Now three games into the season. We have seen plays that just killed the drives and momentum of the team. We play 4 walk ons 1 Hback, 2 TEs and 1 WR) which the later 3 can't catch the ball. Maybe that is a reason why they were not offered a scholarship to a big time program. There were several plays in the 2nd half of the Oregon game that # 88 and 89 seemed to have 5 thumbs on both hands. Today we target them on 6 plays where they just dropped the dam ball. One for a sure TD. Then #83 has a ball right in his beardbasket and doesn't control it in the endzone. These plays are killers. Oh yes. The scholoraship players aren't without problems too, (#8) missed his block on the corner in the 1st qtr and 90 yards later it is 7-0 NIU. Then #71 does his impression of a bull fighter and #13 throws his 2nd pick 6. So all in all a typical day at the office for our team. Really would like to say a positive thing and I did see one in #22 run north to south, instead of trying to do the Wa Tu Se 2 step like, #21 had he hit the jets and run straight ahead he would have scored on at least 2 runs. We are a bad team right now. But the season isn't lost until we do the same thing in conference play. So it is still not too late. Lets play the players who seem to have the skills (scholarship players), don't red shirt them and lets have some fun.