Good point. I'm sure old Mike Riley said, "I choose to not run out the clock on this one."
- Nebraska does not have new coaches. They have a very old, experienced head coach and experienced staff. And our very old, experienced head coach personally lost at least 1 game, not because of bad luck, but because he chose not not to run out the clock. I'm not sure how making such an elementary error in judgment warrants millions in annual income. Jmho.
If you can't see that he was trying to win the game by choosing to go for a first down... Just tired of the same old story. "Shoulda run the ball against Illinois..." One week later, "Shoulda passed against Wisconsin." The guy can't win with some of you guys.
He didn't "choose" not to run out the clock. He tried to finish it off by getting a first down. That's ridiculous to say he chose to not run out he clock.
Look to the successes, MEO, you'll feel better about things than if you continue to dwell on the failures. Jmho.
EDIT: besides, it has been repeatedly reported that the play was supposed to be a run. It's up to you whether you "choose" to believe that or not.
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