Big recruiting weekend name

Do we have a name for this big recruiting weekend? It’s not Junior Day or Friday Night Lights. Seems like with such a potential program changing recruiting weekend, we would be calling it something.

We could call it the Genesis weekend.
“The genesis of something is its beginning, birth, or creation.”
If we get Dylan, a lot of these guys will follow. If not him, but a good number of these guys commit, still a Great Start! And a Revival!!

Plus, Matty is a Preacher’s son.
We should call it, "every Husker fan in the 500 miles radius shows up with bags of cash (NIL offers of course) night." It has an effective ring to it.
Think the recruiting weekend name should be called: March of dimes.

There’s a lot of 10’s coming to town.
Dime- a very attractive person; "a perfect ten". Frequently, attractiveness is rated on "a scale of 1 to 10."

Welp wouldn’t be my use of that phrase….