Big Red Wrap Up

The idea is that you knock the receiver off his route and disrupt his momentum too?

I don't find it surprising they are slow to react five yards off as the receiver is at a full sprint and the DB must back peddle or turn his hips to keep up. Advantage the guy running a fly route at full speed, every time.

I, unlike a lot of fans (not including you here), think the coaches are probably competent and have reasons for not playing tighter. I'm just not sure what those reasons are.

I'll just add this thought...
The Andy Janovich story shows that this staff is willing to change up. And look at Davie and how they made adjustments. I think my sentiments in this thread probably echo the staffs thinking. I got an idea... how about a reporter just come out and ask Riley point blank? He's shown that he'll more than answer the tough questions.
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I'll just add this thought...
The Andy Janovich story shows that this staff is willing to change up. And look at Davie and how they made adjustments. I think my sentiments in this thread probably echo the staffs thinking. I got an idea... how about a reporter just come out and ask Riley point blank? He's shown that he'll more than answer the tough questions.
can you imagine if the coach just said, "well you were there, what do you think?"

that still blows me away that the last guy pulled that kind of a stunt
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I would ask Riley this question...
Do you think that jamming or altering a recievers route inside the legal zone would be beneficial to our defensive strategy?
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God I can only hope that we've been saving our bump/press DB coverage for conference play....

Kugler is pretty good I think. He knows how to try and keep the questions interesting and not just be a huge homer all of the time. He's an up and comer nationally...

Blake Lawrence has been there but his style probably doesn't relate well to the "older" crowd.

Sean Callahan is good but lacks some cred not having been a player/coach himself (IMO). With that said, he does seem to have a good understanding of the game. I do want to know his genuine opinion on "how" NU can recruit 5 star talent....

God I can only hope that we've been saving our bump/press DB coverage for conference play....

Kugler is pretty good I think. He knows how to try and keep the questions interesting and not just be a huge homer all of the time. He's an up and comer nationally...

Blake Lawrence has been there but his style probably doesn't relate well to the "older" crowd.

Sean Callahan is good but lacks some cred not having been a player/coach himself (IMO). With that said, he does seem to have a good understanding of the game. I do want to know his genuine opinion on "how" NU can recruit 5 star talent....


I love the show, but cannot stand sean callahan...something about him annoys the heck out of me. I think kugler is a great host and blake seems to do a great job with breaking down film each week.
Jam the receiver and throw them off the route. This junk Banker is giving us is ridiculous.
Does this effect (or is it affect?) the rush defense at all? If you're lined up to jam the receiver I would think that would open you up to be easier to block as well. I could be totally wrong.

Does anyone know how jamming a receiver effects your rush D?
Well jamming a receiver requires our CB to make contact within 5 yards of the LOS. That has not been happening despite lining up 3 yards off the LOS.
Receivers are running right by our guys and as long as that happens we will get torched.
You can't jam guys at three yards off the line of's no man's land. Either sit back at 8 or get within a yard of them and jam them hard.
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You can't jam guys at three yards off the line of's no man's land. Either sit back at 8 or get within a yard of them and jam them hard.

Now please explain how a linebacker could ever make a play with what you just said???
I'll help you out Tom cause I'm feeling in a generous mood today. That supposed no man's land is a linebacker's kill zone. What you said made zero sense. You must of been distracted in your reasoning.
I'll help you out Tom cause I'm feeling in a generous mood today. That supposed no man's land is a linebacker's kill zone. What you said made zero sense. You must of been distracted in your reasoning.
Linebackers are not out on an island covering wide receivers like corners are. They are covering tight ends, backs, and at times slots in traffic. It's two different worlds.
I don't understand this rationale: We can't jam because we don't have a pass rush. It really doesn't make sense to me, and I'm not trying to be mean or rude here. It is much easier to get rid of the ball quickly if the receiver can run a clean route as planned. You don't have to jam all the time, and you shouldn't, but we should be doing it much more. We're getting beat deep as it is which is the primary worry with jamming. The longer we delay their routes, the more it helps our pass rush! Not to mention altering their route.
Someone asked about how it affects rush defense. It really depends on how the corner is taught to read a play, and every defense is different (sometimes depending on the offensive formation on a particular play). If he is taught to read/cover his man only, playing off makes him more prone to getting "run off" and not helping on rush defense. If he can play with his back to the corner and watch the backfield, he can come up hard to help, but is prone to getting hooked inside. Jamming has positives and negatives. You are already up on the line, but you are focused on the receiver. It's harder to avoid a block but easier to get off a block or to not get smoked out of the play.
Depends on the player and the defense.
Nebraska's only chance to improve their pass defense is to be physical at the line of scrimmage like another poster indicated. If you are trying to get to the QB, you cannot give the WR's a free release--where you are basically chasing the WR. A good physical corner can stay with the receiver and get him way behind in his route...allowing the rush/blitz that extra little bit of time to get to the QB.

The frustrating part of watching Banker so he seems to be missing the point. Blitzing when your corners cannot cover for even a second is never going to be effective.
Listening to Riley after the game, I'm not sure that the kids are necessarily playing their positions the way they are being coached to play them. Hopefully they got some things corrected this week in practice.
It's pretty damn high for sure. But it's better then last.

I bet we are about the same on scoring-just passing and rushing stats reversed.

So Is Banker:
1. a genius who knows we only have to stay on the field with everyone we play to look better because MR gabs with officials instead of yelling at them?
2. an idiot who can't figure out how to coach a defense to stop anyone?