How long ago did she graduate? I think the shine is coming off non-technical (liberal arts) college degrees, Ivyies included. That may even be changing for technical degrees (engineering, medicine) . I just read an article that due to DEI admission practices a large percentage of MD students at Stanford medical school (if memory serves) are far less capable than students in the past. That being said, I'm sure Ivy league degrees will probably always carry more weight with businesses that value a degree. I just think businesses are more and more realizing that college graduates are less prepared than ever and they have to train them anyway, so they aren't as likely to have a college degree as a requirement for employment.
Not to mention that a bunch of these kids are leaving school with a ton of debt and worthless degrees that won't bring them enough income to pay their basic living expenses let alone student loan payments. Mark my words: the student loan bubble is HUGE and it is going to burst. Of course, it's only one of many bubbles that are going to burst in the debt quagmire the Fed and our leaders have created.
This obviously does not apply to a student who is going to get a full ride. That being said, I wouldn't want any of my kids going to any Ivy league school at this point given the woke indoctrination that goes on in those institutions. Unfortunately, that is true of the majority of colleges and universities now.