It is amazing because if you didn't want to "deal with it" on twitter, you would just not post about how sensitive you were but Jay's fans have to be the biggest baby in the room!Typical sensitive Jays blow hard. What a chump.
This.Who in the sam-hill is "Robby Loola"?
Yes, so insufferable that annoying laugh, and right into the microphone. He quickly got the boot from the omaha morning show. He is really, really hard to listen to.He is the Kamala Harris of sports radio. Never says anything intelligent and is constantly laughing nervously at his own voice. He is an immediate change of the channel.
Salty Jay fan is salty! LOVE ITOP has as many posts about the Jays as all the actual Jay's fans combined...been that way all year. Weird....and on a Husker board, attempting to convince everyone you don't care about the Jays.....but your posting history on the subject suggests you dream about them, nightly.