Who has Tyreek Hill on fantasy team today?

Fvcking Matt Rhule!! :rolleyes: RollingLaugh
That Carolina trade that they made two years ago is going to hold back that franchise for years. Ultimately, it was trading the 9th pick, a second rounder, the top pick in the next year's draft and a #1 WR in DJ Moore. All so that they could draft a 5' 10" Bryce Young who so far looks to be a bottom five starting QB in the league.
That Carolina trade that they made two years ago is going to hold back that franchise for years. Ultimately, it was trading the 9th pick, a second rounder, the top pick in the next year's draft and a #1 WR in DJ Moore. All so that they could draft a 5' 10" Bryce Young who so far looks to be a bottom five starting QB in the league.
most lopsided trade in NFL history. yes, including the Herschel Walker trade.

In Poles We Trust!
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if anyone should be trying to out run police it's that car and hill...
I seen a cali police chase of a golf cart the other day
If he’d have just shut up and been compliant, he’d have gotten a ticket or a warning and we’d have never heard a word.
Still doesn't justify police brutality. I bet these cops hate the whole kneeling thing... You'd think they'd wanna prevent even further bad PR amidst all the continued calls for defunding/reforming the seemingly obsolete concept of police.

Yeah Hill is a jack wagon. Shouldn't have been speeding in the first place, blah blah blah. Still, those cops were just as wrong as him if not worse. And they're the "authorities" - Hill is not.
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Still doesn't justify police brutality. I bet these cops hate the whole kneeling thing... You'd think they'd wanna prevent even further bad PR amidst all the continued calls for defunding/reforming the seemingly obsolete concept of police.

Yeah Hill is a jack wagon. Shouldn't have been speeding in the first place, blah blah blah. Still, those cops were just as wrong as him if not worse. And they're the "authorities" - Hill is not.
You don't roll your window down in a car with tinted windows you are going to get treated the same way. Black, white, etc. They don't know if you have a gun behind the window. Don't act like a clown and you won't be treated as one. Simple.
Still doesn't justify police brutality. I bet these cops hate the whole kneeling thing... You'd think they'd wanna prevent even further bad PR amidst all the continued calls for defunding/reforming the seemingly obsolete concept of police.

Yeah Hill is a jack wagon. Shouldn't have been speeding in the first place, blah blah blah. Still, those cops were just as wrong as him if not worse. And they're the "authorities" - Hill is not.

Yeah, I can definitely see both sides of it. It was over the top by the cops, but the point remains that had Hill been compliant to said authorities, then nothing would have come of it.

I don't know what it's like to be a black guy or a cop. I have, however, watched enough cop shows to know that when you blatantly disregard them, and especially when it creates a situation that could be perceived by them as some kind of risk, they tend to get a little edgy. Regardless what color you are.
I thought the whole situation was kind of crazy. Hill rolling up his window, I'm surprised they didn't bust his window or tase him. The cops seemed really aggressive but it is south Florida and everyone seems intense there. Cops dropping f bombs like crazy seems unprofessional but doesn't bother me. I just couldn't see a state patrol man outside Memorial dropping f bombs during an arrest.
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Yeah, I can definitely see both sides of it. It was over the top by the cops, but the point remains that had Hill been compliant to said authorities, then nothing would have come of it.

I don't know what it's like to be a black guy or a cop. I have, however, watched enough cop shows to know that when you blatantly disregard them, and especially when it creates a situation that could be perceived by them as some kind of risk, they tend to get a little edgy. Regardless what color you are.
Meh. Cops were in the right. 100% on Hill
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The cops were douches. No doubt. But Tyreek was a jackwad. He could have avoided this with a few yessirs. Here's my license. Sorry about that. Etc. He would have gotten a ticket or a warning. None of the other stuff had to happen.
Those Cubanos don’t fvck around bro. Nor should they. Tyreek is 100% in the wrong
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There is no “don’t be a dickhead” law. That said there is also no “I’ll be a dickhead and be immune from consequences” mandate either. Hill pushed the envelope of behavior and wasn’t given the “get your ass kissed, sorry my fault” response he demands of people.

Cops could have been better, sure. Fire them over this, no.
Those cops weren’t douchey at all. What are they supposed to do when they have some shit bag acting like he’s above the law?? “I’m gonna be late 😭” nobody gives a shit
idk... Give him his ticket like he asked so he could hurry on about his business?
Still doesn't justify police brutality. I bet these cops hate the whole kneeling thing... You'd think they'd wanna prevent even further bad PR amidst all the continued calls for defunding/reforming the seemingly obsolete concept of police.

Yeah Hill is a jack wagon. Shouldn't have been speeding in the first place, blah blah blah. Still, those cops were just as wrong as him if not worse. And they're the "authorities" - Hill is not.
No one else notices the moron of the thread award with the "seemingly obsolete concept of police" comment?
What's the quote? Never go full retard? Jeebus.
idk... Give him his ticket like he asked so he could hurry on about his business?
I guess they could have gone about the ticket process with the matching respect given to them.

Still remarkable no one was injured by the rectal cranial driving. He ever explain why he had to drive this way in the first place? Why was he late to the stadium?
idk... Give him his ticket like he asked so he could hurry on about his business?
What?? Maybe you didn’t watch the video but Tywreck wasn’t even cooperating enough to be written a ticket let alone allow a conversation. No registration or insurance given. When you break the law your precious schedule goes out the window, but you knew that.

I challenge you, next time you get pulled over, act exactly like he did and see what happens. My favorite is how he acts like the officer has hammers for fingers busting out his window 🤣 100% instant victim of nothing. Jesus tits only a completely sold out moron would defend any part of that.
I've never seen a cop cuss like that on-duty. Makes you wonder how his composure would be in a real tense situation.
🤣 He barely cusses!! He actually holds it together really well! Tell me you’ve lived an extremely sheltered life without telling me.. Tywreck didn’t let him speak from the very start and literally makes demands to the officer on how to do his job…how are we watching the same video?? Have you ever had A job?? These are the most basic laws of human interaction. This HAS to be a joke.

This comment makes you wonder how your composure would be when you get “mistreated” by a cop for being an immense douche bag for no reason.
I hope that wasn't a Floyd joke... 😬
kinda in a round about way, if you watch channels like police activity and such where they show police body cam video, alot of folks say they can't breath while resisting just putting a arm behind a back standing up..
it's kinda becoming a standard like "I did'nt do nothing", "whats your badge number", "where's the sargent?", "I'm a sovern citizen", "blah blah blah, blah t da" the funny part is after screaming I can't breath for 15 minutes at the top of the lungs, goes against objective truth and logical absolutes, like the law of identity. like someone can't be pregnant and not pregnant at the same time.
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