This is an interesting response, and I'm not the one angry, but it seems you are.Don't even know why I'm responding to this, will probably regret it, but here goes... are you brain dead? What was Oregon State's record the 30 years before Riley arrived? Riley has had more winning seasons at Oregon State than any coach in the school's history. From 1972-1996 they won 4 games in a season only 4 times... And that was the best it got! 8 of Riley's 14 seasons at OSU he had a winning record on the season. They've been to 19 bowl games in their school's history... Riley has taken them to 9 of those 19.
If you want to say Bo would have won 9 games, go ahead... You can say that. You can't prove it, but if it makes you feel better, go ahead and say it. But it is flat out ridiculous to say a winning record has never been a strength for Riley, nor will it ever be.
Be ticked off all you want, you have that right... but don't be ignorant and post garbage like that.
First, you shouldn't start out insulting someone, I don't go around asking people if they are brain dead, but apparently you do. It certainly shows me just what your mentality is like on the message boards. You used to actually post stuff that made sense. Lately, not so much.
Secondly, you dive into Oregon's State's record the 30 years before Riley, and this has absolutely ZERO bearing on anything going on here today or in Mike Riley's past.
Your next argument is about Mike Riley's winning seasons and how he has had more at Oregon State than any other coach in the schools history. Again, part of this equation is not relevant, as Oregon State's past history has ZERO bearing. Mile Riley has around a 55% winning percentage.
I don't really care what happened at Oregon State from 1972 to 1996, it has ZERO bearing on Mike Riley, or Nebraska. Kind of tired repeating myself here, as it seems this is your only argument.
Ok, MR has a winning record 8/14 seasons. That is 57%.. Hmmmm.. that seems to jive with his approx 55% winning percentage.
Oregon's State's bowl history has little bearing in your final argument. Which in summary seems to be that Mike is great because he did average at a program that was below average.
It's an excuse Tim. One of many we will see, hear, and discuss on this board over the next few years.
Next it is the talent, then it's the strength & conditioning, then the recruiting, and wrong players for his system, and on and on it will go.
I understand everyone wants to be positive, support the school and have something to cheer about. From my perspective, people are just reaching for excuses, and for sure they don't like someone to say that, but it's how I see it.
Now, if you want to have an intelligent discussion, by all means feel free to engage me on it, but leave the childish and immature stuff for someone else. I know you are better than that, or you used to be.