Colorado vs CSU

Poach Crime.....

The ups and downs of new motherhood in adorable baby GIFs – SheKnows
What a cozy game & chat situation we have going on here. I enjoyed this very much
Well that lasted for 2 weeks. Now everyone can go back to not caring about Colorado football again. They might not win a single Pac 12 game.
Half the crowd looks stoned and dumb as shit. Most of the girls in the stadium don't have a clue. They have that "I don't need to worry about lock jaw tonight."

Dipshits... all of them.
I recognize that look. It's the same as the girls that go to bigtime HS football games. No care in the world about the actual game, more about it being the thing to do.

Which is not a bad thing in itself, just is what it is
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I might watch more Colorado state games this year if they don’t go back to the equivalent of Sims.

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