Top 50 schools in Athletic revenue

No one does less with more than DONU. One of the most embarrassing athletic programs in all of college sports despite having the 6th highest revenue.

Meanwhile Texas in their last year in the big12 just won 15 of the 20 possible conference championships.
Twitch Swiftmo GIF
No one does less with more than DONU. One of the most embarrassing athletic programs in all of college sports despite having the 6th highest revenue.

Meanwhile Texas in their last year in the big12 just won 15 of the 20 possible conference championships.
I would say nobody has grown an athletic department to so much revenue with so little built in advantages. Small population. No oil money. Triple land locked state. Pretty impressive.
I didn't see Kansas State on this list? Maybe we should invite someone from the Kansas State fanbase (don't laugh, please) and maybe they can post threads to our board updating us on everything Kansas State and the Big 12. It would be refreshing to hear of their exploits and history of championships. I'd like to live vicariously through them!
I didn't see Kansas State on this list? Maybe we should invite someone from the Kansas State fanbase (don't laugh, please) and maybe they can post threads to our board updating us on everything Kansas State and the Big 12. It would be refreshing to hear of their exploits and history of championships. I'd like to live vicariously through them!
I hope when we find that person they are senile and keep repeating "private equity" over and over. But no way a douche bag like that exists.
KSU has a conf championship in FB the last 2 years - Neb has zero

KSU has a conf championship in FB the last 10 years - Neb has zero

KSU has 2 conf championships in FB the last 15 years - Neb has zero

KSU has 3 conf championships in the last 22 years - Neb has zero

there isn’t enough space to do the comps in the basketball

No one does less with more than Neb

I am truly sorry that your mother and father are siblings.
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KSU has a conf championship in FB the last 2 years - Neb has zero

KSU has a conf championship in FB the last 10 years - Neb has zero

KSU has 2 conf championships in FB the last 15 years - Neb has zero

KSU has 3 conf championships in the last 22 years - Neb has zero

there isn’t enough space to do the comps in the basketball

No one does less with more than Neb
Nice work, but at least we’re not K state
KSU has a conf championship in FB the last 2 years - Neb has zero

KSU has a conf championship in FB the last 10 years - Neb has zero

KSU has 2 conf championships in FB the last 15 years - Neb has zero

KSU has 3 conf championships in the last 22 years - Neb has zero

there isn’t enough space to do the comps in the basketball

No one does less with more than Neb
The funny thing is, you guys won what, 1 conference title in football while NU was in your conference? In your entire history? Seems like things got much easier after big brother moved out.
The funny thing is, you guys won what, 1 conference title in football while NU was in your conference? In your entire history? Seems like things got much easier after big brother moved out.
I don’t even think they won one, did they? Maybe in the 2000s, but the year they were supposed to win they laid an egg agains a&m in the Big 12 championship game. Went into that game unbeaten and ranked #2 in the nation, and then got blown out in the bowl game as well.

Maybe there was another year I’m missing where they actually did win it all…
anyone in the business world who celebrates revenue without looking at expenses is soon gone. the question is not one of buying a bigger truck.
anyone in the business world who celebrates revenue without looking at expenses is soon gone. the question is not one of buying a bigger truck.
While I suppose that’s completely true in a normal “sales” business circumstance, that’s not really what college athletics is. A businessman must sell enough widgets to ensure his revenue exceeds expenses, hard stop; one would think the typical way for that to happen requires the product to be at least good, effective, whatever term attaches.

Nebraska’s circumstance allows it to make unbelievable revenue even though its primary product has truly sucked for so many years showing it’s different than that. That Indiana is top 30 is further indication that schools make their money differently than simply selling a widget.

Widget guy has no guaranteed money. The BIG and SEC schools have tons of it. Nebraska might make even more money by making better widgets - shown by wins - but that’s a matter of degree.

You can argue Nebraska wasted money on a big truck by, for instance, extending Frost, fine go ahead. But even that still didn’t push expenses past revenue.

And there’s no doubt that as a result of that revenue Nebraska has shiny new trucks most schools will never sniff. It just hasn’t seen much return on its largest investments. Its a process problem, not an expense problem.
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Imagine thinking things will always be the same and are guaranteed despite the never ending and unpredictable changes that are essentially college athletics’s only constant

Speaking of sales, @mel mains can’t keep his Ignorant Juice stocked!
Are these rankings before or after private equity has been accounted for??

..also, I think some of ya'll are selling the Big 12 a little short. Nobody is going to call it the best conference, but its better than we're giving them credit for..IMO
How different would it be if it contained private schools as well? Can’t think it would change much if at all.
Relevant to the B1G members, USC would be the most significant school. And of course not in the B1G would be Notre Dame.
Are these rankings before or after private equity has been accounted for??

..also, I think some of ya'll are selling the Big 12 a little short. Nobody is going to call it the best conference, but its better than we're giving them credit for..IMO
Nothing wrong with the conference. It has some decent and good teams. My question is, are you going to skip SEC or BIG games to watch the Big 12. At some point I'll make a list of weekly matchups for the 3 conferences and post them. I just don't see many, if any Big 12 games I will be watching. But I'm not a gambler and I have kids/hobbies in addition to CFB so I don't watch CFB 12 hours every Saturday.
Well the basketball and football programs at NU are certainly not carrying their weight.
In what way? Aren’t they sold out (ticket sales, not butts in seats)? Since this is financial, it would seem they aren’t doing poorly as it relates to the OP…
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Nothing wrong with the conference. It has some decent and good teams. My question is, are you going to skip SEC or BIG games to watch the Big 12. At some point I'll make a list of weekly matchups for the 3 conferences and post them. I just don't see many, if any Big 12 games I will be watching. But I'm not a gambler and I have kids/hobbies in addition to CFB so I don't watch CFB 12 hours every Saturday.

Conference rankings are as follows;
Everyone else

I doubt to many southern folks get all that excited about Rutgers or Wisconsin, similar to your comments about the Big 12. Every league has a buttload of teams most people don't care about.

I just think people are a little hard on the Big 12.
Conference rankings are as follows;
Everyone else

I doubt to many southern folks get all that excited about Rutgers or Wisconsin, similar to your comments about the Big 12. Every league has a buttload of teams most people don't care about.

I just think people are a little hard on the Big 12.
It's way more than Rutgers or Wisconsin. Oregon, OSU, Michigan, PSU are teams that casual fans are going to be interested in. USC might be right there too in the first season. So Oregon at Wisconsin is a game that will attract casual fans. ASU at KSU won't.

Having marquee teams and marquee players is what gets people to tune in. Not sure the Big 12 has much of that.
My question is, are you going to skip BIG games to watch the Big 12.
Yes. Every single week, yes.

B1G’s brand of football along with its historical 3 bottom 1% programs are boring af.

There are maybe half a dozen B1G games not involving NU that interest me on an annual basis. Maybe.

The Big 12 is an infinitely more fun league than our plodding collection. There’s no comparison.
It's way more than Rutgers or Wisconsin. Oregon, OSU, Michigan, PSU are teams that casual fans are going to be interested in. USC might be right there too in the first season. So Oregon at Wisconsin is a game that will attract casual fans. ASU at KSU won't.

Having marquee teams and marquee players is what gets people to tune in. Not sure the Big 12 has much of that.
uofa comes to manhattan early in the season. top 20 matchup. big fox. check the ratings - then discuss.
Conference rankings are as follows;
Everyone else

I doubt to many southern folks get all that excited about Rutgers or Wisconsin, similar to your comments about the Big 12. Every league has a buttload of teams most people don't care about.

I just think people are a little hard on the Big 12.
The people who constantly rag on the big 12 exude endless little dick energy
I'm excited to see Oregon and USC and how they do. Lots of intriguing matchups with those 2.
not really

Maybe 1 or 2 each

Everything else, who cares

Our conference is insanely uninteresting. The same teams win it every single season.

Yawn city. Pac 12 was way more fun
Ok. Where do you think that Friday night game will rank in viewership at the end of the year?
as i wrote. let's see the ratings - then discuss. two fabulous qbs. uofa's first test in a b12 roadie. highly rated teams, both top five in b12 preseason, surely top 20 nationally. it will be an event.

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as i wrote. let's see the ratings - then discuss. two fabulous qbs. uofa's first test in a b12 roadie. highly rated teams, both top five in b12 preseason, surely top 20 nationally. it will be an event.
I'll be watching.

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