Why keepign Frost was the right decision


Jun 12, 2020
gbr tbh imo nfm
so many people let emotion cloud there judgment when it comes to HCSF. im a data guy so lets look at the numbers

opponent scoring 2018 31.3 2021 22.7 ppg.....HUGE improvement
opponent rush per attempt 2018 5 yards 2021 4.16....again.....HUGE improvement
oppoent pass per attempt 2018 6.71 yards 2021 6.51....not huge improvement but improvement none the less and not to shabby
fumbles 2018 28 (!) 2021 17....HUGE improvement
interceptions 2018 11 2021 10...sounding like a broken record here, MORE IMPROVEMENT
time of possession: 2018 27:43 2021 28:53 over a minute better of improvement
need i go on?
red zone attempts 2018 44 2021 53 improvement
by nearly all the available statistical evidence were improving each year. were special teams bad this year? granted but such things are easily fixed.
frost inherited a mess and as anyone with kids knows it takes time to clean up a mess but it is being cleaned up, per the data.
i stand with scott you?
so many people let emotion cloud there judgment when it comes to HCSF. im a data guy so lets look at the numbers

opponent scoring 2018 31.3 2021 22.7 ppg.....HUGE improvement
opponent rush per attempt 2018 5 yards 2021 4.16....again.....HUGE improvement
oppoent pass per attempt 2018 6.71 yards 2021 6.51....not huge improvement but improvement none the less and not to shabby
fumbles 2018 28 (!) 2021 17....HUGE improvement
interceptions 2018 11 2021 10...sounding like a broken record here, MORE IMPROVEMENT
time of possession: 2018 27:43 2021 28:53 over a minute better of improvement
need i go on?
red zone attempts 2018 44 2021 53 improvement
by nearly all the available statistical evidence were improving each year. were special teams bad this year? granted but such things are easily fixed.
frost inherited a mess and as anyone with kids knows it takes time to clean up a mess but it is being cleaned up, per the data.
i stand with scott you?
I'm a data guy too. 4-8, 5-7, 3-5, 3-9. Frost inherited a mess and made an even bigger mess. Red zone attempts: 2018 44 2021 53. 2018 PPG 30.0 and 2021 27.9PPG. What's your point?
You're gonna have do better than a bunch of worthless stats. The product on the field has spoken for itself for the last 4 years.
I have zero confidence in Frost. Hopefully the new coaching blood can make up for all of Frost's shortcomings.
I am willing to be patient for the bowl appearance....when we get the guys and the culture sets in and it finally pops, it will pop BIG
Wow. I watched a bowl game every year for about 40 years. Kinda miss 'em. When the NCAA is now taking teams like Rutgers as a bowl team, and the Huskers are still at home, tells me how far this program dropped.
Martinez threw 8 INTs in 2018, 9 in 2019, 3 in 2020 and 10 in 2021 - and you're listing the decline in interceptions as a sign of steady improvement?

Martinez threw 8 INTs in 2018, 9 in 2019, 3 in 2020 and 10 in 2021 - and you're listing the decline in interceptions as a sign of steady improvement?

martinez wasn't the only qb to play in 2018 or in 2021.....these numbers are simply facts if you want to argue with facts thats your prorogative
martinez wasn't the only qb to play in 2018 or in 2021.....these numbers are simply facts if you want to argue with facts thats your prorogative
In 2018 the freshman starting QB and two emergency backups combined for 11 interceptions in 404 pass attempts. In 2021, the senior starting QB and two emergency backups combined for 10 interceptions in 342 pass attempts - with the starter throwing all 10. Do you think anyone with a half a brain would actually cite this as a shining example of the steady improvement the program is making under Frost?
I'm a data guy too. 4-8, 5-7, 3-5, 3-9. Frost inherited a mess and made an even bigger mess. Red zone attempts: 2018 44 2021 53. 2018 PPG 30.0 and 2021 27.9PPG. What's your point?
You're gonna have do better than a bunch of worthless stats. The product on the field has spoken for itself for the last 4 years.
I have zero confidence in Frost. Hopefully the new coaching blood can make up for all of Frost's shortcomings.
FWIW. According to the SOS for Nebraska in 2018 was 41st compared to 6th in 2021. I’ll let you decide for yourself if that’s significant.

I’m not here to argue the issue.

I'm a data guy too. 4-8, 5-7, 3-5, 3-9. Frost inherited a mess and made an even bigger mess. Red zone attempts: 2018 44 2021 53. 2018 PPG 30.0 and 2021 27.9PPG. What's your point?
You're gonna have do better than a bunch of worthless stats. The product on the field has spoken for itself for the last 4 years.
I have zero confidence in Frost. Hopefully the new coaching blood can make up for all of Frost's shortcomings.
I totally agree. Sick of hearing how he took over a mess, how tough our schedule has been, close losses, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Trev gave him one last chance and it seems like we have some decent assistants now. Go win freaking games!!!
I totally agree. Sick of hearing how he took over a mess, how tough our schedule has been, close losses, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Trev gave him one last chance and it seems like we have some decent assistants now. Go win freaking games!!!
the new assistants should really be a "reset" button....hard to expect much success in year one with new assistants....year 3 or four then maybe
so many people let emotion cloud there judgment when it comes to HCSF. im a data guy so lets look at the numbers

opponent scoring 2018 31.3 2021 22.7 ppg.....HUGE improvement
opponent rush per attempt 2018 5 yards 2021 4.16....again.....HUGE improvement
oppoent pass per attempt 2018 6.71 yards 2021 6.51....not huge improvement but improvement none the less and not to shabby
fumbles 2018 28 (!) 2021 17....HUGE improvement
interceptions 2018 11 2021 10...sounding like a broken record here, MORE IMPROVEMENT
time of possession: 2018 27:43 2021 28:53 over a minute better of improvement
need i go on?
red zone attempts 2018 44 2021 53 improvement
by nearly all the available statistical evidence were improving each year. were special teams bad this year? granted but such things are easily fixed.
frost inherited a mess and as anyone with kids knows it takes time to clean up a mess but it is being cleaned up, per the data.
i stand with scott you?

Everybody hopes Scott turns it around and gets it done. But you have to see why people question whether he will or not. Stats can be shifted generally to say whatever you want them to. In this case at the end of the day it boils down to wins and losses. How many can he win?

Many are hoping he gets to a bowl game and would be satisfied with that. Some want more. I'm in that category. 8 wins should be the minimum. My guess is the powers that be are more apt to keep him if he reaches a bowl game. They have given him everything he's asked for since he's been here so I find it hard to come up with excuses.

Just win and all the other stuff goes away. I'm assuming Trev gave him a "magic number" that he needs to get to in order to keep his job. I know it would never happen but for the sake of transparency I wish we as fans and supporters of the program knew that number as well. However again I understand why it won't happen.

Anyways we all had/have our opinions on what should've/shouldn't have happened. This next year can't start soon enough for me. All our talk positive or negative means squat.

I'm a data guy too. 4-8, 5-7, 3-5, 3-9. Frost inherited a mess and made an even bigger mess. Red zone attempts: 2018 44 2021 53. 2018 PPG 30.0 and 2021 27.9PPG. What's your point?
You're gonna have do better than a bunch of worthless stats. The product on the field has spoken for itself for the last 4 years.
I have zero confidence in Frost. Hopefully the new coaching blood can make up for all of Frost's shortcomings.
Good job, the absolute data is always correct. It's not that complicated.
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In 2018 the freshman starting QB and two emergency backups combined for 11 interceptions in 404 pass attempts. In 2021, the senior starting QB and two emergency backups combined for 10 interceptions in 342 pass attempts - with the starter throwing all 10. Do you think anyone with a half a brain would actually cite this as a shining example of the steady improvement the program is making under Frost?
And the guy who coached those QBs thank God is gone. I think it's reasonable to expect improvement going forward in our QB play given the guy we hired. Frost unfortunately clung to Mario way too long. I think Mario hurt our QB recruit evaluations, recruiting and coaching. I'm pretty excited about Whipple even though when I first heard his name I thought "WTH? Who?"
Everybody hopes Scott turns it around and gets it done. But you have to see why people question whether he will or not. Stats can be shifted generally to say whatever you want them to. In this case at the end of the day it boils down to wins and losses. How many can he win?

Many are hoping he gets to a bowl game and would be satisfied with that. Some want more. I'm in that category. 8 wins should be the minimum. My guess is the powers that be are more apt to keep him if he reaches a bowl game. They have given him everything he's asked for since he's been here so I find it hard to come up with excuses.

Just win and all the other stuff goes away. I'm assuming Trev gave him a "magic number" that he needs to get to in order to keep his job. I know it would never happen but for the sake of transparency I wish we as fans and supporters of the program knew that number as well. However again I understand why it won't happen.

Anyways we all had/have our opinions on what should've/shouldn't have happened. This next year can't start soon enough for me. All our talk positive or negative means squat.

Well for now, all we can do is talk and hope. Spring scrimmage should be interesting to watch.
I'm a data guy too. 4-8, 5-7, 3-5, 3-9. Frost inherited a mess and made an even bigger mess. Red zone attempts: 2018 44 2021 53. 2018 PPG 30.0 and 2021 27.9PPG. What's your point?
You're gonna have do better than a bunch of worthless stats. The product on the field has spoken for itself for the last 4 years.
I have zero confidence in Frost. Hopefully the new coaching blood can make up for all of Frost's shortcomings.
The red zone scoring percentage was the most alarming and maybe most harmful of our problems. IF I remember correctly we scored TDs on less than 20% of our red zone possessions. By comparison Whipple's offense at Pitt scored TDs on over 70% of their red zone possessions. THAT and the performance of the QBs he has coached over the years is why he's our new OC. Time will tell if the new hires will be enough.
I think a minimum of 6 wins and a bowl game for Scott Frost to keep his job. With an easier schedule than last season I don't think 6 wins is an unrealistic expectation.
The red zone scoring percentage was the most alarming and maybe most harmful of our problems. IF I remember correctly we scored TDs on less than 20% of our red zone possessions. By comparison Whipple's offense at Pitt scored TDs on over 70% of their red zone possessions. THAT and the performance of the QBs he has coached over the years is why he's our new OC. Time will tell if the new hires will be enough.
You are right, that red zone inefficiency was a killer, especially given NU lost so many close games.
The red zone scoring percentage was the most alarming and maybe most harmful of our problems. IF I remember correctly we scored TDs on less than 20% of our red zone possessions. By comparison Whipple's offense at Pitt scored TDs on over 70% of their red zone possessions. THAT and the performance of the QBs he has coached over the years is why he's our new OC. Time will tell if the new hires will be enough.
Nebraska scored TDs on 66% of the red zone opportunities. Scored points on 77%.

just for accuracy’s sake
The best way to stop negativity is by winning more than 15 games in 4 years.
Cutting ties with a Quidditch coach posing as a QB coach and a line coach that probably couldn’t teach at the pre wee level should stop a lot of negativity.

If the new line coach can get the current group to overachieve until some real depth is built, that would be reason for more optimism.

Special Teams was so ridiculously bad that the only direction it can go is up. Even more reason for optimism.
Cutting ties with a Quidditch coach posing as a QB coach and a line coach that probably couldn’t teach at the pre wee level should stop a lot of negativity.

If the new line coach can get the current group to overachieve until some real depth is built, that would be reason for more optimism.

Special Teams was so ridiculously bad that the only direction it can go is up. Even more reason for optimism.
I agree with you on all of your points. Without question all these areas were just flat ass pathetic and by default should improve, perhaps significantly.

The main issues on the OL are Teddy's health, Corcoran's ability?? to do an adequate job at C, and then how Lutovsky fits in at RG, not to mention Anthony hopefully is a real improvement over Benhart at RT. I think Nouli will do an adequate job at LG unless they move him to RG.

Just watched some film of both Purdy and Thompson. Its possible NU takes a major step forward just at the QB position. Should be a helluva battle at QB in spring and fall between Thompson, Purdy, Smothers and Haarberg.
Nebraska scored TDs on 66% of the red zone opportunities. Scored points on 77%.

just for accuracy’s sake
Where did you find that? I looked all over that stat and could never find it. That seems way too high.

How many times in those one score games did we get in the red zone and come away with nothing? Missed field goals, turnovers, turnover on downs. It seemed like an awful lot. Granted we got there pretty often, but damn it was frustrating.
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Where did you find that? I looked all over that stat and could never find it. That seems way too high.

How many times in those one score games did we get in the red zone and come away with nothing? Missed field goals, turnovers, turnover on downs. It seemed like an awful lot. Granted we got there pretty often, but damn it was frustrating.
It isn't a difficult stat to look up. Nebraska had 53 attempts inside the redzone, resulting in 41 scores, 35 TD and 6 FGs. When you have 53 redzone attempts and don't score at all 12 times, that is a problem. To be clear I wasn't saying the numbers were good, just that it was much higher than the number you made up.

Pitt was 69 attempts in the red zone 61 scores (88%), 49 TD (71%) 12 FG(17%). To confirm your number
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It isn't a difficult stat to look up. Nebraska had 53 attempts inside the redzone, resulting in 41 scores, 35 TD and 6 FGs. When you have 53 redzone attempts and don't score at all 12 times, that is a problem. To be clear I wasn't saying the numbers were good, just that it was much higher than the number you made up.

Pitt was 69 attempts in the red zone 61 scores (88%), 49 TD (71%) 12 FG(17%). To confirm your number
pitt was playing against way worse defenses if neb was in playing pitts schedule we would be higher for sure
Just a few thoughts on this whole Frost thing. First of all Frost fooled himself and a lot of us thinking he was going to come over to Nebraska from UCF and have success carry over immediately. Once he realized this thing was bigger and tougher than he thought in the BIG he should have made some moves to correct course but his ego got in the way. Remember "They will have to adjust to us" I think we all remember that ill fated quote.

Frost stood pat with his beliefs on how to run the football program but was finally forced by our AD to make moves he never thought he would have to make. I firmly believe Frost thought he held all the cards and could make all the decisions on his own terms. It's hard when everyone says how great you are but at some point turn on you when things go south and your ego is crushed, that's what happened to Frost in my opinion and now he's on the clock as we all know.

Best thing Frost can do now is just be the CEO of the Nebraska Cornhusker football team and let his assistant coaches do the job they were hired to do. I really hope he stays out of the way of his assistants because if he interferes with the assistant coaches groups he will be gone.

Frost cannot turn the program around by himself and I hope he now realizes this hard fact. Those with big ego's live and die with them and it's not a happy life they live usually.
pitt was playing against way worse defenses if neb was in playing pitts schedule we would be higher for sure
ha ha ha

You should really be directing this toward Dingle. I could give a rat's fat ass about Pitt. I was just confirming the numbers that he used in his post concerning Pitt.
Here are the real numbers that say keeping Frost was right...

2022 Schedule
Must be 3-0 going into OU game, after OU is a bye week (Northwestern, North Dakota, Georgia Southern)
Must be 3-0 in the next 3 games, then a bye week (Indiana, Rutgers, Purdue)
The meat of the schedule (Must be at worst 6-1)
Illinois (H)- W
Minnesota (H)- W
Michigan (A) -Toss-up
Wisconsin (H) Toss-up
I_wa (A) W

For me, anything less than 9 wins is a failure for keeping him. There should be 11 wins next season.
Just a few thoughts on this whole Frost thing. First of all Frost fooled himself and a lot of us thinking he was going to come over to Nebraska from UCF and have success carry over immediately. Once he realized this thing was bigger and tougher than he thought in the BIG he should have made some moves to correct course but his ego got in the way. Remember "They will have to adjust to us" I think we all remember that ill fated quote.

Frost stood pat with his beliefs on how to run the football program but was finally forced by our AD to make moves he never thought he would have to make. I firmly believe Frost thought he held all the cards and could make all the decisions on his own terms. It's hard when everyone says how great you are but at some point turn on you when things go south and your ego is crushed, that's what happened to Frost in my opinion and now he's on the clock as we all know.

Best thing Frost can do now is just be the CEO of the Nebraska Cornhusker football team and let his assistant coaches do the job they were hired to do. I really hope he stays out of the way of his assistants because if he interferes with the assistant coaches groups he will be gone.

Frost cannot turn the program around by himself and I hope he now realizes this hard fact. Those with big ego's live and die with them and it's not a happy life they live usually.
There is nothing more devastating to an egomanic that taking their power away.
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Here are the real numbers that say keeping Frost was right...

2022 Schedule
Must be 3-0 going into OU game, after OU is a bye week (Northwestern, North Dakota, Georgia Southern)
Must be 3-0 in the next 3 games, then a bye week (Indiana, Rutgers, Purdue)
The meat of the schedule (Must be at worst 6-1)
Illinois (H)- W
Minnesota (H)- W
Michigan (A) -Toss-up
Wisconsin (H) Toss-up
I_wa (A) W

For me, anything less than 9 wins is a failure for keeping him. There should be 11 wins next season.
None of us know how NU will do in the first 7 games if NU is to be at 6-1.
One thing that all of us know is under Scott Frost NU, in four years, NU has NEVER won more than 2 games in a row, but they have lost 6 in a row.

NU has to be 3-0. If they unexpectedly get tripped up early, its likely they will also get tripped up in one of the next 3 games between IND, RUT, PUR.
Until NU proves otherwise, especially with the uncertainty of the defense, I would personally not consider MN a sure win, nor would I rate MICH or WI a toss up.

But, if they do run the schedule as the author suggests, I will be standing in line and telling them "nice call."

I can see the last 4 teams on the schedule running the ball right down NU's throat. Robinson, Nash and others still have to prove they can hold up and withstand those strong, run-oriented attacks.

I think 7-5 is more realistic, but that's just a guess.
Here are the real numbers that say keeping Frost was right...

2022 Schedule
Must be 3-0 going into OU game, after OU is a bye week (Northwestern, North Dakota, Georgia Southern)
Must be 3-0 in the next 3 games, then a bye week (Indiana, Rutgers, Purdue)
The meat of the schedule (Must be at worst 6-1)
Illinois (H)- W
Minnesota (H)- W
Michigan (A) -Toss-up
Wisconsin (H) Toss-up
I_wa (A) W

For me, anything less than 9 wins is a failure for keeping him. There should be 11 wins next season.
When the Vegas line comes out at 6 or 6.5, how much are you going to put on the over?
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None of us know how NU will do in the first 7 games if NU is to be at 6-1.
One thing that all of us know is under Scott Frost NU, in four years, NU has NEVER won more than 2 games in a row, but they have lost 6 in a row.

NU has to be 3-0. If they unexpectedly get tripped up early, its likely they will also get tripped up in one of the next 3 games between IND, RUT, PUR.
Until NU proves otherwise, especially with the uncertainty of the defense, I would personally not consider MN a sure win, nor would I rate MICH or WI a toss up.

But, if they do run the schedule as the author suggests, I will be standing in line and telling them "nice call."

I can see the last 4 teams on the schedule running the ball right down NU's throat. Robinson, Nash and others still have to prove they can hold up and withstand those strong, run-oriented attacks.

I think 7-5 is more realistic, but that's just a guess.
These are my expectations. With what they have brought in through the portal and JUCO's, they better have the players who know how to win. The weakness of the offense is gone and a new QB coach and coordinator will make a huge difference. The ST's have been flipped and should be much better. I am not concerned about the defense, Chin's has shown he can coach.

If they are not at 9 wins at the end of the season, Frost needs to go. If they have more than one loss at the end of 4 games, show him the door.

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