Big 10 preseason media poll

Oh now you are off the Brohm train? You sucked him off a touted his recruits on this board for like 6 years and now it is his fault? Walters may be a good coach, but he probably won't ever be good at Purdue. Recruits out there aren't looking to come to Purdue. You may get a few every now and then, but far from a place big times kids want to come. Just not a football power. Basketball yes, football no.

Also, your turf sucks because every school complains about it and it gets people hurt. I know a ton of former players and they all said Purdue is the worst place to play turf wise. Holes, bumps, etc. Terrible..
I am not off the Brohm train. He was great for Purdue. But, he quit recruiting the last couple of years because he knew he was leaving and left a roster with a cultural issue (holding NIL over players heads) and a talent issue (the best players his last year graduated or went pro) and there wasn’t much behind them. Some studs like theineman and Jenkins and Scourton, but not a rosters worth. And Walter’s didn’t get a full portal period his first winter to fill those holes.

Walter’s seems to be recruiting way better than Brohm. We will see if he can develop them. Multiple 4 stars and a 5 star, which is really good for Purdue. Loading up the defense.

I agree the grass used to be terrible. But they changed the grass for last season. Haven’t seen any major injuries on the field for a few years now. Would love for you to show me where there have been a multitude of major injuries since Brohm got there. Purdue’s 1 ACL tear last year came on the artificial crap. Once Brohm was hired and the athletic department didn’t have the university taking money from them, asking athletics to run on a bare bones budget, it improved, like a lot of things.
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He didn’t say teams with a pulse. He said “offenses” with a pulse in reference to Iowa’s defense being overrated. When the offense throws multiple pick sixes, and literally gives the ball to the opposing offense inside the defenses 5 yard line numerous times; that’s not on the defense.

Now, go look at those numbers compared to those teams season averages. Include every other team on Iowa’s schedule last year. I’ll give you the answer….every single team Iowa played last year was held under their scoring and yard per game average… a lot.
I’ll leave this here …

Penn St:
Rutgers held them to 27
Indiana held them to 33
Illinois held them to 30
Iowa held them to 31

Rutgers held them to 31
BOWLING GREEN held them to 31
UNLV held them to 35
EAST CAROLINA held them to 30
Maryland held them to 31
Iowa held them to 26

AUSTIN PEAY held them to 30
Florida held them to 16
A&M held them to 20
KENT ST held them to 33
Missouri held them to 7
Iowa held them 35

It doesn’t surprise me that you think is “elite” as I go into restaurants and still see 12-0 posters from 2015 when you finished 12-2 and christian made your defense look like a junior high squad.
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So on PU boards is it just like 5 posters bashing on their best coach ever and pretending like their new coach is going to lead them to those magical 6 win seasons.
If Nebraska plays to that seed in conference they should win at least 7 games. I hope they surpass Wisconsin, Iowa, and can beat Colorado which would get them to 10 wins. Either scenario or any combination in between would be a marked improvement over the last few years. I have no issue with where that preseason poll puts them.
I’ll leave this here …

Penn St:
Rutgers held them to 27
Indiana held them to 33
Illinois held them to 30
Iowa held them to 31

Rutgers held them to 31
BOWLING GREEN held them to 31
UNLV held them to 35
EAST CAROLINA held them to 30
Maryland held them to 31
Iowa held them to 26

AUSTIN PEAY held them to 30
Florida held them to 16
A&M held them to 20
KENT ST held them to 33
Missouri held them to 7
Iowa held them 35

It doesn’t surprise me that you think is “elite” as I go into restaurants and still see 12-0 posters from 2015 when you finished 12-2 and christian made your defense look like a junior high squad.
Now we are talking. Thanks for at least putting some effort into the conversation. The problem is, when you say “held”, you’re implying the defense “held” them. I’m simply saying that’s not the case.

Basically, those blow outs have waaaaaaayyyy more to do with the offense being all-time atrocious than the defense not being elite. They won 10 stinking games averaging 14 PPG. That’s insane.

This season should prove us wrong or right. The offense won’t be nearly as bad as last season. Hopefull, get back to the norm of pushing 30 PPG in year one and Iowa probably goes 11-1 in the regular season.