Deion at the Nebraska press conf

Soooo would you rather see this program led by

a) a morally upstanding, well-mannered coach with superior developmental skills of 3-star and a small handful of 4-star athletes who struggles against those with better talent OR

b) a complete asshole who wins games

Me? The dude who wins.

I have never once in my life been upset or embarrassed by a coach of a team I like because of something they said or did.

I just want W's for the teams I like.
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He's won a single game at the Power 5 level. Obviously we want the winner and if two years from now Deion should have been that well shame on us, but where we've been we needed a developer. Deion will be a very interesting case study, but there really isn't too many people like him that could do that.
For Everyone’s sake, I hope you’re right. Just don’t see it happening that way a) just alone based on Rhule’s track record recruiting (maybe it changes, maybe it doesn’t), and just MONEY. Over the History of Nebraska Football, we’ve always and ONLY dominated with superior talent. IMHO We need that above all costs. AGREE let’s see what CU does… but yeah it’ll be a case study for sure if they continue to be successful. Tomorrow will tell us a lot.
Respect from me is earned, not given due to job title
I guess I’m not even asking you to respect him. That has to be earned. I get that. I just think the disrespect is classless at this stage.

For me it boils down to the “liar/preacher” comments. Accountability is absolutely important. But if you make your living calling out people for the first time they let you down by their words not matching their actions, you’ve called a lot of people out in your lifetime. And it will never end, because no one is perfect.
Me? The dude who wins.

I have never once in my life been upset or embarrassed by a coach of a team I like because of something they said or did.

I just want W's for the teams I like.
Bo was a successful coach who was fired because the media and donors didn’t like his ‘antics’. Can’t believe anyone wouldn’t trade that for the Abortion of the last decade.
For Everyone’s sake, I hope you’re right. Just don’t see it happening that way a) just alone based on Rhule’s track record recruiting (maybe it changes, maybe it doesn’t), and just MONEY. Over the History of Nebraska Football, we’ve always and ONLY dominated with superior talent. IMHO We need that above all costs. AGREE let’s see what CU does… but yeah it’ll be a case study for sure if they continue to be successful. Tomorrow will tell us a lot.
A lot of that Superior talent was developed.. Yes, we had our fair share of blue chip recruits no doubt, but we also developed a ton of football players and also developed the blue chippers to play at the level they should. Development plays a massive role. To Deions credit, he hired a pretty damn good staff and they are working hard on development as well.
I guess I’m not even asking you to respect him. That has to be earned. I get that. I just think the disrespect is classless at this stage.

For me it boils down to the “liar/preacher” comments. Accountability is absolutely important. But if you make your living calling out people for the first time they let you down by their words not matching their actions, you’ve called a lot of people out in your lifetime. And it will never end, because no one is perfect.
And one final thing… we just do things differently, you and me. Still both husker fans. So Go Big Red!

Edit: not talking to myself… just adding to my previous post. :)
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I guess I’m not even asking you to respect him. That has to be earned. I get that. I just think the disrespect is classless at this stage.

For me it boils down to the “liar/preacher” comments. Accountability is absolutely important. But if you make your living calling out people for the first time they let you down by their words not matching their actions, you’ve called a lot of people out in your lifetime. And it will never end, because no one is perfect.
No disrespect intended… it’s just some don’t see his success in lesser conferences translating to the Big 10. Especially with what’s comin within the conference.

I’ll also point out that all of the attributes being touted by the RhuleAid fans here could verbatim be ascribed to those formerly super excited about….

Mike Riley.

Just sayin. Version 2.0. Rhule would dominate @ Oregon State, probably.

And listen, I REALLY hope we’re wrong on that. Just wouldn’t bet money on it, based on (albeit limited) metrics.
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A lot of that Superior talent was developed.. Yes, we had our fair share of blue chip recruits no doubt, but we also developed a ton of football players and also developed the blue chippers to play at the level they should. Development plays a massive role. To Deions credit, he hired a pretty damn good staff and they are working hard on development as well.
Foreman, Trev, Raiola, Peter Bros, most of our awesome secondaries, Brown, Minter… the dozen more guys that won us championships… those studs would’ve all be 4/5’s. We landed players then like Bama, UGa and tOSU are getting now.

The Automatic HayBaler has deprived us of our homegrown OLine talent… maybe that’s the biggest culprit…
If I had his money...I would not be doing any of that shit he does, like coaching HS ball, then at an HBCU and than trying to bring back CU to relevance. I would be drinking and ****ing girls, half my age (hopefully).
Then, you ought to thank God you don't have his money.
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Foreman, Trev, Raiola, Peter Bros, most of our awesome secondaries, Brown, Minter… the dozen more guys that won us championships… those studs would’ve all be 4/5’s. We landed players then like Bama, UGa and tOSU are getting now.

The Automatic HayBaler has deprived us of our homegrown OLine talent… maybe that’s the biggest culprit…
Like I said, we had our fair share of blue chip talent but you also have the likes of Chris Dishman, Brendan Holbein, Tony Veland, Reggie Baul, Macovickas, Kelsays and ton others who were all developed. Nebraska has brought talent in in the last 10 years, but has failed to do anything with it. We needed a developer along with someone who can bring in talent. Rhule is more in that mold.
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Geez. I miss the Open Board. It was about politics but the banter was no more idiotic than this. The "Automatic HayBaler"?
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Soooo would you rather see this program led by

a) a morally upstanding, well-mannered coach with superior developmental skills of 3-star and a small handful of 4-star athletes who struggles against those with better talent OR

b) a complete asshole who wins games

Option A minus the Mike Riley vibes lol
Okay, I saw that pick you are jerking off about it.

It was not that big of a deal. First off it was lame defense by CU and then that DB just came off his man to pick off the ball...he didn't even need to dive and he would have gone 98 yards the other way.
Biggest issue was the TCU qb throwing the ball a little late. It became an easy read for a great athlete like Hunter to jump the route.
Takeaways after one game thus far for me. I totally understand what Kong is saying. Prove it. Don't just talk. Grant being in the game at the time he was has already been discussed ad nauseum.

The interception before the end of the half can also point a finger at Rhule, too. When you leave that t/o, you make damn sure your qb understands that, unless the receiver is WIDE OPEN or a ball that only he can get to, it is to be thrown away. Nevermind missing the throw underneath.

Still, those are critical coaching mistakes, but it was Rhule's first game back in the college game for a while. Maybe chalk it up to that?

My biggest concern is in the passing game....period. Not a lot depth at receiver. Not a lot of them getting open. Simms is suspect at best in decision making. I am really skeptical that improves. Irt pass pro.....still not very good. BOTH of our T struggled.

Finally....I HATE going to this....because as a coach I always say, forget about calls, control what you can control. That being said....if you allow a T to get a jump all night long for Minn, especially a critical one, but manage to find one for NU at a critical time.....then even blow the replay, it's hard not to bring that up.
Takeaways after one game thus far for me. I totally understand what Kong is saying. Prove it. Don't just talk. Grant being in the game at the time he was has already been discussed ad nauseum.

The interception before the end of the half can also point a finger at Rhule, too. When you leave that t/o, you make damn sure your qb understands that, unless the receiver is WIDE OPEN or a ball that only he can get to, it is to be thrown away. Nevermind missing the throw underneath.

Still, those are critical coaching mistakes, but it was Rhule's first game back in the college game for a while. Maybe chalk it up to that?

My biggest concern is in the passing game....period. Not a lot depth at receiver. Not a lot of them getting open. Simms is suspect at best in decision making. I am really skeptical that improves. Irt pass pro.....still not very good. BOTH of our T struggled.

Finally....I HATE going to this....because as a coach I always say, forget about calls, control what you can control. That being said....if you allow a T to get a jump all night long for Minn, especially a critical one, but manage to find one for NU at a critical time.....then even blow the replay, it's hard not to bring that up.
We got your drift coach. As a third year starter in D1 Jeff Sims would have no clue that one does not throw a pass unless the receiver is "WIDE OPEN" and never miss seeing an underneath opportunity. Rhule threw the pick driving for a game winning field goal or TD too. Btw coach, could you describe blowing a replay? It sounds erotic.
I don’t think any part of this post is correct

Deion has stated he wants to drive enough revenue for the school that CU brings back baseball

You have clearly never listened to him speak about coaching for even 1 minute. There’s no other way to hold such an opinion.
Count me as one who figured he would win 2-3 games, but thought he would certainly have a losing season.

After watching his team play - the dude has some friggin' playmakers. And they obviously like the swag that he brings. Whether or not he beats this Nebraska team isn't indicative of how successful he will be.

But count me as a person who thinks what he can bring to Colorado and the college football scene seems formidable thus far. What he brings scares me as a member of an opposing fanbase if I'm being honest.

Time will tell; he certainly passed the first test, though. 🤮
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Biggest issue was the TCU qb throwing the ball a little late. It became an easy read for a great athlete like Hunter to jump the route.
I don't think it was thrown late. You look off the slant to throw that ball to the flat (eyeballing the slant holds the DB) and it's 99% of the time wide open. CU executed it for a TD without any issue. It was just a sensational play by the DB who most certainly had to dive, LOL.
I don't think it was thrown late. You look off the slant to throw that ball to the flat (eyeballing the slant holds the DB) and it's 99% of the time wide open. CU executed it for a TD without any issue. It was just a sensational play by the DB who most certainly had to dive, LOL.
That was a great play and unreal closing speed. There is nothing the Qb did wrong on that throw. Could have thrown it a little further outside but that’s just a hell of a play.
We got your drift coach. As a third year starter in D1 Jeff Sims would have no clue that one does not throw a pass unless the receiver is "WIDE OPEN" and never miss seeing an underneath opportunity. Rhule threw the pick driving for a game winning field goal or TD too. Btw coach, could you describe blowing a replay? It sounds erotic.
Kind of a little cvnt here, it appears. Yes, you do tell your college qb that you have coached for not even a full f'ing year exactly that.

And yes, that was flat out a TD before the end of the half. Blown call. Leave it to a little b obviously infatuated with handing out bjs for five bucks behind a Wendy's to see the post as something different.
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I don't think it was thrown late. You look off the slant to throw that ball to the flat (eyeballing the slant holds the DB) and it's 99% of the time wide open. CU executed it for a TD without any issue. It was just a sensational play by the DB who most certainly had to dive, LOL.
Oh....I don't disagree that it was still a hell of a great play. I need to look at it again. When I watched the game live, it just seemed that he waited on the throw a bit. I could be wrong, though.
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Kind of a little cvnt here, it appears. Yes, you do tell your college qb that you have coached for not even a full f'ing year exactly that.

And yes, that was flat out a TD before the end of the half. Blown call. Leave to a little b obviously infatuated with handing out bjs for five bucks behind a Wendy's to see the post as something different.
Would've had it their way at BK. Just saying.
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Oh....I don't disagree that it was still a hell of a great play. I need to look at it again. When I watched the game live, it just seemed that he waited on the throw a bit. I could be wrong, though.
Hey Dana it's great to see you again. My husband kinda got in some trouble. So, I'm having to stand in for him. I hope you'll... kinda... understand
Doing good friend. Went to Minneapolis last week. The game was heartbreaking, but the trip was good.

How’s HuskerDana? Haven’t seen you on the board much lately.
Yeah, I've been pretty busy....and kind of a rough year or so. Lost my dad after a bad car accident. We're pretty sure he blacked out and went through a stop sign, then hit the side of a semi. He was retiring in exactly one week, then would have had a doctors appointment to check for diabetes.

The tough part was, he actually survived the accident, but I wish he wouldn't have. He was actually talking just fine immediately after, but they found a brain bleed. Long story short, he improved for about three weeks, then massively declined over the next four months. He passed away the day after Father's Day last year. Then, my mom had a stroke in October.

Needless to has really sucked. I gave up coaching last year, which I hate even more. It's probably even harder not being able to do that this year, now.
Yeah, I've been pretty busy....and kind of a rough year or so. Lost my dad after a bad car accident. We're pretty sure he blacked out and went through a stop sign, then hit the side of a semi. He was retiring in exactly one week, then would have had a doctors appointment to check for diabetes.

The tough part was, he actually survived the accident, but I wish he wouldn't have. He was actually talking just fine immediately after, but they found a brain bleed. Long story short, he improved for about three weeks, then massively declined over the next four months. He passed away the day after Father's Day last year. Then, my mom had a stroke in October.

Needless to has really sucked. I gave up coaching last year, which I hate even more. It's probably even harder not being able to do that this year, now.

Sorry to hear about your parents, can’t imagine how tough that has to be.

Giving up coaching is really hard for some people, I know a lot of guys that just can’t do it, they miss the connection with the kids and come back.

BTW, I know you’re a big Royals fan. I took my daughters to the Royals game on Wednesday night. The teams sucks, but it was a nice night and it’s always fun to be at the K.

Hang in there Dana, nice to have you back on the board.
Yeah, I've been pretty busy....and kind of a rough year or so. Lost my dad after a bad car accident. We're pretty sure he blacked out and went through a stop sign, then hit the side of a semi. He was retiring in exactly one week, then would have had a doctors appointment to check for diabetes.

The tough part was, he actually survived the accident, but I wish he wouldn't have. He was actually talking just fine immediately after, but they found a brain bleed. Long story short, he improved for about three weeks, then massively declined over the next four months. He passed away the day after Father's Day last year. Then, my mom had a stroke in October.

Needless to has really sucked. I gave up coaching last year, which I hate even more. It's probably even harder not being able to do that this year, now.
When the time comes for my parents to pass... idk how I'll handle it. I understand you've been struggling and that is perfectly okay man. You are a warrior for going thru it. I think I speak for all of us here... that we would love to help in any way we can.

Please don't go through it alone.
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I've moved up to Omaha lately. Ive dealt with a donkey would-be-shooter at my door. Thought it was going to be a shootout. Dealt with a near break-in. Have moved a 2nd time in 1.5 months within Omaha. That is a summary of the the last 1.5 months.
I'm so sorry!!!! I hope the next 1.5 months is completely uneventful for you, if you know what I mean.
Yeah, Elk Horn should be MUCH more uneventful! Lol
Yea, at first having half naked meth heads banging on my door after midnight was hilarious. Watching them flail around and spin in circles lol'd me. Then it happened all the time.

Had a guy shoot a gun thru. I gtfo'd out. Came back a day later and my door was shattered. One more good kick and they'd have got access
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Sorry to hear about your parents, can’t imagine how tough that has to be.

Giving up coaching is really hard for some people, I know a lot of guys that just can’t do it, they miss the connection with the kids and come back.

BTW, I know you’re a big Royals fan. I took my daughters to the Royals game on Wednesday night. The teams sucks, but it was a nice night and it’s always fun to be at the K.

Hang in there Dana, nice to have you back on the board.
Yep....back to the Royals of the 2000's. Lol. It looks like the did pretty good in the Chapman-Ragans trade, at least! Even when they are terrible, it's still never a bad night at the K. I'm glad you had a good time with your daughter.

NOT coaching....yeah it's tougher this year, like I said. With everything going on last year, I just didn't have a ton of time to focus on it.

Anyway, let's hope Rhule can get this program back on track! GBR! Glad to be back and catch up with everyone.
Me? The dude who wins.

I have never once in my life been upset or embarrassed by a coach of a team I like because of something they said or did.

I just want W's for the teams I like.
Aren’t you the guy who still thinks making fart noises with his armpit is hilarious, and whose life’s goal is to make enough money so that girls will want to have sex with you? Of course you wouldn’t be embarrassed by anything a coach said.
Aren’t you the guy who still thinks making fart noises with his armpit is hilarious, and whose life’s goal is to make enough money so that girls will want to have sex with you? Of course you wouldn’t be embarrassed by anything a coach said.
Armpit farts, that doesn't do much for me.

Do I want to **** hot girls, yes, yes I do. Guilty as charged. When did that become a negative?
deion did what he said - which was a lot. had the kids coached up enough to win and went out and won.

all Rhule needed to do was not hand the ball to grant like he said he was going to. he failed miserably.

Deion seems very genuine to me and I've never heard anything different from anyone who's ever met him.

Rhule proved to be a bloviating gasbag (preacher) who cannot be trusted to keep his word. I haven't listened to a single syllable since the game ended Thursday. did I miss anything? doubt it.

things can change, but this is where we stand after 1 week. talk all you want so long as you back it up on the field. otherwise, you're just as good as the next guy occupying a soapbox.

I expect to play well enough to win on Saturday and am not afraid of the buffs.
Bump for Kong who didn’t call Rhule a lying preacher. He called him a “bloviating gasbag (preacher) who cannot be trusted to keep his word.”

I stand corrected.

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