Where are we in the CFP Rankings???

We haven't lost a game that mattered, so I'm hoping up there.

You suck at this.
You should be embarrassed of yourself for starting this thread.
I'm a little embarrassed for you.
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It's alright, I wasn't talking to you.
It is just another dumbass thread, and I am rarely a dick, but this is just stupid.
pabanks: GTH

hawkize: the thread is a troll by pabanks. When Bo Pelini was fired the AD said it was to "win games that mattered." He's douc--ily pointing out our record, when anyone with a brain knows what the AD was saying, and it had NOTHING to do with specific games but rather a capability to win big. Also, I've had to talk to my kids about undefeated Iowa (, and my 11 month old son started bawling. Stop being a bad person and make Iowa lose so my baby can sleep at night.