Urban Meyer talking about Haarberg

Classic Kong, ridiculously so. Starting crap to rile up Husker fans. #3007 of this kind of posting, followed by indignation that no one can see him for the amazing poster that he is.

@king_kong_, please keep posting this stuff. It is gold. And also please lose the commentary.
See the accurate, factual post above this one as a big reason why.

You just got done running a victory lap on me, Timmy. Now you’re up in arms about the very same thing.

See the accurate, factual post above this one as a big reason why.

You just got done running a victory lap on me, Timmy. Now you’re up in arms about the very same thing.

Just post the goods… You don’t have to try to troll a wide swath of husker fans. It always, and I mean, always turns into this kind of thread. Just post the goods and be done with it, because you’ve got a lot of goods to post, which I and many husker fans appreciate.
there's nothing to argue.

it's been settled.

all the purds have been flushed.

HH is playing his part in ushering us back to prominence, much to the chagrin of the many, many haters and losers.

it's well documented that people here who post moronic opinions should be made to wallow in them.

@RedMyMind has been "fathered in" and can continue shitting on HH if he wishes due to his personal past. everybody else can suck it.
Haha good lord
Just post the goods… You don’t have to try to troll a wide swath of husker fans. It always, and I mean, always turns into this kind of thread. Just post the goods and be done with it, because you’ve got a lot of goods to post, which I and many husker fans appreciate.

Kong has many great insights, but is so thin skinned.

Calling Boxes a troll, JFC!

Boxes never suggested our starting QB kill himself after 4 interceptions, you, Rambo, did.

It is hard to keep you out of my ignore bin for that travesty alone. I often enjoy your stats and commentary, but too often you go for a victory lap, thinking you won, but in fact came in last place, so far behind that you cannot see anyone in front of you.

A hint, the ones in front of you are all on their first user name.

Cheers kong
I still think Kong lives under a bridge
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I still think Kong lives under a bridge
There is a genuine person there, but seems to relish in acrimony.

Kong was first to reach out to me at Christmas in my crisis here, and that will never be forgotten.

The guy that crashed in the round-a-bout, well, they have not allowed a third name for that guy.
nope, just a genuine post.

you probably took it as trolling because it was directed at you.

championing one of the most selfish players in NU history, who ignored the coaches and called his own number on the goal line vs Maryland ahead of blowing the game and who was too much of a bitch to face the media after blowing the iowa game, over the homegrown kid who gives his heart & soul to NU was a bad look then.

it's an even worse look now.
Great call!
I’m not as willing to fight the world about it as Kong, but the fact is there have been a lot of posters here that absolutely love to shit on Haarberg repeatedly. Apparently because Kong likes him? Makes total sense. I think he represents everything about Nebraska football that we claim to love as a fanbase. And, a knucklehead should have seen all along that he can help us win games.
Nice synopsis! True!
On one hand, I feel for HH that he lost the Nebraska starting QB job. He is a great guy, a great teammate, and hasn't whined about things now. Reminds me a lot of Brooke Berringer. On the other hand, when I went to UNL no one knew who I was, I was always broke, I cut up my couch cushions to find 11 cents to buy mac and cheese one time, and I had to work hard to find dates with girls. Heinrich is doing way better than most college students in all areas, he just is no where near the QB Raiola is. No shame in that and he will always be one of my favorite Cornhuskers.
On one hand, I feel for HH that he lost the Nebraska starting QB job. He is a great guy, a great teammate, and hasn't whined about things now. Reminds me a lot of Brooke Berringer. On the other hand, when I went to UNL no one knew who I was, I was always broke, I cut up my couch cushions to find 11 cents to buy mac and cheese one time, and I had to work hard to find dates with girls. Heinrich is doing way better than most college students in all areas, he just is no where near the QB Raiola is. No shame in that and he will always be one of my favorite Cornhuskers.
Probably the thing I respect most about HH is he could have done the easy thing and transferred to UNK and been the big man on campus, and likely been a top notch NAIA player with a ton of pub.

He probably could have started at 4-5 different positions. I'm not looking forward to the day when HH has to come in and bail out an injured or subpar DR, but I feel a hell of a lot better with him under center now than last year. I also think the team believes in him and will rise to the occassion.
Just post the goods… You don’t have to try to troll a wide swath of husker fans. It always, and I mean, always turns into this kind of thread. Just post the goods and be done with it, because you’ve got a lot of goods to post, which I and many husker fans appreciate.

So, he should just post the stuff you agree with? And keep everything else to himself? Seems like a bit of a cancel culture approach to things. Do we all have to fall in line with your way of thinking, or just @king_kong_ ?
wrt Haarberg, I doubt he had much quality coaching as a quarterback in high school. That continued with Verduzco, then Whipple ghosted him. Satt was basically filling in as a QB coach for the one they didn’t get. So he really didn’t get a chance to develop as a college quarterback in the way Raiola has. He would likely be playing behind McCord had we not signed Raiola.
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On one hand, I feel for HH that he lost the Nebraska starting QB job. He is a great guy, a great teammate, and hasn't whined about things now. Reminds me a lot of Brooke Berringer. On the other hand, when I went to UNL no one knew who I was, I was always broke, I cut up my couch cushions to find 11 cents to buy mac and cheese one time, and I had to work hard to find dates with girls. Heinrich is doing way better than most college students in all areas, he just is no where near the QB Raiola is. No shame in that and he will always be one of my favorite Cornhuskers.
I lived on 1 loaf of bread and 1 package of bologna and cheese for over a week one time. Many days my lunch was a 59 cent bean burrito and a glass of water at the 27th street Taco Bell while riding my bike to campus. Yeah, it would have been great just to eat at the training table and I would have loved to practice and lift instead of working that crappy work study job.... Never mind the obvious coed benefits afforded the football players. A guy in my house was an O linemen on the team and beautiful girl after beautiful girl would show up at our door looking for him. He would literally hide to avoid them.
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I lived on 1 loaf of bread and 1 package of bologna and cheese for over a week one time. Many days my lunch was a 59 cent bean burrito and a glass of water at the 27th street Taco Bell while riding my bike to campus. Yeah, it would have been great just to eat at the training table and I would have loved to practice and lift instead of working that crappy work study job.... Never mind the obvious coed benefits afforded the football players. A guy in my house was an O linemen on the team and beautiful girl after beautiful girl would show up at our door looking for him. He would literally hide to avoid them.
Compared to the way I grew up the first 11 years of my life, bread, bologna, cheese, and a burrito every day would have been a feast.

Maybe that's why you and I, and many of our generation were determined to become successful.
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So, he should just post the stuff you agree with? And keep everything else to himself? Seems like a bit of a cancel culture approach to things. Do we all have to fall in line with your way of thinking, or just @king_kong_ ?
If you can’t see the obvious trolling he is doing… it’s his way. He can post what he wants. I’m just trying to help.

He can troll Husker fans and have numerous people call him out for it, or post about the good stuff he knows, and be thanked for it.

It was a great video to post. It was trolling to turn it into an F you to Husker fans who thought his HH crusade at the expense of all other QBs last year was over the top. He complains that fans crapped all over HH, even though he did the same thing to Purdy and Sims all last year.

So yeah, I guess I don’t quite understand why he should be defended.
Compared to the way I grew up the first 11 years of my life, bread, bologna, cheese, and a burrito every day would have been a feast.

Maybe that's why you and I, and many of our generation were determined to become successful.
Hunger is a powerful motivating factor. I have a friend who grew up on the rez and is friends with many Native Americans. His view is maybe it's okay to provide housing but he thinks things would improve dramatically on the rez if we didn't provide all their groceries. We meet all of their primary physical needs and much of the incentive to show up for a job is lost. Unfortunately its the kids that suffer the most.
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If you can’t see the obvious trolling he is doing… it’s his way. He can post what he wants. I’m just trying to help.

He can troll Husker fans and have numerous people call him out for it, or post about the good stuff he knows, and be thanked for it.

It was a great video to post. It was trolling to turn it into an F you to Husker fans who thought his HH crusade at the expense of all other QBs last year was over the top. He complains that fans crapped all over HH, even though he did the same thing to Purdy and Sims all last year.

So yeah, I guess I don’t quite understand why he should be defended.
You seem to conveniently miss the several folks who came forward in this thread saying (accurately) that many “fans” have gone over the top to shit on HH due to my genuine (and correct) opinion of him.

I know I rub you the wrong way, t-bone. But what you call “trolling” is simply me posting my opinion and defending it.

As for sims, he sucks. I stop there.

Purdy is the most selfish, me-first prick who’s played here in a long time. Ignored the coaches to call his own number in a game we needed to win, ditched his media responsibilities after single handedly blowing the iowa game.

He earned every bit of venom I send his way. Absolutely horrific teammate and Husker.

Every word of this post is fact. Sorry if my tone offends your delicate sensibilities, ma’am.
No. He had WAY more than his fair share of girls. It's just that most of them wanted rings and to be with him every waking moment. I doubt any girl ever "broke up" with him. No homo but he was an extremely handsome, extremely nice 6-5, 275 lb guy who was a second round NFL pick. He was ripped.