You think Cam Newton...

Hoosker Du

Nebraska Football Hall of Fame
Dec 11, 2001
took crap for the dancing in the endzone... He is going to get crucified for not paying respects during the National Anthem. Especially after showing Peyton M. with his hand on his heart at full attention.
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My wife just walked into the tv room and said "Who is that? Doesn't he know he is supposed to remove hats, or hoods, or whatever the heck he's got on?"

Who the hell doesn't know what Cam Newton looks like?
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Lol um no. He stood there are watched quietly. Wtf do you expect him to do?

I am far from a Cam fan but this is a reach.

Watch social media. He's going to take some heat.
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Edit: ha we figured out what the issue was. Even my neighbor the ex marine didn't notice it and says it's a dumb thing for people to worry about. Granted, he's a Carolina fan.
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Google "Cam Newton National Anthem." I get tired of always being right.
I wouldn't really call a few random tweets and an amateur YouTube video getting "crucified."

I stand by my original comment - this is not a big deal.

Then again, I don't run around shouting " 'merica" at anyone that'll listen, so what do I know. Winking

"A few tweets?" ARE really oblivious, aren't you? Missed him during the National Anthem, and don't know how to do a Google search. The world is just flying by you, isn't it?
"A few tweets?" ARE really oblivious, aren't you? Missed him during the National Anthem, and don't know how to do a Google search. The world is just flying by you, isn't it?

Not at all.. And no, I didn't miss him during the Lady Gaga performance, I'm just not that concerned with what others do during pseudo-patriotic moments.
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Are with Seattle. It's not a biggie and isn't really blowing up. You can have your opinion, but I googled it and there wasn't a ton of chatter about it. Maybe it's because I'm on my phone
Are with Seattle. It's not a biggie and isn't really blowing up. You can have your opinion, but I googled it and there wasn't a ton of chatter about it. Maybe it's because I'm on my phone

Not that big of a deal. I saw a ton of tweets about it, and the YouTube video. Just thought it was pretty crappy on his part.
He doesn't have to do shit if he doesn't want to gtfoh.. Stop looking for reasons to hate..

Seriously, just shut up! I couldn't care less who won this game....until I saw Cam being too cool for school during the National Anthem.

You're right about one thing though...He doesn't have to do shit if he doesn't want to. And he didn't do all...except become a turnover machine. RollingLaugh
Its about respect, some take it for granted and don't know the meaning of the word. Its about pride and the American Way. Showing some respect and maybe, just maybe Cam would get some respect, seriously doubt he'll know how that works.

When you can be bought by the highest bidder, you don't have an allegiance to anything other than yourself.
Not at all.. And no, I didn't miss him during the Lady Gaga performance, I'm just not that concerned with what others do during pseudo-patriotic moments.

I am in awe of you. New poster who managed to state one of the most buffoonish things I have read in a while, and on this board that takes some doing. Keep swinging from the trees son, you may have broken the internet.
Seriously, just shut up! I couldn't care less who won this game....until I saw Cam being too cool for school during the National Anthem.

You're right about one thing though...He doesn't have to do shit if he doesn't want to. And he didn't do all...except become a turnover machine. RollingLaugh
And you're still a hater.. Feeling getting hurt over what someone else didn't do... Smh..
Loved the $180,000 man's effort to get that fumble.
This is what I will remember. What did he do wrong during the national anthem? The two-step he did when he put it on the carpet was (hopefully) really embarrassing for him; if I'm his teammate, I am hot as hell about that.
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I didn't see Cam and don't really care. But since this thread is getting patriotic, I just wanted to say that America is the best and everybody else can suck it. USA! USA! USA!
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And you're still a hater.. Feeling getting hurt over what someone else didn't do... Smh..

Remind me again...what exactly is a hater, other than some trite word that adolescents pull out of their quiver when they can't think of a reasonable response. And why do you feel the need to smack your head? Do you generally smack yourself in the head when you disagree with someone? I'm pretty certain your Dr. would advise against that.

Feelings hurt? Not sure where that is coming from. My feelings aren't hurt in the least. I just have more respect for those that fought and died for our country, and I can spend roughly the 2 minutes it takes to listen to the National Anthem at attention to show that respect.
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Remind me again...what exactly is a hater, other than some trite word that adolescents pull out of their quiver when they can't think of a reasonable response. And why do you feel the need to smack your head? Do you generally smack yourself in the head when you disagree with someone? I'm pretty certain your Dr. would advise against that.

Feelings hurt? Not sure where that is coming from. My feelings aren't hurt in the least. I just have more respect for those that fought and died for our country, and I can spend roughly the 2 minutes it takes to listen to the National Anthem at attention to show that respect.
If you don't know what a hater is that explains it.. You do it blindly. How do you know for sure he wasn't showing respect? Because he didn't do it the way you do? Or the way you feel it should be done? I could really care less yet you took the time to make a thread bashing on man because you just don't like him. Has nothing to do with the anthem. Just keep it real..
36 U.S. Code § 301

(a) Designation.—The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.

(b) Conduct During Playing.—During a rendition of the national anthem—
(1) when the flag is displayed—
(A) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note;
(B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and
(C) all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
(2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.

The Code is designed "for the use of such civilian groups or organizations as may not be required to conform with regulations promulgated by one or more executive departments" of the federal government. Thus, the Flag Code does not prescribe any penalties for non-compliance nor does it include enforcement provisions; rather the Code functions simply as a guide to be voluntarily followed by civilians and civilian group.
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Thanks for posting this. Some of the posters on this tread are too stupid ti understand the value of tradition.
36 U.S. Code § 301

(a) Designation.—The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.

(b) Conduct During Playing.—During a rendition of the national anthem—
(1) when the flag is displayed—
(A) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note;
(B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and
(C) all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
(2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.
Thanks for posting this. Some of the posters on this thread are too stupid (and dumbed down) to fully understand the value of tradition and the sacrifices many have made for this country.
Thanks for posting this. Some of the posters on this tread are too stupid ti understand the value of tradition.

Thanks for posting this. Some of the posters on this thread are too stupid (and dumbed down) to fully understand the value of tradition and the sacrifices many have made for this country.

Not too stupid. Just more sophisticated than us pseudo-patriots. Those folk occupy a higher plane than us common folk.
If you don't know what a hater is that explains it.. You do it blindly. How do you know for sure he wasn't showing respect? Because he didn't do it the way you do? Or the way you feel it should be done? I could really care less yet you took the time to make a thread bashing on man because you just don't like him. Has nothing to do with the anthem. Just keep it real.. I know what YOUR definition of hater is. It's when you don't have a compelling argument on your side, so you throw out the racism card, so you can hopefully collect support from shallow idiots like yourself.

You're all wet, sir. I didn't like what he and his dad did by offering their services to the highest bidder coming out of high school. Even then, he had won me back by being all about the kids, and giving away balls to them. I thought it was really cool. I thought he also had fun with the Superman persona. I probably like the humble guys like Ameer Abdulla more, but I actually sorta liked Cam Newton. But when it comes to respecting those that died for our country, I'm fully on board, and didn't like what he pulled during the National Anthem.

Peddle your bullshit racism claim to someone else. I know who I am, and my views on the issue of equality, and you just insulted a lot of my black friends by suggesting that their friend is your definition of a racist. Shame on you.
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I don't even show respect during the national anthem so why would I give a crap what another person does?