Defense yikes

At this point we could bring in the greatest DC in the world and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. We've got players that don't care, players that have had to learn between 3-5 different defensive schemes during their time here, a poor Special Teams unit that puts them in bad positions, and an offense that goes three and out or turns the ball over too often.

Continuity with Chin will help, and hopefully the coaches can step up their recruiting game and get some impact players in (hit JuCos hard).
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At this point we could bring in the greatest DC in the world and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. We've got players that don't care, players that have had to learn between 3-5 different defensive schemes during their time here, a poor Special Teams unit that puts them in bad positions, and an offense that goes three and out or turns the ball over too often.

Continuity with Chin will help, and hopefully the coaches can step up their recruiting game and get some impact players in (hit JuCos hard).

Bottom line we need some continuity and that going to take some time and recruiting new blood in some specific positions..
I think the message is clear. The offense is performing beyond its parts with a "horrible" 400 yards per game quarterback.

The defense will be bad next year too. I've seen this play out before. It's up to HCSF and feelings.
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t this point we could bring in the greatest DC in the world and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. We've got players that don't care, players that have had to learn between 3-5 different defensive schemes during their time here, a poor Special Teams unit that puts them in bad positions, and an offense that goes three and out or turns the ball over too often.
Its time to drop this excuse. The number is 3 and these athletes are not learning a complex new scheme to liberate Iraq. Virtually 100% of the poor play can be attributed to attitude, effort, and bad tackling. You can play the "new scheme" excuse card early in the season I suppose but by October, that's a loser's excuse.
When you have a defensive back go to make the big hit, and then start dancing and only to find out the ball carrier is still running that's embarrassing and above that a Wisconsin lineman comes and lays out the defensive back. How about if the defensive players stop beating their chest, or shaken, and just play solid football. If I was this defensive back I wouldn't want to show up in the film room. Tired of showboating and being behind by 20
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I’d put the defensive problems at 75% players and 25% coaches right now.

I’m not convinced Chinander can get it done, but no doubt I’d give him next year to prove himself, or that ratio above will need to be adjusted accordingly.
Next year wont be amazing with talent/depth issues but it can and should be much improved or Chin needs to go.
Bob Debacle's 2017 defense thru 5 games: 24.4ppg

Eric Chinanders Defense through 5 games: 39.2 ppg

I honestly didn't think our defense could be any worse than last year, but it looks like they are giving them a run for their money. UCF fans warned us about Chin and it's starting to look like they were right.
The offense goes over 500 yards of offense three times this year and they lose all three. Unreal.
To add to this Chinders D 2016 gave up 438 yards to ranked opponents and 403 to teams with winning records. 2017 gave up 482 yards to teams with winning records and 555 yards to ranked teams. 2018 so far 473 to ranked opponents 418 to teams with winning records.
To add to this Chinders D 2016 gave up 438 yards to ranked opponents and 403 to teams with winning records. 2017 gave up 482 yards to teams with winning records and 555 yards to ranked teams. 2018 so far 473 to ranked opponents 418 to teams with winning records.
Chinander is way, way over his head. One of the weakest DC's in the conference.
I’d put the defensive problems at 75% players and 25% coaches right now.

I’m not convinced Chinander can get it done, but no doubt I’d give him next year to prove himself, or that ratio above will need to be adjusted accordingly.
Next year wont be amazing with talent/depth issues but it can and should be much improved or Chin needs to go.
I can almost guarantee if it needs to come to that Frost will not get rid of him. They are best friend from my understanding he will go down with the ship before he fires him
I can almost guarantee if it needs to come to that Frost will not get rid of him. They are best friend from my understanding he will go down with the ship before he fires him

I hope you are wrong. Three years for chins. We need continuity. I made thread about this because I believe a couple of our past coaches could have been more successful if they dropped some baggage. They didn't, and they were fired.

I'm hoping Frost puts the program before his friendship, we'll see. Everyone in the country could see that Stoops was an awful coordinator for Oklahoma, how many national championships were lost because of nepotism and friendship? They didn't lose to Georgia because of their offense.

If it's still the same after three years, difficult decisions should be made. I guarantee we have a great offense, I already see it, but we won't win anything allowing 370 yards rushing to an average Wisconsin team.

* my guarantees are worthless and not redeemable
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The offense is a little better than I thought it would be. I was skeptical of the defensive leadership, but I drank the koolaid. Let's see what Frost decides next year. Does he care more about the Huskers or his friendship?

This has been a fault of two of our coaches. They were both good coaches. Riley is a garbage coach.

Chin will be head coach at a place like Northern Iowa by the year 2020...Frost won't fire him but they will work to get him a "promotion".
Bob Debacle's 2017 defense thru 5 games: 24.4ppg

Eric Chinanders Defense through 5 games: 39.2 ppg

I honestly didn't think our defense could be any worse than last year, but it looks like they are giving them a run for their money. UCF fans warned us about Chin and it's starting to look like they were right.
The offense goes over 500 yards of offense three times this year and they lose all three. Unreal.

I don't know what more we can do when we get pushed off the ball like we are. I am actually shocked it is still this bad considering the weight and strength gains.
Chin will be head coach at a place like Northern Iowa by the year 2020...Frost won't fire him but they will work to get him a "promotion".

That's exactly what I was thinking. If they are true friends, they will have a buddy talk. I would resign if I was not holding my end up. You can't make your friend a target because of your own failures.

Do you like all of the defensive assistants. I have no idea. I'm just curious about anyone's thoughts on this.
As we saw first hand, your success is going to be predicated on the ability of your offense to score points, not turn the ball over, and the defense to cause turnovers. Really crazy, huh? It's really going to come down to these 3 factors. In 2016 we couldn't score consistently, the offense was a turnover machine, and the defense did not get turnovers (we finished -20 in turnover margin, which ranked #126). The defense thus became gassed by the 10th game and we just got smoked in our last 3 games (including a thrashing by Arkansas State in a bowl game).

In 2017 we rolled teams because our offense was becoming a well-oiled machine, but our success was more directly related with our offense turning the ball over less, and the defense producing a lot more turnovers, thus our #2 rated turnover margin in the country (+17). That's a +37 turnover difference from one season to the next. It wasn't because of great defense. Our defense as a whole looks a lot more cohesive this year under Randy Shannon. We had a couple of really top notch, game-changing individual guys in 2017.

It's not rocket science. Once you guys start taking care of the football, you'll be in contention to win games. Right now you guys are ranked #122 in turnover margin (-6).
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As we saw first hand, your success is going to be predicated on the ability of your offense to score points, not turn the ball over, and the defense to cause turnovers. Really crazy, huh? It's really going to come down to these 3 factors. In 2016 we couldn't score consistently, the offense was a turnover machine, and the defense did not get turnovers (we finished -20 in turnover margin, which ranked #126). The defense thus became gassed by the 10th game and we just got smoked in our last 3 games (including a thrashing by Arkansas State in a bowl game).

In 2017 we rolled teams because our offense was becoming a well-oiled machine, but our success was more directly related with our offense turning the ball over less, and the defense producing a lot more turnovers, thus our #2 rated turnover margin in the country (+17). That's a +37 turnover difference from one season to the next. It wasn't because of great defense. Our defense as a whole looks a lot more cohesive this year under Randy Shannon. We had a couple of really top notch, game-changing individual guys in 2017.

It's not rocket science. Once you guys start taking care of the football, you'll be in contention to win games. Right now you guys are ranked #122 in turnover margin (-6).

You guys are like cockroaches. I don't give a shit about your team. I don't go to your board, and don't try to educate Nebraskans about football. We'll make you look foolish.
You guys are like cockroaches. I don't give a shit about your team. I don't go to your board, and don't try to educate Nebraskans about football. We'll make you look foolish.
Go easy on him... he’s not a regular troll. What he says makes some sense.

Save your vitriol for debitage and ffjoey and Siberianknight... those guys are asking for it.
Go easy on him... he’s not a regular troll. What he says makes some sense.

Save your vitriol for debitage and ffjoey and Siberianknight... those guys are asking for it.

I don't know if its vitriol. I actually try to reason with some of them. I am not cruel, generally. It's probably akin to keeping rats off a schooner and a waste of my time.

I like to play with them though.
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Chinander is way, way over his head. One of the weakest DC's in the conference.
Not sure about that one. Not sold on Fisher but chins? His schemes have consistently put guys in position. Not sure anyone can make dedrick young produce. Players over plays, we have very few players..
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game 1 - 395 yds on 85 plays. 4.65 per play.
game 2 - 253 yds on 55 plays. 4.60 per play.
game 3 - 491 yds on 76 plays. 6.46 per play. was worse when it counted tho.
game 4 - 516 yds on 79 plays. 6.53 per play.
game 5 - 533 yds on 72 plays. 7.55 per play.

def trending the wrong way and seems to follow the previous years' pattern of progressively getting worse as the season goes.
Right. Solid analysis.
As of now one of the worst in the whole country

If we're going to be honest, we've had 4 straight regimes now who have managed to deliver some of the worst defenses in the whole country in their given years. Pelini took a little time, but he managed to make it there.
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If we're going to be honest, we've had 4 straight regimes now who have managed to deliver some of the worst defenses in the whole country in their given years. Pelini took a little time, but he managed to make it there.
Very true.
I don't know if its vitriol. I actually try to reason with some of them. I am not cruel, generally. It's probably akin to keeping rats off a schooner and a waste of my time.

I like to play with them though.

I am not sure why but I read this in my pirate voice.
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I am not sure why but I read this in my pirate voice.

I have a Halloween party to go too. I was going to dress like Michael Douglas in Falling Down, but it's a younger crowd and I dont want to scare them. I should probably just dress like a pirate.
Bob Debacle's 2017 defense thru 5 games: 24.4ppg

Eric Chinanders Defense through 5 games: 39.2 ppg

I honestly didn't think our defense could be any worse than last year, but it looks like they are giving them a run for their money. UCF fans warned us about Chin and it's starting to look like they were right.
The offense goes over 500 yards of offense three times this year and they lose all three. Unreal.
Don't compared with those different years.
Your defense and DC appear to be the whipping boys and perhaps somewhat deservedly but surely some of their problems are caused by the offense getting off the field way too quickly in the first half. I just got done looking at play-by-plays for your 5 games. In the face of predominantly (in first half) 3-5 play-and-outs, fumbles, and non-scoring drives, any D is going to end up wilting at some point.
Sustain even 1-2 drives and suddenly the D doesn't look so bad and has legs in the 2nd half. Finally, I do get the point of an up tempo offense but there's always going to be a tradeoff. Btw, iowa's offense is guilty of the same shit but they will at least take some clock off the board so the D isn't left to dry as many times while the O decides to come around.
Not meant as a troll post but the evisceration of your D in this thread is way too one sided.
Well, I know I'll be crucified for saying this, but I thought our defense played pretty well in the 1st half vs Wisconsin. Our offense was essentially 3 & out for most of the 1st half and our defense simply got worn down.

So.....of course I don't know for sure but I'm inclined to think the blackshirts "might" be starting to come around.

But hey, don't shoot me..... just an opinion and a breath of hope. :)

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