Very disappointed if this happens & quite frankly can't imagine it happening. Ever.
Leach isn't someone to roll out to the necessary events required from our head coach. Moos has talked way too much about running the ball in the B1G to end up hiring Leach. 60%+ of plays are passes, 2016 & 2017, if anyone is curious. (Didn't go back further due to time). Add in his comments about embracing the past, while ______, _______, _______ (can't remember the exact quote from him but it's damn good.) Leach doesn't fit, from all comments made to date...
Roughly between November 6 and November 13, Moos had a change of statements about Mike Riley. That leads me to believe he locked up his target. This isn't his first rodeo, although it is for Green & Bounds which gives me a tad bit of concern but we have experience with TO & BOR's (ahem to latter) so Moos knows how the games are played.
Don't discount Lars' initial tweet the other day about length of contract. IMO, he got that from someone very reliable, for a reason. Same with the, what I consider whacky, follow-up tweets. He didn't pull that out of his ass - he's got plenty of connections around the Husker program, mostly from the past.
Is Scott Frost the next Nebraska coach? I don't have that answer at this time, but I can't imagine it's Mike Leach. And if it is, we should all hold back praise for Bill Moos and the entire support system behind him.