Forgot all about this . . .

This Christmas season, I like to take time to reflect about everything that has gone wrong in my life as a result of poor choices made many years earlier. But that is not the true meaning of this post.
I simply forgot what it was like to watch a game pop open and Nebraska running away from teams so suddenly. Watched the '96 Fiesta Bowl again. NU down 10-6 at the beginning of the 2nd quarter. They go into the locker room up 35-10. Win 62-24, and could've put up 80 that night.
Merry Christmas

Neyor opting out of bowl game

Won’t play because he wants to prepare for the NFL scouts at the East West Shrine game.

Good. If we don’t have a better receiver on the roster then something is seriously wrong. He stank this year. Can’t believe he thinks he will get drafted.

Good riddance and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
