The media on Buffies


Head Coach
Sep 3, 2004
I have watched about 12 shows on the follow up , many from Buff reporters. Everyone has shredded Colorado for the most part. Nebraska dominating and it wasn't even as close as the score , seems to be the narrative. I have soaked it all in and enjoying one last day and then on to N.Iowa. We got lot's of praise which can only help.
I have watched about 12 shows on the follow up , many from Buff reporters. Everyone has shredded Colorado for the most part. Nebraska dominating and it wasn't even as close as the score , seems to be the narrative. I have soaked it all in and enjoying one last day and then on to N.Iowa. We got lot's of praise which can only help.

Havent been able to watch any sports shows today...was curious how it would be covered. Thanks for the recap
I’ve seen a bit of the implosion it it is all so deserved by that program and state. That shit hole is becoming little California fast. Just a lot of Hollywood “look at me” pathetic fakery.
I’ve seen a bit of the implosion it it is all so deserved by that program and state. That shit hole is becoming little California fast. Just a lot of Hollywood “look at me” pathetic fakery.
Equating Boulder to the entire state is idiotic

Even for you, a moronic take
I have watched about 12 shows on the follow up , many from Buff reporters. Everyone has shredded Colorado for the most part. Nebraska dominating and it wasn't even as close as the score , seems to be the narrative. I have soaked it all in and enjoying one last day and then on to N.Iowa. We got lot's of praise which can only help.

I've watched a few clips of Deion being interviewed. He seems lost and so ill prepared to be a D1 coach. This might be the first time he has failed at an athletic event and he doesn't seem to know how to handle it.

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