Creighton end of game

I’ve attended Creighton-UConn games in both home gyms over the last few years. It’s a rivalry, for sure, because of the conference stakes. Those aren’t normal games, and the Storrs fans are nearly as tough on McD as CU was to Hurley this year, even though the two hug and tell each other secrets half the game it seems.
I miss seeing you on the newscast Glad you enjoying basketball these days !
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Both do. I’ve been a fan for 30+ years and I’ve heard other Nebraska fans say… “Nebraska is in the middle of country, nobody wants to come here and we don’t have the in state talent to be good at basketball.” Creighton and UNO’s success puts that shit to rest doesn’t give the NU administration the cover to say “this is as good as we can hope for.” I’ve said for years that total defeatist bullshit, and completely untrue. Schools like ISU, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Wisconsin can have respectable programs then we can too. Our passion and commitment to basketball (administrators, coaches, donors) is fvcking piss poor at best.

And frankly our fans are to blame too, yes we fill up the vault, but we also take a beating like we deserve it. I want people raging mad about the lack of results we’ve seen from a top revenue sport. We mad when we lose football games, we shrug our shoulders when we lose basketball games.
Yes add in Kansas St to that list. I would find it very hard to believe that KState puts more into its program than Nebraska does. Yes they were down some the last 2 years but they do very well in comparison.
Dang Creighton with the nuclear meltdown right now against St John's
Yeah the Jays had great chances to open up a lead in the first half when St John’s was ice cold, and let them slip away. You knew the Johnnies would heat up eventually. They have a lot of weapons.
Yes add in Kansas St to that list. I would find it very hard to believe that KState puts more into its program than Nebraska does. Yes they were down some the last 2 years but they do very well in comparison.
Kst has a lot longer history in men’s basketball than Nebraska not even close and I’m no kst fan
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Followed it up with motioning to his ring finger was reference to Hurly’s actions after the game in Omaha. It was a big FU at Hurley by Neal. Funny that UConn player put his dukes up like a hockey player ready to dance around with Neal. Neal would have bitch slapped him into next week. Also enjoyed McDermott giving Bill Murray’s kid an earful with Bill looking on. Good stuff.
Hurley is a dick . But the ring gesture shows how stupid the creighton kid is . You do that to a coach who won back to back championships while you and your university has won absolutely squat in that category.
Hurley is a dick . But the ring gesture shows how stupid the creighton kid is . You do that to a coach who won back to back championships while you and your university has won absolutely squat in that category.
I mentioned that in the Clarkeyes thread earlier today.
And it is spot on.
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Kst has a lot longer history in men’s basketball than Nebraska not even close and I’m no kst fan
Exactly. And they face the same issues that Nebraska does in terms of location in fact it’s even worse, Manhattan compared to Lincoln. Yet they win at K State. So those that say it’s too hard to win in a place like Lincoln are lying to themselves