OT: Measles info.


Nebraska Legend
Jan 14, 2011
FWIW the child who died from measles in Texas didn’t have any underlying health issues. Please wait until your baby is at least a month old but for the love of God get them vaccinated. It’s a potentially deadly virus that can cause brain damage, blindness and death. Couldn’t find the old thread where we were assured by our resident antivaxxer that the child was immunocompromised.
FWIW the child who died from measles in Texas didn’t have any underlying health issues. Please wait until your baby is at least a month old but for the love of God get them vaccinated. It’s a potentially deadly virus that can cause brain damage, blindness and death. Couldn’t find the old thread where we were assured by our resident antivaxxer that the child was immunocompromised.
Just never give them the Covid shot.. Does more harm with younger adults and kids than does good.
Must never have known someone with polio.
Rather have 1 out of 1000 kids having a bad reaction to polio than 1/36 chance they get autism. Other studies have shown being exposed to diseases like polio that we used to get lowered the chance of having cancers in adults. The immune system gets stronger the more it's used. Kids don't need aluminum adjuncts/mercury/formaldehyde injected into them.
Rather have 1 out of 1000 kids having a bad reaction to polio than 1/36 chance they get autism. Other studies have shown being exposed to diseases like polio that we used to get lowered the chance of having cancers in adults. The immune system gets stronger the more it's used. Kids don't need aluminum adjuncts/mercury/formaldehyde injected into them.
Bad reaction? Lol. How about crippled for life. I must have really beat the odds because I don't have any family members with autism but had a relative with polio.
And small pox. Thankfully, none of us remember how awful that disease was since the last case in the US was 1948, but it killed upwards of half a billion people in the century before it was eradicated in the 1970s.
Yeah..... but think about the immunity! People dying and being crippled or disfigured isn't really that big of deal. They just needed immunity!
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The rise in autism and peanut allergies are clearly due to vaccines in children. There aren't enough studies because they know what they'll find.

The question is about trade offs. There are no solutions, only trade offs.

Just because there is a rise in autism and some other negative side effects does not mean the vaccines are worth it, or not worth it.

Also, vaccines should not be lumped together as one. There are diseases more deadly than others, vaccines more effective and safe than others.

I wish the medical community would give realistic studies so people could make more educated decisions, but alas, they won't.
Rather have 1 out of 1000 kids having a bad reaction to polio than 1/36 chance they get autism. Other studies have shown being exposed to diseases like polio that we used to get lowered the chance of having cancers in adults. The immune system gets stronger the more it's used. Kids don't need aluminum adjuncts/mercury/formaldehyde injected into them.
where did you get your medical degree from? Joe Rogan doesnt count
FWIW the child who died from measles in Texas didn’t have any underlying health issues. Please wait until your baby is at least a month old but for the love of God get them vaccinated. It’s a potentially deadly virus that can cause brain damage, blindness and death. Couldn’t find the old thread where we were assured by our resident antivaxxer that the child was immunocompromised.
Is it one month or one year old?
Rather have 1 out of 1000 kids having a bad reaction to polio than 1/36 chance they get autism. Other studies have shown being exposed to diseases like polio that we used to get lowered the chance of having cancers in adults. The immune system gets stronger the more it's used. Kids don't need aluminum adjuncts/mercury/formaldehyde injected into them.
Yeah, you can't "catch" autism. If you could, it would have been weaponized by now and used by women to make all men super compliant and not like sex.
FWIW the child who died from measles in Texas didn’t have any underlying health issues. Please wait until your baby is at least a month old but for the love of God get them vaccinated. It’s a potentially deadly virus that can cause brain damage, blindness and death. Couldn’t find the old thread where we were assured by our resident antivaxxer that the child was immunocompromised.
cant believe where you get your info. the child who died had rsv and pneumonia and while in the hospital was given a live virus vax for measles(MMR). subsequently tested positive for measles and later died. at this time do not know if they died from rsv, pneumonia, or measles,
having said that I believe MMR is a valid vax for children. I do not believe the 27 or 36 vacines promoted hhs are safe or effective and that some of them are responsible for the huge increase in autism and other dangerous side effects.
Sane people don't have an issue with the real vaccines that PREVENT you from getting something, it's just the other vast amount of complete bullshit that they peddle these days that they call "vacciness".
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cant believe where you get your info. the child who died had rsv and pneumonia and while in the hospital was given a live virus vax for measles(MMR). subsequently tested positive for measles and later died. at this time do not know if they died from rsv, pneumonia, or measles,
having said that I believe MMR is a valid vax for children. I do not believe the 27 or 36 vacines promoted hhs are safe or effective and that some of them are responsible for the huge increase in autism and other dangerous side effects.
Where did you get your information? The Dr. released a statement in the past 48 hours that in fact the child didn't have an underlying health issues.
I was very young but one of my uncles ended up getting it, and it crippled him for life.
I know a retired cardiologist who had polio as a child. He struggled with it his whole life with leg braces etc. Great guy. When he was young he still hiked but the neurological damage coupled with aging has made him pretty much an invalid.
Where did you get your information? The Dr. released a statement in the past 48 hours that in fact the child didn't have an underlying health issues.

He may be telling the truth, but trust of doctor's and the medical establishment is one of the biggest casualties of the Covid fiasco. I would believe the whistleblower before I believe the doctor. The whistleblower is actually risking something coming out like many if the doctors who were brave enough to speak out during Covid.
Also, I heard of a kid who died from bee stings. For the love of God, people. Do not let your kids go outside.
IF your child is allergic to bees, then by all means make sure you take precautions for them like not letting them go outside without you....or maybe keep an epi stick with you at all times.... As a scout leader of 20 years we always asked that question about bees and other allergies and I always had epi sticks and albuterol inhalers. I'm not sure what kind of moron would want their child to have to endure an infection with a virus that can cause permanent damage to multiple organs. Have you ever seen the internal organs of an animal that was infected with a paramyxo virus like measles? I have. The liver, kidneys and lungs look pretty much like the skin of those kids. It's a horrible viral infection. This isn't a simple respiratory virus.
IF your child is allergic to bees, then by all means make sure you take precautions for them like not letting them go outside without you....or maybe keep an epi stick with you at all times.... As a scout leader of 20 years we always asked that question about bees and other allergies and I always had epi sticks and albuterol inhalers. I'm not sure what kind of moron would want their child to have to endure an infection with a virus that can cause permanent damage to multiple organs. Have you ever seen the internal organs of an animal that was infected with a paramyxo virus like measles? I have. The liver, kidneys and lungs look pretty much like the skin of those kids. It's a horrible viral infection. This isn't a simple respiratory virus.
Bro, it’s not a scary virus. People let their kids get together and all get infected with it in the 1970s and 60s just like what we did with the chicken pox. I live in northern Indiana with a large Amish population that are completely vaccine free. They’re fine. We are all gonna be fine. Modern sanitation has done wonders. By all means feel free to inject whatever you want into yourself.
He may be telling the truth, but trust of doctor's and the medical establishment is one of the biggest casualties of the Covid fiasco. I would believe the whistleblower before I believe the doctor. The whistleblower is actually risking something coming out like many if the doctors who were brave enough to speak out during Covid.
I'll give you the Covid crap. The vaccine was in fact a necessary evil for seasoned citizens and people with other underlying issues and I give Trump credit for getting one TO ME so quickly so I could resume a normal life. Kids? No freaking way. Some will recall that I advocated for Covid parties for college students to just get it over with. Mandating vaccine for government employees was insane ESPECIALLY for the military. The lockdowns and school closures were ridiculous. What we found in our area was that NONE of the teachers got sick from COVID. The theory is that they were previously constantly exposed to multiple Corona viruses in schools and had at least some degree of cross protection to COVID 19. They would test positive and have to sit out for 10 days but not get ill. Fauci is a criminal. That's a different situation completely and unfortunately the politicization of that virus by the left has probably destroyed public trust for decades.
Bro, it’s not a scary virus. People let their kids get together and all get infected with it in the 1970s and 60s just like what we did with the chicken pox. I live in northern Indiana with a large Amish population that are completely vaccine free. They’re fine. We are all gonna be fine. Modern sanitation has done wonders. By all means feel free to inject whatever you want into yourself.
repeating that doesn't make it so. Kids will die unnecessarily from this. Forget the occasional death. How many kids do you want to suffer permanent brain or other organ damage from this? Blindness okay by you?