Univ of Mizzou update

While I laugh because it happened at mizzery... this could happen at literally any campus in America.

I have said before that the current college model in America is completely broken. So many unnecessary positions are held by people that have no real interest in providing a quality education to the current generation (other than push their stupid political bullshit toward both stupid bullshit parties, and protect their own paychecks).

Cut at minimum 40% of University employees and nobody would notice. More would probably get done to prevent situations like mizzery because reality would eventually set in.
While I laugh because it happened at mizzery... this could happen at literally any campus in America.

I have said before that the current college model in America is completely broken. So many unnecessary positions are held by people that have no real interest in providing a quality education to the current generation (other than push their stupid political bullshit toward both stupid bullshit parties, and protect their own paychecks).

Cut at minimum 40% of University employees and nobody would notice. More would probably get done to prevent situations like mizzery because reality would eventually set in.
It frightens me a little when we agree.
Look, i have no problem with traditional black colleges just as they are, and i certainly dont want all white colleges. Just pointing out hypocrisy. Black only scholarships, black only awards, black only proms....its just terribly racist and hypocritical.
This is a funny convo overall, but to this point I still find it incredible how the historical context behind the creation of the examples you cite are ignored. It's almost like blaming the woman for her husband beating her.

A very ugly history is the birth of a lot things you seem to despise. Sorry for that, I guess...
I get your point and I agree about content of character but that's not apples to apples.

It's the same reason the notion of "black on black crime" doesn't prove anything, it's a logical fallacy used to demonize a community in order to invalidate their desires. The comment you usually see is that fake notion of, "One problem can't be solved until this one is."

The reason it's invalid is the vast majority of crimes involve people of the same race targeting people of their same race because that's how people tend to associate.

Crime tends to be local, and people tend to live in communities with others of their same race. So most white people crimes are white-on-white. Latino crimes are mostly Latino/Hispanic-on-Latino/Hispanic.

Accordingly, I've been harassed more by white people than I have by black people. But the question isn't whether you or I harass people or judge them. The question is what do people in positions of power do when it's their job to step in and stop people from harassing or judging others on the basis of something they can't control.

My problem with that is we are only 13% of the population but commit the majority of murders.

Secondly, we allow people in those communities to suffer because we say most raves commit crimes against each other.

That is true, but most races are killing each other the same rate and the people in those communities are held hostage to the violence.

13% of the population should not lead the nation in murders or victims of gun violence.

There is a reason black men are perceived as dangerous. Until we address that. More innocent black people will continue to die.

The south side of Chicago and places like Baltimore have young people dying daily....That's a problem.
That's a pretty damn stereotypical thing to say about black people.

This is 2017 not 1963.

Secondly your premise is ridiculous.

I'm black and I have lived a better life financially and socially than many white people.

Being black is not a curse. I wouldn't want to be any color other than black.

Treat me the same as anybody else. I don't want your pity for something I never had to experience.

If a white person called for a separate white graduation or dance you would be calling for their heads.

Treating black people equally is calling them out for the things you would call white people out for. Not throwing the lame excuse out about what happened 50 years ago. When we were dying because we wanted access to the same thing white people had access to.

Best post I have ever read on this topic.Thank you!!!

This topic sits very uneasy with me. My father in law was laid off last week after 23 years of employment at Mizzou and it was all due to the drop in enrollment which was due to these protests. He was very active in student life and tried to aid the kids on hunger strike.

Here's a tidbit that no newspapers are covering, the kid who was called racial slurs never missed a freaking meal. He played as if he was on a hunger strike. STL post has pictures of him eating during his "so called hunger strike" but of course that is not what the media wanted people to know. I know a pretty good journalist @ STL post who swears by this. Another scoop for you, the stupid redneck POS that called the kid the "N" word did not even go to the school. He was a local dumb SOB. Had nothing to do with Mizzou really.

But some snowflake got his feelings hurt and his actions are now costing families their jobs, their homes. It's funny how much the young adults in this nation lack a backbone and strength within and don't see the big picture. I am from the Punk rock generation that didn't care what you called us, we could take it. Some POS calling a black kid an N word doesnt mean the world they live in is racist. It just means theirs stupid rednecks in this world and here is a newsflash for you on that, that will never end.

The fact that people want to claim things to be racist because of one POS or a small sample of them, then guess what, there will always be those people. Try to look at the population as a whole. I have been to Como a million times, never have I seen one racist act. I live in the south, not hard to find racism and when I find it, it makes me sick.

And I'd really like to see where these kids want to go to school to avoid racism? Is there such a place? Nothing will ever be perfect. EVER
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I would like to report an assault lead by a White man on a group of Nebraska students in Columbia in the Fall of 2007. It was horrifying. The Nebraska students did not even look like they were interested in fighting back. Some of the students involved on both sides were Black men. But it did not seem to matter at Missouri's kids kept beating and beating our kids
I would like to report an assault lead by a White man on a group of Nebraska students in Columbia in the Fall of 2007. It was horrifying. The Nebraska students did not even look like they were interested in fighting back. Some of the students involved on both sides were Black men. But it did not seem to matter at Missouri's kids kept beating and beating our kids

Video surveillance of the suspect

This is a funny convo overall, but to this point I still find it incredible how the historical context behind the creation of the examples you cite are ignored. It's almost like blaming the woman for her husband beating her.

A very ugly history is the birth of a lot things you seem to despise. Sorry for that, I guess...
I know why they started. Why havent we moved on?
People dont want to move on.
Essentially my point. Nobody should be surprised that a bunch of college kids handled that poorly. They never should have been the ones handling it. All that needed to happen was for the admin to follow the playbook:

Say very clearly that the crime/act (in this case Nazi symbols made of poop) has no place, you won't tolerate it.
Say very clearly you're working to find and deal with the people behind the incident(s).
Say you're there to listen to and protect people who are concerned.
Invite everyone to come together and show those elements that love and unity are greater than their destructive acts.
Think about what it was....someone took poop, human poop in their hand and used it to draw a swastika on a bathroom wall, anonymously.
Doesnt that say everything we need to know about the person that did it? Who cares what they think! They wrote something with poop, the joke is on them!
This is so far below the president, deans, and faculty. All that needed to be said was "gross what a wierdo" by the janitor while the administrators handle real issues. Snowflakes blew this way out of proportion.
So, how does Husker Nation capitalize on this? Invest more recruiting efforts in MU's area?
Isn't it obvious that they've already been doing that? Boe Wilson comes to mind… Tre Bryant, Mario Goodrich, and Cameron Brown, the Davis twins as well?
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Isn't it obvious that they've already been doing that? Boe Wilson comes to mind… Tre Bryant, Mario Goodrich, and Cameron Brown, the Davis twins as well?

The reason I am being optimistic about Riley.

Starts with recruiting.

There was only one loss last year where I felt we panicked in the end. That was Wisky. We had 4 downs to get a 1st down and didn't play it that way, imo.

The rest were to better teams when we played them.
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Look, i have no problem with traditional black colleges just as they are, and i certainly dont want all white colleges. Just pointing out hypocrisy. Black only scholarships, black only awards, black only proms....its just terribly racist and hypocritical.

I hope eventually we can move on from awards and scholarships and whatever else being earmarked for certain "types" of people, and that things can be earned on merit/given on need, what have you.

As long as some groups of people are faced with systemic disadvantages (and I do feel we've come a long way), I think scholarships that help them specifically are a necessary evil. Saying "just treat everyone equally" doesn't solve the problem when people are not being treated equally.

We know that biases are a thing on both individual and societal levels. Targeted policies to level the playing field have benefits that I think, for now, outweigh the costs.
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So, how does Husker Nation capitalize on this? Invest more recruiting efforts in MU's area?
No. We should just stop recruiting altogether. That way the people that say "means nothing until they step on the field" can be happy.
This is a funny convo overall, but to this point I still find it incredible how the historical context behind the creation of the examples you cite are ignored. It's almost like blaming the woman for her husband beating her.

A very ugly history is the birth of a lot things you seem to despise. Sorry for that, I guess...
The part that gets me is how people just assume white students aren't allowed and then are like, "...but I guess that's ok, huh?" Yep...they are allowed.
My problem with that is we are only 13% of the population but commit the majority of murders.

Secondly, we allow people in those communities to suffer because we say most raves commit crimes against each other.

That is true, but most races are killing each other the same rate and the people in those communities are held hostage to the violence.

13% of the population should not lead the nation in murders or victims of gun violence.

There is a reason black men are perceived as dangerous. Until we address that. More innocent black people will continue to die.

The south side of Chicago and places like Baltimore have young people dying daily....That's a problem.
Another interesting point for discussion, though I'm not sure what it has to do with Mizzou or HBCs.

Let's look at the numbers and get them in context. Talking about Chicago being a murder capital is like saying that Ohio HS football players are better than NE HS football players because of the number of D1 schollies that go out. What's the problem? Population isn't being accounted for. Now I'm not saying it's good but I'm saying there are actually much worse places if you know what to look for.

On the subject of murder rate by race, this is per 100,000 people. I don't know if this is victims or offenders but let's have a look because at first the chart looks dramatic. But when you do the math, you're talking about a rate for whites of 0.00008 and a rate for blacks of 0.0008%. It's easy to look at a graph zoomed into a gnat's ass and go, "HOLY SHIT!" But you have to know what's being measured. I didn't take stats and research methods for nothing.


Put another way, you're WAY more likely to not be killed than you are to be killed regardless. So it's still the case that the vast majority of black men are NOT murderers even in light of the outsize representation in murder rate. So yes, I can't argue that the rate is outsize given how much of the population they account for, but that in no way is an excuse for me, you, a cop, or anyone else to treat every black male like he's about to murder you any more than it is for me to ask every Jewish guy I meet to do my taxes or Indian guy to fix my computer.
I hope eventually we can move on from awards and scholarships and whatever else being earmarked for certain "types" of people, and that things can be earned on merit/given on need, what have you.

As long as some groups of people are faced with systemic disadvantages (and I do feel we've come a long way), I think scholarships that help them specifically are a necessary evil. Saying "just treat everyone equally" doesn't solve the problem when people are not being treated equally.

We know that biases are a thing on both individual and societal levels. Targeted policies to level the playing field have benefits that I think, for now, outweigh the costs.
Those words systemic disadvantages can really get people riled up, but it has to be part of the equation when having this discussion. It's becoming more of a socio-economic disadvantage, but that has a systemic root as well. Prime example Flint, MI: GM plants - affluent non-college jobs for minority population - no one went to college (just worked in the 'plant') - plant closes - systemic mindset is WTH is higher ed? - good paying jobs gone and poverty explodes - more crime. A systemic disadvantage that now needs to be worked through. It will take a while when you're essentially hit by a ton of bricks.
On the subject of Baltimore and Chicago. When was the last time you heard somebody say that something needs to be done about Memphis or Newark?

My problem with that is we are only 13% of the population but commit the majority of murders.

Secondly, we allow people in those communities to suffer because we say most raves commit crimes against each other.

That is true, but most races are killing each other the same rate and the people in those communities are held hostage to the violence.

13% of the population should not lead the nation in murders or victims of gun violence.

There is a reason black men are perceived as dangerous. Until we address that. More innocent black people will continue to die.

The south side of Chicago and places like Baltimore have young people dying daily....That's a problem.

People can call me anything they want but IMO a BIG reason (not the only but a big reason) with the statistics of more black men in prison is because of the break down in the family structure. When you take a dad (assuming the dad is a morally good person) out of a family there is more of a chance the kids will end up not only with more issues but with legal problems as well. This is true of white families, black families, Indian families, any family.

The entire women's movement, & liberal movement, is based on destroying the Jedo-Christian family structure. Stats don't lie. If you take the father out of the picture in a family, the family is in more trouble PERIOD. Men are important, Mothers are important, Kids are important; thats why families need to stay together. There I am off my soap box and you all can destroy me all you want I don't care.
People can call me anything they want but IMO a BIG reason (not the only but a big reason) with the statistics of more black men in prison is because of the break down in the family structure. When you take a dad (assuming the dad is a morally good person) out of a family there is more of a chance the kids will end up not only with more issues but with legal problems as well. This is true of white families, black families, Indian families, any family.

The entire women's movement, & liberal movement, is based on destroying the Jedo-Christian family structure. Stats don't lie. If you take the father out of the picture in a family, the family is in more trouble PERIOD. Men are important, Mothers are important, Kids are important; thats why families need to stay together. There I am off my soap box and you all can destroy me all you want I don't care.
I'll say this once and remember it always, nobody is trying to destroy the Judeo-Christian family structure. You are every bit as free to have a nuclear, Christian family as you ever were.

Nothing about being respectful toward your wife means you can't have a family or be a Christian. In fact I'm very sure Jesus was big on that thing of treating people like you want to be treated.

Nothing about leaving other people the hell alone makes you any less allowed to be left the hell alone.
People can call me anything they want but IMO a BIG reason (not the only but a big reason) with the statistics of more black men in prison is because of the break down in the family structure. When you take a dad (assuming the dad is a morally good person) out of a family there is more of a chance the kids will end up not only with more issues but with legal problems as well. This is true of white families, black families, Indian families, any family.

The entire women's movement, & liberal movement, is based on destroying the Jedo-Christian family structure. Stats don't lie. If you take the father out of the picture in a family, the family is in more trouble PERIOD. Men are important, Mothers are important, Kids are important; thats why families need to stay together. There I am off my soap box and you all can destroy me all you want I don't care.
Johnsons Great Society. Killed the family structure.
IMO it isnt a skin color problem its a societal problem along with politics
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I hope eventually we can move on from awards and scholarships and whatever else being earmarked for certain "types" of people, and that things can be earned on merit/given on need, what have you.

As long as some groups of people are faced with systemic disadvantages (and I do feel we've come a long way), I think scholarships that help them specifically are a necessary evil. Saying "just treat everyone equally" doesn't solve the problem when people are not being treated equally.

We know that biases are a thing on both individual and societal levels. Targeted policies to level the playing field have benefits that I think, for now, outweigh the costs.
Of course there are biases against everyone for a variety of reasons and there always will be for everybody, but I do think it can and certainly has improved.
how do you measure it? The amount of biases and systematic disadvantages towards black americans, and who gets to decide what is causing these percieved systematic disadvantages, and how do we know when, and again who decides when we can move on from entitlements that discriminate based on skin color?

And is it possible that certain people do not want it to end and will use race as an argumentive rallying cry regardless of the state of society?

How can you tell what is in someones heart and at what point does the term racist become hyperbole? I disagreed with Obamas policies and was called racist for it, was told that I just didnt like that a black guy was president, etc. even by him (not directly by him but he said these things in interviews). Couldnt have anything to do with my disagreement with policies, once the card is played its all people want to think about.
I'll say this once and remember it always, nobody is trying to destroy the Judeo-Christian family structure. You are every bit as free to have a nuclear, Christian family as you ever were.

Nothing about being respectful toward your wife means you can't have a family or be a Christian. In fact I'm very sure Jesus was big on that thing of treating people like you want to be treated.

Nothing about leaving other people the hell alone makes you any less allowed to be left the hell alone.
Tell that to my sociology of family professor at UNL who spent a great deal of time trying to persuade us that christianity was evil, the nuclear family was actually a bad thing for America, along with any PC drivel you can plug in.
I understand and dont necessarily disagree with what you are saying as it pertains to rule of law, however the societal beliefs and morals are at play.
And you are right in saying you dont have to be Christian to have a good family etc., however Christian values are typically the best structure and style for families. Even good families that dont practice Christianity are typically living by that structure, dont take it as an insult when Christans simply want what is best for people. America was built on it, and I dont think anyone could disagree with the fact that the abscence of fathers can have a negative effect on any family of any race.
Beav, I might be wrong on your list of broke ass, murder cities...but aren't they all run top to bottom by liberal Dems?
Yes but the problem would be white privledge and rich people hiding money as well as the NRA telling everyone to shoot people.
On the subject of Baltimore and Chicago. When was the last time you heard somebody say that something needs to be done about Memphis or Newark?

You probably know this and its part of your point, but the population differences are the reason. While the nation could focus more on those cities, Chicagos sheer numbers, often multiple on the same night, make glaring press stories and serve as a poster boy if you will of the crime problem.
The entire women's movement, & liberal movement, is based on destroying the Jedo-Christian family structure.

What? Almost no one wants this.

Most liberals want to destroy the nuclear family about as much as most conservatives want to "kill all the gays." Kids need two parents, if for no other reason than wages are so low that most households need two incomes to avoid living in poverty.

While you're on your soapbox, why don't you throw out some solutions for the lack of fathers in today's families?
Yes but the problem would be white privledge and rich people hiding money as well as the NRA telling everyone to shoot people.

The problem is poverty. Neither party has a real solution.

Take a bunch of people in poverty and shove them together in a small place, and you get crime and violence. Cities have always been this way.

Rural poverty brings other problems. The conservatives in charge there haven't been able to fix that either.
Im going to bow out of this conversation. I dont think Beav or anyone else I disagree with have bad intentions or anything, but I do wish more people would take a hard look from my perspective, the other perspective is getting plenty of attention in politics, media, and college campuses.
Reverse discrimination isnt going to solve any problems. I worry our bloated entitlement structure is making people too dependent, and there's proof it hurts the family structure. I worry about what we are telling our young people, especially minorities, regarding their ability to control their lives. I worry about our education system when we dont care to look at alternative forms of education that can help struggling inner city schools dominated by minorities.
I wonder why people get upset when they see a successful black person who happens to be conservative and scream things like uncle tom or try to silence them, etc.
I worry when a 20 year old, many of them, cant handle a poop symbol on a random bathroom wall. I worry about those colleges that send people out with degrees that are worthless and then people dont get jobs, just to be PC.
I feel we have been doing things the same way since the late 60s and things arent getting better as a whole, and one side wants more of the same....more money, more entitlements, more PC, more college classes teaching things like white privledge, etc. more of the same. More victimhood and helplessness and greedy politicians there to capitalize on it.
It aint working.
God Bless Beav, everyone else in the thread, and God help America.
The problem is poverty. Neither party has a real solution.

Take a bunch of people in poverty and shove them together in a small place, and you get crime and violence. Cities have always been this way.

Rural poverty brings other problems. The conservatives in charge there haven't been able to fix that either.
Tax breaks for businesses opening in those cities, its been floated and shot down as corporate welfare. Youd be amazed how much that would help these areas. Ok bowing out for real now.
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Beav, I might be wrong on your list of broke ass, murder cities...but aren't they all run top to bottom by liberal Dems?
I don't know but I cannot possibly grasp what you think you can prove based on that if it were. What, like killing people is only a crime if the mayor is a republican and that's why it's happening? How do you explain so many red states making the list then? Cities can't just ignore state and federal laws.

Here's some data for you on a Republican-run city in a red state you may have heard of, and it proves nothing. The issues are much deeper than what color tie the guy at the mayor's desk wears.

Im going to bow out of this conversation. I dont think Beav or anyone else I disagree with have bad intentions or anything, but I do wish more people would take a hard look from my perspective, the other perspective is getting plenty of attention in politics, media, and college campuses.
Reverse discrimination isnt going to solve any problems. I worry our bloated entitlement structure is making people too dependent, and there's proof it hurts the family structure. I worry about what we are telling our young people, especially minorities, regarding their ability to control their lives. I worry about our education system when we dont care to look at alternative forms of education that can help struggling inner city schools dominated by minorities.
I wonder why people get upset when they see a successful black person who happens to be conservative and scream things like uncle tom or try to silence them, etc.
I worry when a 20 year old, many of them, cant handle a poop symbol on a random bathroom wall. I worry about those colleges that send people out with degrees that are worthless and then people dont get jobs, just to be PC.
I feel we have been doing things the same way since the late 60s and things arent getting better as a whole, and one side wants more of the same....more money, more entitlements, more PC, more college classes teaching things like white privledge, etc. more of the same. More victimhood and helplessness and greedy politicians there to capitalize on it.
It aint working.
God Bless Beav, everyone else in the thread, and God help America.
Sounds grim. Everyone's being murdered and the PC libs took all the jobs away. Only trouble is that the facts say the opposite.

Crime (including murder) is at its lowest rate in many decades:


Unemployment continues to drop:
You probably know this and its part of your point, but the population differences are the reason. While the nation could focus more on those cities, Chicagos sheer numbers, often multiple on the same night, make glaring press stories and serve as a poster boy if you will of the crime problem.
Perhaps...but it is also brought up with great regularity because it is where a certain president used to live.

What the heck is going on in Nebraska (ignore just the Omaha stats)? I'm guessing the rural population in Nebraska is far larger by percentage than most other states. Does this mean the Nebraska small town is starting to disintegrate into hot beds of crime compared to other places?
What? Almost no one wants this.

Most liberals want to destroy the nuclear family about as much as most conservatives want to "kill all the gays." Kids need two parents, if for no other reason than wages are so low that most households need two incomes to avoid living in poverty.

While you're on your soapbox, why don't you throw out some solutions for the lack of fathers in today's families?
OT, I know, but I always wonder at who started the notion that the family unit, which predates Avrahamic religion, became the property of said religion group. Just a thought.
I don't know but I cannot possibly grasp what you think you can prove based on that if it were. What, like killing people is only a crime if the mayor is a republican and that's why it's happening? How do you explain so many red states making the list then? Cities can't just ignore state and federal laws.

Here's some data for you on a Republican-run city in a red state you may have heard of, and it proves nothing. The issues are much deeper than what color tie the guy at the mayor's desk wears.

Just thought I'd point out that in 2012, the year your graph references, Omaha was a Democrat-run city, and had been since June 2001. The current Republican mayor didn't take office until 2013.
What the heck is going on in Nebraska (ignore just the Omaha stats)? I'm guessing the rural population in Nebraska is far larger by percentage than most other states. Does this mean the Nebraska small town is starting to disintegrate into hot beds of crime compared to other places?
Meth and White trash leeches
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Just thought I'd point out that in 2012, the year your graph references, Omaha was a Democrat-run city, and had been since June 2001. The current Republican mayor didn't take office until 2013.
Really? You think this is about politics?

Wasn't Nebraska a Republican led state both in Governor's office and legislature in 2012 and for many years before that? Yet the crime stats are worse in Nebraska as a whole as compared to other places. This is especially stunning when one realizes there is far less urbanization in Nebraska as compared to other states.
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