Google is your friend, at least as far as Title IX. If somebody wants to make trouble about the walkon program, she can.
The “proportionality” test, which generally has been interpreted to mean that if 50 percent of the student body is female, then roughly 50 percent of that school’s varsity athletes should be female. This is the most commonly used test for IX compliance outside of scholarship numbers. A large football walkon program flies in the face of this test.
The “expanding opportunities” test allows a school to have more walkons if they traditionally provide good opportunities for women.
The “gauging interest” test, takes a survey of the student body. If only 20 percent of women indicate interest in being a varsity athlete, while 40 percent of its men indicate interest, the school can have more men on rosters including walkons.
So in my opinion Trev isn't being a coward, he is trying to navigate a somewhat nebulous federal mandate, and that impacts how many walkons he thinks we can have and stay out of trouble.