Congrats USC!! Welcome to the Big 10

LSU has nobody to blame more than themselves..They were very undisciplined doing the little things that beat you..
Taunting- Stupid
Taking your helmet off after a huge turnover- stupid

They had control of the game through out.Driving all the way down field and on their first drive and getting no points was one big difference in the game also..
My two biggest locks this weekend would have cost me if I bet CFB. Buffs and Tigers. Probably a good thing I didnt start an account somewhere. Congrats USC....didnt see that coming.
LSU lost this game by committing stupid penalties. 10 for 99 yards including a showboating penalty after a touchdown that caused the kickoff to be returned almost to USC field goal range and the final targeting.
I saw that targeting penalty at the end of game and I thought why don’t these guys ever learn?
i find it humorous before week 1 when many thought it would be a good year to get to a bowl or win 7-8 games. And now they are pissed that we “will definitely” lose to USC.

If you were going to be happy with 7-8 wins then you are content to have 4-5 losses. Week 1 over reactions are hilarious.
Talking about what will happen with any team playing on November 16th is ridiculous. Nebraska is 1-0 and playing Colorado on Saturday in prime time. Isn't that good enough for now?
Taylor Martinez used to throw it up for grabs in desperation now and then. Even on first down.
He sure did. That throw tho reminded me of Tanner against whoever that loser team we played had 2 pic 6s.

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LSU looked like a bunch of dumb cocks out there. All that swagger, and dumb penalties. All they needed to do was keep feeding their running back, bleed clock and win the game.
Yes the Trojans looked better on D. Yes their offense is explosive loaded with athletes, it always is. Yes they have what looks to be a very good qb. However, LSU looks a bit undisciplined on D to me and out of position a lot. If I had to handicap our game right now against then, I’d say we’re about a 10.5 point dog.