Univ of Mizzou update

Protests don't always work, actually pretty rare because they fire up the other side more. Be great when they become Div II
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You wonder if continual issues like this will usher in "white" universities similar to the all black southern college league.
Ah, yes. I had forgotten that the HBCUs were set up to discriminate against white people by keeping them out of black higher education.

That's not what he said.

There are plenty of examples of black students calling for separate accommodations from white people.

A slap in the face to the Civil rights movement.
No. Segregation and discrimination is only OK in this country if it is against white people.
Sweet Jesus, mods, grab a padlock.

Are you two honestly that stupid? Everything is wrong with your assumptions because 1) White people ARE allowed to go to HBCUs it just happens that not very many choose to and 2) They exist in the first place because black people weren't allowed to go to college. See also: Colleges, Women's.

Do you honestly not know what happened when U of Alabama was integrated? FFS have you not at least seen Forrest Gump and wondered about that part where Wallace was blocking the door and the National Guard showed up?

Funny how the same guys who wanna say, "Shut up and suck it up, grab your bootstraps" to everyone else are dying to scream "reverse racism!" first chance they get. Why you crying, shouldn't you be shutting up and working harder? Shouldn't Missouri? Isn't that always the solution?

I know, I know, this one time you met a black guy and he didn't like white people, or he didn't like black people. Skip that little anecdote for me. By all means, please, if it's so hard for you and so easy for them, find you a plastic surgeon who will start turning you into a black man. I'm sure the long-term benefits will far outweigh the up-front costs.
:::shrug::: Looks like the market working.

Go Blue!
Exactly. I keep trying to tell people that it's enough to handle a situation badly, you don't necessarily have to be in the wrong to have your reputation take a nose dive. Mizzou could have handled all of that much faster and much better. Instead it dragged out and they didn't seem to know what to say for much too long.

You don't have to send out somebody's meal with a roach in it to get a bad restaurant review and lose a bunch of business. PR is a business for a reason, there's a right and wrong way to manage a crisis. They did it wrong. This is the result.
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Sweet Jesus, mods, grab a padlock.

Are you two honestly that stupid? Everything is wrong with your assumptions because 1) White people ARE allowed to go to HBCUs it just happens that not very many choose to and 2) They exist in the first place because black people weren't allowed to go to college. See also: Colleges, Women's.

Do you honestly not know what happened when U of Alabama was integrated? FFS have you not at least seen Forrest Gump and wondered about that part where Wallace was blocking the door and the National Guard showed up?

Funny how the same guys who wanna say, "Shut up and suck it up, grab your bootstraps" to everyone else are dying to scream "reverse racism!" first chance they get. Why you crying, shouldn't you be shutting up and working harder? Shouldn't Missouri? Isn't that always the solution?

I know, I know, this one time you met a black guy and he didn't like white people, or he didn't like black people. Skip that little anecdote for me. By all means, please, if it's so hard for you and so easy for them, find you a plastic surgeon who will start turning you into a black man. I'm sure the long-term benefits will far outweigh the up-front costs.

That's a pretty damn stereotypical thing to say about black people.

This is 2017 not 1963.

Secondly your premise is ridiculous.

I'm black and I have lived a better life financially and socially than many white people.

Being black is not a curse. I wouldn't want to be any color other than black.

Treat me the same as anybody else. I don't want your pity for something I never had to experience.

If a white person called for a separate white graduation or dance you would be calling for their heads.

Treating black people equally is calling them out for the things you would call white people out for. Not throwing the lame excuse out about what happened 50 years ago. When we were dying because we wanted access to the same thing white people had access to.
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Sweet Jesus, mods, grab a padlock.

Are you two honestly that stupid? Everything is wrong with your assumptions because 1) White people ARE allowed to go to HBCUs it just happens that not very many choose to and 2) They exist in the first place because black people weren't allowed to go to college. See also: Colleges, Women's.

Do you honestly not know what happened when U of Alabama was integrated? FFS have you not at least seen Forrest Gump and wondered about that part where Wallace was blocking the door and the National Guard showed up?

Funny how the same guys who wanna say, "Shut up and suck it up, grab your bootstraps" to everyone else are dying to scream "reverse racism!" first chance they get. Why you crying, shouldn't you be shutting up and working harder? Shouldn't Missouri? Isn't that always the solution?

I know, I know, this one time you met a black guy and he didn't like white people, or he didn't like black people. Skip that little anecdote for me. By all means, please, if it's so hard for you and so easy for them, find you a plastic surgeon who will start turning you into a black man. I'm sure the long-term benefits will far outweigh the up-front costs.
Im not crying, im pointing out hypocrisy and believe me im doing just fine over here while mizzou rioted over nothing.
You are an angry, sad little man and cant handle it when the truth is spoken instead of your spoon-fed PC drivel. Keep patting yourself on the back while the lib policies you promote continue to bring people down...but as long as you feel good and superior, right? You never cease to amaze.
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well the whole fallout is a mess. Whites don't want to go there because they'll be seen as racists & bigots, blacks don't want to be there out of fear, Jewish folks remember the feces swastika, they want no part of that U. The U is reduced to renting out dorm rooms for the eclipse. The
Library is begging for books.

The football team goes on strike & the head coach joins in. No leadership at all.
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That's a pretty damn stereotypical thing to say about black people.

This is 2017 not 1963.

Secondly your premise is ridiculous.

I'm black and I have lived a better life financially and socially than many white people.

Being black is not a curse. I wouldn't want to be any color other than black.

Treat me the same as anybody else. I don't want your pity for something I never had to experience.

If a white person called for a separate white graduation or dance you would be calling for their heads.

Treating black people equally is calling them out for the things you would call white people out for. Not throwing the lame excuse out about what happened 50 years ago. When we were dying because wanted access to the same thing white people had access too.
According to Beav and his ilk, you are a helpless victim, to be handled with kid gloves, who needs to depend on the government to help you navigate through all the mean white people hiding behind every corner trying to bring you down.
Shame he isnt smart enough to see what damage that kind of false logic can do to people and hold them back...see Mizzou
That's a pretty damn stereotypical thing to say about black people.

This is 2017 not 1963.

Secondly your premise is ridiculous.

I'm black and I have lived a better life financially and socially than many white people.

Being black is not a curse. I wouldn't want to be any color other than black.

Treat me the same as anybody else. I don't want your pity for something I never had to experience.

If a white person called for a separate white graduation or dance you would be calling for their heads.

Treating black people equally is calling them out for the things you would call white people out for. Not throwing the lame excuse out about what happened 50 years ago. When we were dying because wanted access to the same thing white people had access too.
What exactly is a stereotypical thing to say about black people? Quote what I said.

Specifically how were white people systematically and institutionally discriminated against at the University of Missouri?

We're not talking about some red herring example you can think of where a black person or multiple people had a stupid idea about a graduation. Let's assume for the sake of that example they didn't have a good reason for wanting that. I get that people of every race are capable of being dumb and/or racist.

Good for you, I'm glad life is going well for you. Nobody suggested that you not be black, so that'll be fine. I'm clear that all you want is equal treatment, that's all most people want. I'm quite aware that statistics are made up of examples all throughout the range of possibilities and that no population is homogeneous, so it's not a surprise to me that life can go well for somebody who isn't white or anything.

I'm curious as to whether you're here to argue in favor of a "victim narrative" for Mizzou when it's been made abundantly clear in a bunch of previous conversations that such narratives are exactly what plagues the world.
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According to Beav and his ilk, you are a helpless victim, to be handled with kid gloves, who needs to depend on the government to help you navigate through all the mean white people hiding behind every corner trying to bring you down.
Shame he isnt smart enough to see what damage that kind of false logic can do to people and hold them back...see Mizzou
So you're saying that telling the white guys to stop whining about reverse discrimination that is about as prevalent as voter fraud = I think a bunch of bad things about black people?

Well that makes all the sense in the world. I think you've nailed it.

You take a situation where people are being idiots on campus and scaring the shit out of other students, the administration does nothing about it and doesn't get out in front with a clear narrative of, "That's not who we are, we won't allow that, you're safe, we're handling this as fast a possible." So college kids get melodramatic and panicky (college kids do that??? WHO KNEW?!?!?) and you guys' pet takeaway from the story is, "See, this is what happens when you let 'them' protest! Ruined a perfectly good school, see there how 'they' ruined it???"

The admin screwed up, but who do you blame? But yeah, tell me more about all the bad things I think and who I think them about.
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What exactly is a stereotypical thing to say about black people? Quote what I said.

Specifically how were white people systematically and institutionally discriminated against at the University of Missouri?

We're not talking about some red herring example you can think of where a black person or multiple people had a stupid idea about a graduation. Let's assume for the sake of that example they didn't have a good reason for wanting that. I get that people of every race are capable of being dumb and/or racist.

Good for you, I'm glad life is going well for you. Nobody suggested that you not be black, so that'll be fine. I'm clear that all you want is equal treatment, that's all most people want. I'm quite aware that statistics are made up of examples all throughout the range of possibilities and that no population is homogeneous, so it's not a surprise to me that life can go well for somebody who isn't white or anything.

I'm curious as to whether you're here to argue in favor of a "victim narrative" for Mizzou when it's been made abundantly clear in a bunch of previous conversations that such narratives are exactly what plagues the world.

."Skip that little anecdote for me. By all means, please, if it's so hard for you and so easy for them, find you a plastic surgeon who will start turning you into a black man. I'm sure the long-term benefits will far outweigh the up-front costs."

I took this as you implying the being black automatically puts you in an inferior position in life.
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What exactly is a stereotypical thing to say about black people? Quote what I said.

Specifically how were white people systematically and institutionally discriminated against at the University of Missouri?

We're not talking about some red herring example you can think of where a black person or multiple people had a stupid idea about a graduation. Let's assume for the sake of that example they didn't have a good reason for wanting that. I get that people of every race are capable of being dumb and/or racist.

Good for you, I'm glad life is going well for you. Nobody suggested that you not be black, so that'll be fine. I'm clear that all you want is equal treatment, that's all most people want. I'm quite aware that statistics are made up of examples all throughout the range of possibilities and that no population is homogeneous, so it's not a surprise to me that life can go well for somebody who isn't white or anything.

I'm curious as to whether you're here to argue in favor of a "victim narrative" for Mizzou when it's been made abundantly clear in a bunch of previous conversations that such narratives are exactly what plagues the world.

What plagues the world to me is people who base things on skin color and not the content of one's character. White , black or whatever.
That's not what he said.

There are plenty of examples of black students calling for separate accommodations from white people.

A slap in the face to the Civil rights movement.

It's not what he said? He responded to a post asking if there would be a rise of white-only institutions by saying, essentially, that only discrimination on the part of black-only institutions is legal. To me that implies that he thinks HBCUs exist to allow black people keep white people out of their institutions. That ignores the fact that the HBCUs were created to keep black people out of white institutions, which seems like an important point.

A quick google will show that you're right about some black students or academics calling for separate accommodations. I'd say they should be ignored the same way we ignore and ridicule white supremacists (well, sometimes we give them positions on the national security council instead, but I digress).
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So you're saying that telling the white guys to stop whining about reverse discrimination that is about as prevalent as voter fraud = I think a bunch of bad things about black people?

Well that makes all the sense in the world. I think you've nailed it.

You take a situation where people are being idiots on campus and scaring the shit out of other students, the administration does nothing about it and doesn't get out in front with a clear narrative of, "That's not who we are, we won't allow that, you're safe, we're handling this as fast a possible." So college kids get melodramatic and panicky (college kids do that??? WHO KNEW?!?!?) and you guys' pet takeaway from the story is, "See, this is what happens when you let 'them' protest! Ruined a perfectly good school, see there how 'they' ruined it???"

The admin screwed up, but who do you blame? But yeah, tell me more about all the bad things I think and who I think them about.
The administration acted accordingly. It was a big nothing. Omg, someone heard a word they didnt like off campus? Wtf is the dean supposed to do? Get over it. Funny you talk about non prevelence....hypocrite alert again!
Btw im not crying, simply pointing out the way of the world.
And yes, i could continue to talk about how bad you are, because you are just that: a supporter of an extremely racist party, with extremely racist policies, due to extremely racist assumptions about both black and white people.
Now go about trying to get this thread locked like usual, baby.
."Skip that little anecdote for me. By all means, please, if it's so hard for you and so easy for them, find you a plastic surgeon who will start turning you into a black man. I'm sure the long-term benefits will far outweigh the up-front costs."

I took this as you implying the being black automatically puts you in an inferior position in life.
(Oops! Beav is a racist!)
It's not what he said? He responded to a post asking if there would be a rise of white-only institutions by saying, essentially, that only discrimination on the part of black-only institutions is legal. To me that implies that he thinks HBCUs exist to allow black people keep white people out of their institutions. That ignores the fact that the HBCUs were created to keep black people out of white institutions, which seems like an important point.

A quick google will show that you're right about some black students or academics calling for separate accommodations. I'd say they should be ignored the same way we ignore and ridicule white supremacists (well, sometimes we give them positions on the national security council instead, but I digress).

He said racism against white people. That can come from any race.

Which is why so many are dumb founded how our electionsa turned out the way they did.

Do you not remember how the term white privilege has been thrown out the past 8 years. Anybody spewing hate against another because of their skin color is a racist to me that needs to be cleansed from our country.

From the KKK to the Black Panthers.
It's not what he said? He responded to a post asking if there would be a rise of white-only institutions by saying, essentially, that only discrimination on the part of black-only institutions is legal. To me that implies that he thinks HBCUs exist to allow black people keep white people out of their institutions. That ignores the fact that the HBCUs were created to keep black people out of white institutions, which seems like an important point.

A quick google will show that you're right about some black students or academics calling for separate accommodations. I'd say they should be ignored the same way we ignore and ridicule white supremacists (well, sometimes we give them positions on the national security council instead, but I digress).
Look, i have no problem with traditional black colleges just as they are, and i certainly dont want all white colleges. Just pointing out hypocrisy. Black only scholarships, black only awards, black only proms....its just terribly racist and hypocritical.
What plagues the world to me is people who base things on skin color and not the content of one's character. White , black or whatever.
Fully agree there. My question to you is this:

How do you solve that problem when you have people who do base it on skin color? How should that be handled, and who should handle it?
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Fully agree there. My question to you is this:

How do you solve that problem when you have people who do base it on skin color? How should that be handled, and who should handle it?
You mean like your lib buddies who base literally everything on skin color, most recently even going as far as to say a speech from Trump praising the West is somehow a dog whistle to white racist nationalists?

Simple, you vote for people like Trump, who dont base everything in life upon the color of ones skin, and dont thonk government is an end-all.
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Fully agree there. My question to you is this:

How do you solve that problem when you have people who do base it on skin color? How should that be handled, and who should handle it?

Its up to us as individuals to hold those people accountable.

I know you have good intentions. So don't take what I posted personally. Apologize if it came off that way

I'm just trying to get people to understand that we have to have equal expectations in order to achieve equal outcomes.

Our government leaders and media have failed us as it is a partisan political weapon. So there is no benefit for them for us to come together as a people.

So we as individuals have to do our best to see things in an objective way. And tell each other the truth about single events and not allow a single event to personify a group of people.

I am trying to do that with the Muslim community now.

Again, I know your heart is in the right place.
Look, i have no problem with traditional black colleges just as they are, and i certainly dont want all white colleges. Just pointing out hypocrisy. Black only scholarships, black only awards, black only proms....its just terribly racist and hypocritical.
Understand the origin story of things like that. I don't know about prom, I haven't heard of that but if somebody has a link I'm happy to read up. With colleges, scholarships, etc. those things originated because it was not just the practice but in a lot of places it was the law that those things were for whites only. They were created to fill a void where white people already had those things and other people didn't. If you study socioeconomic data, you understand that we don't all start from the same place or face the same obstacles. We don't make all the runners start at the same spot on the track because we understand some lanes are longer than others, so we move the starting points to even out the distance.

Doesn't mean a white person can't fail, doesn't mean a nonwhite person can't succeed. I don't get how people are all about this notion of, "Hard work is the only thing that matters in life, I'll overcome anything because dammit I'll go like hell" and then if somebody else gets some help the jealousy goes through the roof.
You mean like your lib buddies who base literally everything on skin color, most recently even going as far as to say a speech from Trump praising the West is somehow a dog whistle to white racist nationalists?

Simple, you vote for people like Trump, who dont base everything in life upon the color of ones skin, and dont thonk government is an end-all.
Absolutely none of those things are on topic. We're not gonna play the game of "Oh yeah well a person I think is like you did this thing I don't like!"
He said racism against white people. That can come from any race.

Which is why so many are dumb founded how our electionsa turned out the way they did.

Do you not remember how the term white privilege has been thrown out the past 8 years. Anybody spewing hate against another because of their skin color is a racist to me that needs to be cleansed from our country.

From the KKK to the Black Panthers.
Interesting topic to get into. I'm always surprised at how upset people get when you try to talk about that point. They get emotional right away and you can't even have a conversation because for some reason they hear, "You never worked for/earned anything in your life because you're white."

Which is not what that is at all, but that's where they go with it. It's just the notion that you're less likely to get slapped with a bunch of negative stereotypes if you're white in this country. I can't know what it's like to not be white, all I can do is listen when people tell me what it's like.

When I talk to my friends about things that have been said and done to them, it's brutal, and I have to sit there and go, "Yeah, nobody ever treated me like that. Nobody ever called me a slur in anger or threatened me like that. Nobody sees my name on a resume and goes, 'sounds like a white dude, no thanks' and doesn't even read it."

People struggle with that, they don't want to know a world that has injustice in it. And the part that really screws them up is there's nothing you can do about a concept like white privilege. That's why they fight it so hard. They don't want to be racist, they don't want the world to be racist, so if you try to tell them about stuff like that they go, "NO! NO! NO! NO IT'S NOT I WON'T BELIEVE IT!!!"

All you can do is know it's a thing, you can't be like, "Well I'm not gonna be part of that." You can't turn it off, people do and think and say things based on race, that's how humans are.

So you can choose not to do racist things, but you can't stop other people from treating you how they do based on how you look.
Interesting topic to get into. I'm always surprised at how upset people get when you try to talk about that point. They get emotional right away and you can't even have a conversation because for some reason they hear, "You never worked for/earned anything in your life because you're white."

Which is not what that is at all, but that's where they go with it. It's just the notion that you're less likely to get slapped with a bunch of negative stereotypes if you're white in this country. I can't know what it's like to not be white, all I can do is listen when people tell me what it's like.

When I talk to my friends about things that have been said and done to them, it's brutal, and I have to sit there and go, "Yeah, nobody ever treated me like that. Nobody ever called me a slur in anger or threatened me like that. Nobody sees my name on a resume and goes, 'sounds like a white dude, no thanks' and doesn't even read it."

People struggle with that, they don't want to know a world that has injustice in it. And the part that really screws them up is there's nothing you can do about a concept like white privilege. That's why they fight it so hard. They don't want to be racist, they don't want the world to be racist, so if you try to tell them about stuff like that they go, "NO! NO! NO! NO IT'S NOT I WON'T BELIEVE IT!!!"

All you can do is know it's a thing, you can't be like, "Well I'm not gonna be part of that." You can't turn it off, people do and think and say things based on race, that's how humans are.

So you can choose not to do racist things, but you can't stop other people from treating you how they do based on how you look.

I have been harassed by black people more than I ever have by white people.

I'm the type of person if you do me wrong, I don't associate with you.

The combination of those 2 things are the reason why I see people for who they are not what color they are.

Besides most people are taught to be racist.
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I have been harassed by black people more than I ever have by white people.

I'm the type of person if you do me wrong, I don't associate with you.

The combination of those 2 things are the reason why I see people for who they are not what color they
I get your point and I agree about content of character but that's not apples to apples.

It's the same reason the notion of "black on black crime" doesn't prove anything, it's a logical fallacy used to demonize a community in order to invalidate their desires. The comment you usually see is that fake notion of, "One problem can't be solved until this one is."

The reason it's invalid is the vast majority of crimes involve people of the same race targeting people of their same race because that's how people tend to associate.

Crime tends to be local, and people tend to live in communities with others of their same race. So most white people crimes are white-on-white. Latino crimes are mostly Latino/Hispanic-on-Latino/Hispanic.

Accordingly, I've been harassed more by white people than I have by black people. But the question isn't whether you or I harass people or judge them. The question is what do people in positions of power do when it's their job to step in and stop people from harassing or judging others on the basis of something they can't control.
That's what happens when you let inmates run the asylum instead of the adults who are paid to to do.
Essentially my point. Nobody should be surprised that a bunch of college kids handled that poorly. They never should have been the ones handling it. All that needed to happen was for the admin to follow the playbook:

Say very clearly that the crime/act (in this case Nazi symbols made of poop) has no place, you won't tolerate it.
Say very clearly you're working to find and deal with the people behind the incident(s).
Say you're there to listen to and protect people who are concerned.
Invite everyone to come together and show those elements that love and unity are greater than their destructive acts.
That's a pretty damn stereotypical thing to say about black people.

This is 2017 not 1963.

Secondly your premise is ridiculous.

I'm black and I have lived a better life financially and socially than many white people.

Being black is not a curse. I wouldn't want to be any color other than black.

Treat me the same as anybody else. I don't want your pity for something I never had to experience.

If a white person called for a separate white graduation or dance you would be calling for their heads.

Treating black people equally is calling them out for the things you would call white people out for. Not throwing the lame excuse out about what happened 50 years ago. When we were dying because we wanted access to the same thing white people had access to.
To bad most, if not all the idiots who participated in this aren't there anymore, and everyone else has to clean up their mess and suffer their consequences.
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