Top 10 threads of all time on here....

I remember the story like this (and I could be totally wrong):

HTO claimed a friend of his was sharing inside info on a message board (I want to say the old cable installer board). Jamrog, who was known to watch the boards, saw it and told Pelini. Pelini had Jamrog find out who the poster was and Bo and Carl preceded to corner the guy and threaten him in the basement of the Cornhusker Hotel the AM of the Texas game. Of course we proceed to lose the game and this story, as told by HTO, takes on a life if it’s own and becomes not only the reason we lost, but proof that Pelini was unhinged, unfocused, violent, on and on.
i want to say hto wasn’t even advocating to fire bo, but just called him out for their antics. I’m certain a former regular poster was with hto, and the friendship may have ended after that. bizarre story.

while I may mention our petulant desire to fire a 9+ wins a year coach from time to time, this story gives much support to the fact he got canned.
I remember the story like this (and I could be totally wrong):

HTO claimed a friend of his was sharing inside info on a message board (I want to say the old cable installer board). Jamrog, who was known to watch the boards, saw it and told Pelini. Pelini had Jamrog find out who the poster was and Bo and Carl preceded to corner the guy and threaten him in the basement of the Cornhusker Hotel the AM of the Texas game. Of course we proceed to lose the game and this story, as told by HTO, takes on a life if it’s own and becomes not only the reason we lost, but proof that Pelini was unhinged, unfocused, violent, on and on
It sounds like Pelini and HTO have similar personalities.
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I remember the story like this (and I could be totally wrong):

HTO claimed a friend of his was sharing inside info on a message board (I want to say the old cable installer board). Jamrog, who was known to watch the boards, saw it and told Pelini. Pelini had Jamrog find out who the poster was and Bo and Carl preceded to corner the guy and threaten him in the basement of the Cornhusker Hotel the AM of the Texas game. Of course we proceed to lose the game and this story, as told by HTO, takes on a life if it’s own and becomes not only the reason we lost, but proof that Pelini was unhinged, unfocused, violent, on and on.
The description checks out with my recollection.
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I think Husker Preacher died and his son or nephew came here and posted that he had passed and how in life he always enjoyed reading and posting here. It was very touching.
Yup, that’s how remembered this. I believe it was his son, BIG….something. I’m never good with names.
The thread about the guy coming home and finding his wife in the shower with the neighbor and how he should have handled it. It was actually a metaphor for the Jerry Sandusky story. I think one of our regular posters then brought up his divorce story which was legendary.
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The thread about the guy coming home and finding his wife in the shower with the neighbor and how he should have handled it. It was actually a metaphor for the Jerry Sandusky story. I think one of our regular posters then brought up his divorce story which was legendary.
Don't remember it, but sounds promising...
The thread about the guy coming home and finding his wife in the shower with the neighbor and how he should have handled it. It was actually a metaphor for the Jerry Sandusky story. I think one of our regular posters then brought up his divorce story which was legendary.
vaguely remember shower story...some crazy stuff shared here. and i love it.
Nebr v Texas 1999 Big12 championship

Is this what you are referring to??


A chronology of events for Saturday, December 4, 1999, and the early morning hours of Sunday, December 5, 1999:

6:00 Arise, play the Eyes of Texas and Texas Fight at full-freaking blast

6:20 Get in car, drive to New Braunfels

7:30 Tee off (me and a buddy were the FIRST tee-time of the morning)

8:50 Turn 9 (crack open first beer)

8:53 Crack open second beer

8:58 Crack open...(you get the idea)

10:30 Finish 18 (holes, as well as beers), sign scorecard for smoooooth 95

10:35 Headed for San Antonio (Alamodome - Nebraska vs Texas)

10:50 Buy three 18-packs for pre- and post-game festivities

11:10 We decide we don't have enough booze, so we double-back to a liquor store and buy the good ol' 750 ml plastic bottle "Traveler" Jim Beam

11:50 Arrive at the tailgate spot. Awesome day. Not a single cloud in the sky. About 70 degrees.

11:55 I decide that we're going to kick the ********** out of Nebraska.

11:56 I tell my first Nebraska fan to go f!!k himself.

12:15 The UT band walks by on the way to the Alamodome. We're on the second floor of a two-story parking garage on the corner (a couple hundred of us). We're hooting and hollering like wildmen. The band doubles back to the street right below us and serenades us with Texas Fight and The Eyes of Texas. AWESOME MOMENT.

12:25 In the post-serenade serendipity, 50-100 grown men are bumping chests with one another, each and every one of them now secure and certain of the fact that we are going to kick the ********** out of Nebraska.

11:00 The Nebraska band walks by on the way to the Alamodome. Again, we hoot and holler like wildmen. Again, the band doubles back and stops right below us to serenade us, this time, however, with the Nebraska fight songs. Although somewhat impressed by their spirit and verve, we remain convinced that we are going to kick the ********** out of Nebraska.

1:30 I begin the walk to the Alamodome, somehow managing to stuff the "Traveler" and 11 cans of beer into my pants.

1:47 I am in line surrounded by Nebraska fans. They are taunting me. I am taunting back, still certain that we are going to kick the ********** out of Nebraska. I decide to challenge a particularly vocal Nebraska fan to play what I now call and will forever be remembered as "Cell-Phone Flop Out." Remember flop out for a dollar? The rules are similar. I tell this Nebraska jackass that if he's so confident in his team, he should "flop out" his cell phone RIGHT NOW and make plane reservations to Phoenix for the Fiesta Bowl. And then I spoke these memorable words: "And not those damn refundable tickets, either! You request those non-refundable, non-transferrable sons-of-b!tches!" He backs down. He is unworthy. I call Southwest Airlines and buy two tickets to Phoenix, non-refundable and non-transferrable. Price: $712. He is humbled. He lowers his head in shame. I raise my cell phone in triumph to the cheers of hundreds of Texas fans. I am KING and these are my subjects. I distribute the 11 beers in my pants to the cheering masses. I RULE the pre-game kingdom.

2:34 Kickoff. Brimming with confidence, I open the Traveler and pour my first stiffy.

2:45 I notice something troubling: Nebraska is big. Nebraska is fast. Nebraska is very pissed off at Texas.

3:01 The first quarter mercifully ends. 9 yards total offense for Texas. Zero first downs for Texas. I'm still talking **********. I pour another stiffy from the Traveler.

3:36 Four minutes to go in the first half: the Traveler is a dead soldier. I buy my first $5 beer from the Alamodome merchants. While I am standing in line, a center snap nearly decapitates Major Applewhite and rolls out of the end zone. Safety.

3:56 Halftime score: Nebraska 15, Texas 0. I wish I had another Traveler.

4:11 While urinating next to a Nebraska fan in the bathroom at halftime, I attempt to revive the classic Brice- ism from the South Bend bathroom: "Hey, buddy, niiiiiiiiice c**k." He is unamused.

4:21 I buy my 2nd and 3rd $5 beer from the Alamodome merchants. I share my beer with two high school girls sitting behind me. Surprisingly, they are equipped with a flask full of vodka. I send them off to purchase Sprites, so that we may consume their vodka. I have not lost faith. Nebraska is a bunch of pu$$ies.

4:51 No more vodka. The girls sitting behind me have fled for their lives. I purchase two more $5 beers from the Alamodome merchants.

5:18 Score is Nebraska 22, Texas 0. I am beginning to lose faith. This normally would trouble me, but I am too drunk to see the football field.

5:27 I call Southwest Airlines: "I'm sorry, sir. Those tickets have been confirmed and are non-refundable and non-transferrable."

5:37 I try to start a fight with every person behind the concession counter. As it turns out, the Alamodome has a policy that no beer can be sold when there is less than 10 minutes on the game clock. I am enraged by this policy. I ask loudly: "Why the ************ didn't you announce last call over the f**king PA system??!!"

5:49 Back in my seats, I am slumped in my chair in defeat. All of a sudden, the Texas crowd goes absolutely nuts. "Whazzis?," I mutter, awaking from my coma, "Iz we winnig? Did wez scort?" Alas, the answer is > > >>no, we were not winning and we did not score. The largest (by far) cheer of the day from the Texas faithful occurred when the handlers were walking back to the tunnel and Bevo (the Texas mascot) stopped to take a gargantuan ********** all over the letters "S", "K",and "A" in the "Nebraska" spelled out in their end zone. I cheer wildly. I pick up the empty Traveler bottle and stick my tongue in it. I am thirsty.

6:16 Nebraska fans are going berserk as I walk back to the truck. I would taunt them with some off-color remarks about their parentage, but I am too drunk to form complete sentences. With my last cognitive thought of the evening, I take solace in the fact that if we had not beaten them in October, they would be playing Florida State for the national championship.

6:30 Back in the car. On the way back to Austin for the basketball game.

8:00 Texas-Arizona tip off. We can still salvage the day! I crack open a beer. It is warm. I don't care.

7:12 We have stopped for gas. I am hungry. I go inside the store. I walk past the beer frig. I notice a Zima. I've never had a Zima. I wonder if it's any good. I pull a Zima from the frig. I twist the top off and drink the Zima in three swallows. Zima sucks. I replace the empty bottle in the frig.

7:17 There is a Blimpie Subs in the store. I walk to where the ingredients are, where the person usually makes the sub. There is no one there. I lean over the counter and scoop out half a bucket of black olives. I eat them. I am still hungry. I lean further over the counter and grab approximately two pounds of Pastrami. I walk out of the store grunting and eating Pastrami. The patrons in the store fear me. I don't care.

8:01 We are in South Austin. I have been drinking warm beer and singing Brooks and Dunn tunes for over an hour. My truck-mate is tired of my singing. He suggests that perhaps Brooks and Dunn have written other good songs besides "You're Going to Miss Me When I'm Gone" and "Neon Moon" and that maybe listening to only those two songs, ten times each was a bit excessive. Perhaps, he suggests, Icould just let the CD play on its own. I tell him to ************ off and restart "Neon Moon."

8:30 We arrive at the Erwin Center. My truckmate, against my loud and profane protestations, parks on the top floor of a nearby parking garage. I tell him he's an idiot. I tell him we will never get out. I tell him we may as well pitch a f**king tent here. He ignores me. I think he's still pissed about the Brooks and Dunn tunes. I whistle "Neon Moon" loudly.

8:47 I am rallying. I have 4 warm beers stuffed in my pants. We're going to kick the ********** out of Arizona.

9:11 Halftime score: Texas 31, Arizona 29. I am pleased. I go to the bathroom to pee for the 67th time today. I giggle to myself because of the new opportunity to do "the bathroom Brice." There are no Arizona fans in the bathroom. I am disappointed. I tell myself (out loud) that I have a "Niiiiiice c*ck." No one is amused but me.

9:41 I walk to the bathroom while drinking Bud Light out of a can. Needless to say, they do not sell beer at the Erwin Center,much less Bud Light out of a can. I am stopped by an usher: "Where did you get that, sir?" I tell him (no **********): "Oh, the cheerleaders were throwing them up with those little plastic footballs. Would you mind throwing this away for me?" I take the last swig and hand it to him. He is confused. I pretend I'm going to the bathroom, but I run away giggling instead. I duck into some entrance to avoid the usher, who is now pursuing me. I sneak into a large group of people and sit down. The usher walks by harmlessly. I am giggling like a little girl. I crack open another can of Bud Light.

9:52 I am lost. In my haste to avoid the usher, I have lost my bearings. I have no ticket stub. I cannot find my seats. Texas is losing.

10:09 Texas is being screwed by the refs. I am enraged. I have cleared out the seats around me because I keep removing my hat and beating the surrounding chairs with it. A concerned fan asks if I'm OK and perhaps I shouldn't take it so seriously. I tell him to ************ off.

10:15 After the fourth consecutive "worst f**king call I have EVER seen, " I attempt to remove my hat again to begin beating inanimate objects. However, on this occasion I miscalculate and I thumbnail myself in my left eyelid, leaving a one-quarter inch gash over my eye. I am now bleeding into my left eye and all over my shirt. "Perhaps," I think to myself, I'm taking this a bit seriously."

10:22 I am standing in the bathroom peeing. I'm so drunk I am swaying and grunting. I have a bloody napkin pressed on my left eye. My pants are bloody. I have my (formerly) white shirt wrapped around my waist. I look like I should be in an episode of Cops.

10:43 Texas has lost. I put my bloody white shirt back on my body and make my way for the exits. I am stopped every 20 seconds by a good samaritan/cop/security guard to ask me why I am covered in blood, but I merely grunt incoherently and keep moving.

10:59 With my one good eye, I have located the parking garage. I walk up six flights of stairs, promise that when I see my friend I will punch him in the face for making me walk up six flights of stairs, find the truck, and collapse in a heap in the bed of the truck. I look around and notice that traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I take a nap.

11:17 I awake from my nap. I see my friend in the driver's seat. I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I am too tired to punch my friend. I call my friend a "Stupid c**ksucker."

11:31 I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I call my friend a "Stupid c**ksucker."

11:38 I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I call my friend a "Stupid c**ksucker."

11:47 I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I call my friend a "Stupid c**ksucker."

11:58 I am jostled. The truck is moving. I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is beginning to move on the second floor. I jump out of the truck, walk to the edge of the parking facility, and pee off the sixth floor onto the street below. My friend looks at me like I just anally violated his minor sister. I turn around pee on the front of his truck while singing the lyrics to "Neon Moon."

12:11 We are moving. We are out of beer. I jump from the truck and go from vehicle to vehicle until someone gives me two beers. I am happy. I return to my vehicle

12:26 We have emerged from the parking facility. We make our way to my apartment and find Ed sitting on the couch with a freshly opened bottle of Glenlivet on the coffee table in front of him. We are all going to die tonight.

12:59 We have finished three-quarters of the bottle of Glenlivet. We decide it would be a wonderful idea to go dancing at PollyEsther's. Ed has to pee. He walks down the hall to our apartment and directly into the full length mirror at the end of the hall, smashing it into hundreds of pieces. We giggle uncontrollably and leave for PollyEsther's.

1:17 The PollyEsther's doorman laughs uncontrollably at our efforts to enter his club. "Fellas," he says in between his fits of spastic laughter, "I've been working this door for almost a year. I've been working doors in this town for almost 5 years. And I can honestly say that I ain't never seen three drunker mother f**kers than you three. Sorry, can't let you in." We attempt to reason with him. He laughs harder.

1:44 We find a bar that lets us in. We take two steps in the door and hear "Last call for alcohol!" I turn to the group and mutter: "See, dat wasn't that f**kin' hard. Day don't f**kin' do that at the Awamo...the awaom...the alab...************ it, that stadium we was at today..." We order 6shots of tequila and three beers.

2:15 Back on the street. We need food. We hail cab to take us the two and one half blocks to Denny's. The cab fare is $1.60. We give him $10 and tell him to keep it.

2:17 There is a 20 minute wait. We give the hostess $50. We are seated immediately.

2:25 We order two orders of fried pickles, a Cobb salad, a bowl of soup, two orders of Blueberry blintzes, two Reuben sandwiches, a hamburger, two cheese stuffed potatoes, an order of fries, and an order of onion rings.

2:39 The food arrives. We are all asleep with our heads on the table. The waiter wakes us up. We eat every f**king bit of our food. Most of the restaurant patrons around us are disgusted. We don't give a ************. The tab is $112 with tip.

2:46 I'm sleepy.

9:12 I wake up next to a strange woman. She is a waitress at Denny's. She is not pretty.
Hahahahahahahaha! Thanks for posting, P!
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There was a thread years ago asking how to remove a large amount of blood stains from a room

Also the Hoboken joe dust up
Oh man, the night Joe went off the rails was epic. He was on every Husker message board that night threatening to kill anyone that said a bad thing about Richie. I can't believe he didn't stroke out before it was all said and done.
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Bourbon drinkers definitely has to be one of the top 10 threads..🥃🥃🥃

What better topic to discuss off topic that we can compare too..
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recruiting the chinese qb with the chinese promising to build a new stadium. maybe this one is still possible. would solve the seating and cold weather problem. Xi stadium?
Oh man, the night Joe went off the rails was epic. He was on every Husker message board that night threatening to kill anyone that said a bad thing about Richie. I can't believe he didn't stroke out before it was all said and done.
That's not exactly how it went down.

HTO was involved as well.

And Richie was the kind of player everyone would love to have on their team.
Seems this thread has brought out a lot of OG posters like superman and Huskair. All of them just lurking.
Tom and his "wife" was something else. HTO... well that was another level.

I'm sure some of the "ADSP gone" threads had to be up there too. I remember some unknown poster making a "Kill Bill" poster with the whole staff superimposed. "Crusty Tom" slaying them... or "Pope Tom"
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Not a thread that originated on this site, but I am sure that there had to be a link to it. The threads on the LSU and Texas boards about the cheap looking statues Texas put up for all their football greats were almost as funny as the statues themselves.
Not a thread that originated on this site, but I am sure that there had to be a link to it. The threads on the LSU and Texas boards about the cheap looking statues Texas put up for all their football greats were almost as funny as the statues themselves.
This was the greatest thread I ever saw. I heard about it on here. It is a shame that most of the pictures posted are now dead links. Some of the gifs posted were epic.


When Ricky Williams visited Iowa.


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Was it "C20" who had the Wonder Monds avatar? He definitely deserves a mention here.

He once told a story about detouring around an About Schmidt film shoot and stumbling upon Howard Hesseman, who offered him a hit from a joint. Still makes me laugh to think about it.
There was the time HTO wanted to fight a poster in the Walgreens Parking lot. And of course the crazy ex-wife thread.

100% I'm banned after this post, but hopefully they leave it up for people to read the actual truth.

It was HyVee, not Walgreens.

You’re right, it was. Good stuff.

HTO had some pretty classic meltdowns. I remember when he met a poster to pay off a bet he lost and then kept harassing that guy about how ghetto his car was for months.

Never once harassed him. @cubsker is the poster I paid the debt to, and he had a rusted car. He denied it. I should've taken a picture and didn't, so maybe his car wasn't rusted (but it was beat up). Dude popped off non-stop, brought zero value to the forum & I continued to troll him every time he ran his mouth.

Was that HTO that made the allegation. I can’t remember.

It wasn't an allegation, it was an actual event. Dirk Chatelain wrote about it, click here. A lot of haters can eat the crow that continues to sit at their plate.

I remember the story like this (and I could be totally wrong):

HTO claimed a friend of his was sharing inside info on a message board (I want to say the old cable installer board). Jamrog, who was known to watch the boards, saw it and told Pelini. Pelini had Jamrog find out who the poster was and Bo and Carl preceded to corner the guy and threaten him in the basement of the Cornhusker Hotel the AM of the Texas game. Of course we proceed to lose the game and this story, as told by HTO, takes on a life if it’s own and becomes not only the reason we lost, but proof that Pelini was unhinged, unfocused, violent, on and on.

Jamrog didn't have access to the cable board. A member, to my knowledge no longer a member, had shared some information to Jamrog who in turn shared it with Bo and others. And Bo, in typical fashion, lost his marbles. Click above to read Dirk if you, or anyone else, still doubts the story. The best part is, and nobody talks about it, is the poster that was threatened by the Pelini brothers worked for a very prominent family that have been extremely generous to UNL and Husker Athletics over the years. They just had a major donation a couple years earlier and some of this family were in town the weekend of the Texas game when the incident went down.

I know this situation by the back of my hand as the individual who was threatened was not only a personal friend but he immediately came to a tailgate I was at following the incident. All of his "higher up friends/acquaintances" were suppose to meet him there. These dudes phones were blowing up and shit hit the fan extremely quick. It was an incredible experience. I learned real quick how power brokers actually work.

Last thing on this subject; the individual from the cable board (co-owner of the board) had spent considerable resources over the years to help Pelini (and Callahan, Riley, & now Frost) in any way possible. It was so good one pre-season, our staff at the time had no idea what a non-conference opponent was going to run offensively and defensively & that tidbit got out thru sources. Insert the cable board - they had someone that lived close to this University and had that individual "private investigate" practices for a week and submit a report on the details. It was turned in thru back channels and ended up getting in the hands of Pelini and his staff. This is just one of many, many, many examples of how this dude helped our program throughout the years.

I don't always agree with how they do business, but it's not my business to run. I haven't been involved with that message board in a very long time but I do stay in frequent contact with the certain someone involved in the incident above & we both consider it a good friendship.

i want to say hto wasn’t even advocating to fire bo, but just called him out for their antics. I’m certain a former regular poster was with hto, and the friendship may have ended after that. bizarre story.

while I may mention our petulant desire to fire a 9+ wins a year coach from time to time, this story gives much support to the fact he got canned.

After the 2010 Texas incident, I was done with Bo & was vocal about it. :)

That's not exactly how it went down.

HTO was involved as well.

And Richie was the kind of player everyone would love to have on their team.

I was never involved with anything relating to Hoboken Joe, Richie, his father or anyone else involved in that fiasco. It was before my message board time.
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One last thing I'd like to say before getting banned.

To the fans, thank you for supporting our son during his 2 years pitching for Nebraska. Cade had a hell of a time representing the Huskers and we're extremely proud parents. Never once did a fan cross the line and TBQH with you, it was in the back of my mind someone was going to be "that dude". But thankfully, nobody did.

He's in Fort Myers right now doing a pre-spring training camp. Today was his first day throwing live to hitters, 15 fastballs and that's it, since last October and he was 94-96. He's excited for his professional career, and looking forward to his first full season in the minors.

I'll say it...welcome back!!!! Always more exciting with you here!

As always, I serve for the pleasure of the board! :)
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Was it "C20" who had the Wonder Monds avatar? He definitely deserves a mention here.

He once told a story about detouring around an About Schmidt film shoot and stumbling upon Howard Hesseman, who offered him a hit from a joint. Still makes me laugh to think about it.
timely reference. rip HH.
Not a thread that originated on this site, but I am sure that there had to be a link to it. The threads on the LSU and Texas boards about the cheap looking statues Texas put up for all their football greats were almost as funny as the statues themselves.
I can literally remember where I was at when I was reading this thread on ShaggyBevo. I was crying with so much laughter my face hurt. That board was the best
You’re right, it was. Good stuff.

HTO had some pretty classic meltdowns. I remember when he met a poster to pay off a bet he lost and then kept harassing that guy about how ghetto his car was for months.
I'll never forget the time he said he was going to get Keith Williams and the wideouts together and they were all going to beat up a poster that had ticked him off at a NU basketball game.

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