Clev, of what over-generalization do you accuse me of. Do you truly believe anyone thinks that that there isn't real racism at play in America. The problem is that we have heard the cry of wolf so many times in the last few years only to be proven untrue that it's become impossible to know what's real and faked. I truly believe myself to be fairly color blind and I still immediately dismissed the MU Campus issue as another cry of wolf. Sadly it appears more and more likely it is.Respectfully, you and Huskerlife39 both missed the point and I strongly disagree with the over-generalizations in your post and his.
The point is that just as there is real racism that is a lingering problem in our society that needs to be dealt with, there is also the use of accusations of racism as a weapon for political ends and intimidation. Both problems arawful.
In the end, the Missouri president, in my opinion, should have just met with the students who were upset early on and promised additional campus security and a thorough investigation. The students, for their part, should have focused on the incidents of concern and left politics out of it. Really the whole outcome seems unfortunate and counterproductive.
How do we as compassionate Americans know when we need to address racial injustices when we can't even tell when the injustices occur. "Hands up don't shoot" had multiple minority witnesses that said that Michael Brown had his hands up and was retreating when the officer shot him! Multiple minority witnesses that all misled authorities and the public about what had happened. Trayvon Martin if we were to believe initial reports was some form of choir boy that was minding his own business when he was shot. That is until we actually saw an up to date photo that was not so choir boy and found out very little we were being told about him was true.
I'm willing to bet that if I wanted to expend the energy and do the research there are a dozen cases like this in the last six years. Yet where is the outrage by the minority community over these incidents because they are the people who are truly being injured. Victims of actual racism are going to find themselves and their experiences discounted because these false incidents have become so prevalent.
Truthfully, even as a compassionate individual, who believes with all my being that we all deserve an equal opportunity to succeed. I find myself falling into the category of I simply don't care anymore. I simply don't care if someone is being discriminated against because I will never know if it's real or I'm being scammed again!