than one season to do so. Unfortunately that probably won't happen.
Did the D quit or his scheme just so f'n bad that they don't have a chance? We should have fired him after the 1st qtr and had Webber call the defense. We would have been better off. Anybody still want to keep Diaco?
Scheme is terrible but we can't be THAT bad at tackling. They straight quit.
His best year at Notre Dame he had multiple NFL draft picks on his D and he had Brian Kelly dictating some of what he did. Talent helps. Losing his mentor this summer sure as hell didn't help him and I think he leaned pretty hard on him.
He’s just not a very good coach. Bad communicator. Doesn’t adjust, doesn’t develop, doesn’t motivate. Players have lost trust in him and his stupid scheme and stubborn approach. Poor defense has been the main problem all year. He should be the first to go.
Diaco is the problem, not the players. I think Diaco was not liked by the players from day one. He comes across as a "me first", pretty boy, phony. Diaco is about Diaco and the young guys know it.

So when the losses pile up and Diaco throws the players under the bus the "strain" builds up.
The Minny game shows that these players have given up, they hate Diaco, and they would rather stay home for the holidays than play for him in the frigid pin stripe bowl
IF they had made a good coordinator hire Riley could stand on the sideline and smile and done nothing and they could have won 7.
Poor Riley, such a victim.
Diaco has had success as D coor in the past hasn't he? Why so horrible here?
He really hasn't had much success other than one year.

But let's not fall for this nonsense. the program is complete crap. The whole thing.

Riley lovers are trying to pin this all on Diaco, that way they don't look like complete morons for thinking the guy that lost 12 of his last 15 games in the PAC 12 would somehow win here. Dumbasses fell for a lot of media BS and now they are trying to pretend this is all Diaco's fault.

Riley sucked when we hired him and sucks now. Doesn't matter who the DC is. Although Diaco is no prize for sure.
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Yeah Riley is just as much to blame as anyone, Moreso actually.
Apologists really scraping for excuses now...made their way to assistant coaches. Maybe if we get beat down again he will finally get credit for being the problem.
Yeah Riley is just as much to blame as anyone, Moreso actually.
Apologists really scraping for excuses now...made their way to assistant coaches. Maybe if we get beat down again he will finally get credit for being the problem.
It's absolutely on Riley even IF Diaco was "suggested" to him. It's his responsibility. He's responsible for Diaco. He should have fired him at halftime at Minnesota.. Riley's made some stupid HC calls going for it on 4th down in our own territory in the first half of games. Lee bailed him out on that against Purdue. Not so much last Saturday. I said before, those 4th down gofers against Purdue were fireable offenses in my eyes and Moos probably about lost his mind when he saw that.
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It was absolutely accurate

No, it wasn't. We lined up way frequently with four down lineman and LBs closer to the LOS; that's not surprising since it was clear we were selling out the stop the run (in theory). We just got our shit pushed in.
Call out your players and watch what happens.

I have no problem calling out the defensive players. Wrapping up the opposing players legs instead of trying to arm tackle is stuff Jr High players know. Keeping your assignment and staying in position rather than trying to play hero and make the highlight reel has been a constant problem. You want to quit on the field, put in the #2 or #3 guy. They may not have the raw talent the starter has but they’ll certainly play better than a quitter.
Yeah Riley is just as much to blame as anyone, Moreso actually.
Apologists really scraping for excuses now...made their way to assistant coaches. Maybe if we get beat down again he will finally get credit for being the problem.

LOL. My stalkers working overtime.
For those of us who don't have OWH can someone please summarize what Diago said. Something about being a fragile group? Thanks.
Diaco is a huge pu**y. I really wish we could not only not pay this staff, but also take the money away they were already paid. I hate all of this staff, and as I said before, I hope they all get leprosy.
LOL might be time for you to take a break from Husker football for awhile.
He’s the number one reason Mike R doesn’t get a 4th year. Administration or Mike R, or Sean E fault, you reap what you sew...

Well I don't think he is the main reason there is no 4th year. Mike Riley is. This was not a good two years before Diaco got here. The most underperforming squad is the offense. It is their third year and they have an experienced QB. The offense has been in regression ever since DL got here. Add to that the special teams issues over the last couple of years and you have to put it all right back on MR.
Diaco is a huge pu**y. I really wish we could not only not pay this staff, but also take the money away they were already paid. I hate all of this staff, and as I said before, I hope they all get leprosy.
alllrightythen. I think you have overcome those sensitivity issues. :p
He’s just not a very good coach. Bad communicator. Doesn’t adjust, doesn’t develop, doesn’t motivate. Players have lost trust in him and his stupid scheme and stubborn approach. Poor defense has been the main problem all year. He should be the first to go.

hummmmmm Have you been watching the offense?
Yeah Riley is just as much to blame as anyone, Moreso actually.
Apologists really scraping for excuses now...made their way to assistant coaches. Maybe if we get beat down again he will finally get credit for being the problem.

This reminds me of a post about a month ago. One Riley apologist said something along this line. Riley is a really good coach. He has just got saddled with bad assistants. We should keep him and fire the rest of the assistants and give him a real chance".

Gottcha. Now go check your meds.
I love how some people think the D quit only after Diaco called them out. What games have the rest of you been watching this year? This D sucked out of the gate against mighty Ark State. This D couldn't stop a good High School attack let alone play at a collegiate level.
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I don't think Diaco or Banker at the helm of the Defense would have made any difference this year.
The 3-4 is the way to go in the future though. Diaco is a great defensive mind/coach and could get this team on the right track if given more than one season to do so. Unfortunately that probably won't happen.
The good news is IF Frost brings his 3-4 DC with him from UCF, our guys have had a year of exposure to it so it shouldn't be entirely foreign. At the same time most of them have played in a 4-3 for a year or two so if it isn't Frost's DC we should be ok. I really expect a quick rebound from this mess to at least a mediocre defense next year.
I want big, nasty, good lineman (both sides) and 5 star WRs.

I was making an opinion that I wanted lineman more than any group, but to do you one better I want 5star Wr’s, RB’s, TE, QB, OL, DL, K, P, LB, CB, and finally 5 Star Safeties....
Proving youre the chairman of the butthurt coalition!
Keep being a db, you're very good at it! ;)
Can't believe he's considered a respectable member on this board. He's a bigger douche than Dubs with his stalker mentality.