As long as we're sharing...I wasn't excited for the OSU game either, and 100% of that was because I knew we were going to get our clock cleaned on primetime TV again and I don't like watching executions, but I got over it that night and didn't let it ruin a minute of my life. Hope that doesn't make me less of a fan. I fear we'll make Tennessee look like Alabama next Friday, and if the same team that showed up for Iowa shows up for the bowl game, then can the argument be made the team has reaped what it has sewn in terms of lackluster support for this game? I'm just asking, I'm not telling anyone else how to feel. Nebraska looked to me like they totally gave up last time they played, hope they don't do that again, if you were a Husker fan that paid money and went to that Iowa game, I'd have felt ripped off.