The Cannabis Experiment

More slow and steady erosion of our society. Legal or not.

If we must legalize, then tax the hell out of it.


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More slow and steady erosion of our society. Legal or not.



No need to go down that path. This article is full of quality information that displays all sides of the argument in a time when things are changing. I posted it because this topic often gets discussed and people only post commentary that supports their position. I think it's worth a read regardless of position.
Depraved society. The Chinese emperors fought the English to ban the imports of Opium into China, since they knew it would destroy their economy. Only Trojan horse leaders who secretly want to hurt the country would encourage drug use. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
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Good lord who is going to read that entire article about something they most likely already have an opinion on? I tried, made it to paragraph two....

If you're going to let people buy sleeping pills over the counter, tobacco, and a billion different kinds of alcohol...I fail to see how mary jane is any different. Legalize the crap already and quit wasting resources on a battle that was lost 30 years ago........
If we could get across to kids that recovery from an addiction is usually less than 4% ( alcohol 2%). We all pay for the side effects and early deaths and disabilities. Some countries decrease by legalizing more and education .
This guy. It makes no sense to have a settled opinion on the issue of marijuana.

Also the reason many people have the negative opinion they do is because of the propaganda against it. It was a thing dirty hippies did and then the govt said it was as bad as cocaine, so that basically scared all the morally superior sheeple to be against it.
Unless of course you've already made your mind up on the issue and it's settled as far as you're concerned. Then it's OK.

Actually, believe it or not, some people's opinions can be swayed by informed opinions, data, and research, of which there is very little for cannabis.
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Also the reason many people have the negative opinion they do is because of the propaganda against it. It was a thing dirty hippies did and then the govt said it was as bad as cocaine, so that basically scared all the morally superior sheeple to be against it.

Not. I've witnessed its effects and they are not positive (medical use aside).
Not. I've witnessed its effects and they are not positive (medical use aside).

Interesting, because I've witnessed people doing it that have amazing families and great lives who make bank and are active in the community, that you'd want for a neighbor. In fact, I cannot think of a single person who I have ever known who smokes pot, that went "bad". Not one. My guess is, if you know somebody who did go bad, there was probably meth or coke or whatever tied into it.
Thanks for sharing, here are some thoughts.

I thought the potential health benefits of cannabis were a little under-represented in the article. There have been some rather remarkable stories regarding cannabis use for seizures, most of the evidence I have seen is anecdotal, however. I like that the article pointed out that cannabis could end up having legitimate medicinal benefits, but that most money has gone into researching the harmful effects of the drug. I myself am skeptical that cannabis is a wonder-drug, even for seizures, since the people who have used it successfully have not done so over many years. Its medicinal benefits in terms of pain management are incontrovertible, but other drugs are effective at managing pain too.

The article spent a lot of time addressing the harmful consequences of cannabis use, of which there were basically:

i) short-term effects: "it impairs memory and coordination, and can cause paranoia and psychosis"

ii) long-term effects: "Around 9% of users become dependent on the drug." Evidence that cannabis use leads to lung cancer is equivocal: "A 2008 study in New Zealand found that smoking pot increased the risk of lung cancer by 8% for each 'joint-year' (the equivalent of smoking a joint per day for one year), even after taking tobacco use into account. But other studies have found little to no correlation with lung cancer, even for heavy users."

iii) developmental effect on growing brains: "Some researchers have found links to poor educational performance, low social attainment — such as job status — and altered brain development. For example, the Christchurch Health and Development Study — which followed almost 1,300 children born in New Zealand in 1977 — found that people who used cannabis daily are around 50% more likely to have psychotic symptoms than are non-users and are at greater risk of not finishing school." "...persistent cannabis use, especially if started young, correlates with steeper declines in IQ in later life and with problems with memory and reasoning compared with people who have never used the drug."

As the article also acknowledged, however, there simply is not enough data to draw any causal links, especially with respect to ii) and iii): "For example, adolescents who use cannabis are probably also drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and engaging in other risky activities. Attributing the effects to one particular substance or behaviour is therefore very difficult."

It seems the only UNCONTROVERSIAL effects of marijuana are its short-term effects. Anyone who has used the drug can attest to these, even psychosis, at least according to its psychological definition (being disconnected from reality, which may involve hallucinations or delusions). I've been there! (Though, I think it was the bad veggie burgers I ate, which were soaking in some water at the bottom of a cooler for hours, and not the pot, as I've never experienced it since).

When it comes to the long-term effects of cannabis use, one might raise a number of questions. For example, how does the 9% dependence rate compare to alcohol, tobacco, and prescription meds? If it's much lower, then it's not really a mark against the drug. Who is going to give cannabis to children except in extremely rare circumstances (e.g., seizures)? Again, if you're the sort of parent who wouldn't let your child smoke tobacco or drink alcohol, these findings are not a mark against the drug. That said, I do worry that persistent and prolonged cannabis use, even on developed, adult brains, may have similar effects. If some study showed that it led to a lower IQ among adults, that would give me pause because I need my brain operating optimally in my line of work.

As I've stated previously, I welcome additional studies on cannabis use, and not because I think all of them will vindicate the drug. I am a "medicinal" user myself (I have a prescription but I use that term loosely). There is little question in my experience, at least to date, that cannabis has improved my quality of life and my spouse's. It is not addictive, I have never experienced withdrawals (went to Canada for 8 days earlier this year, no pot, no problem), and it helps me sleep and unwind. That said, some nights I don't want to eat the entire kitchen and sometimes, rather than helping me forget work, certain strains will make worry about it more. So I am still trying to find a balance with using it myself.
typical conservative mindset:

gun control: the criminals won't follow the law, they'll just get them illegally. prohibition doesn't work.
pot: prohibition!
Good lord who is going to read that entire article about something they most likely already have an opinion on? I tried, made it to paragraph two....

If you're going to let people buy sleeping pills over the counter, tobacco, and a billion different kinds of alcohol...I fail to see how mary jane is any different. Legalize the crap already and quit wasting resources on a battle that was lost 30 years ago........

People that enjoy learning.
Republicans that beg for small government but turn around and want the government to make laws telling us what we can and can not put in our bodies make me laugh.
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Please let me know if you can't see this article. I'm not sure if it is free access. If it's not I'm sorry I have failed you and this thread can be deleted.
I will never stop being amazed by the absolute hypocrisy of those on the right on this issue. All I ever hear is about the virtues of small government, free markets, and the importance of individual freedoms. We liberals are constantly being told that we couldn't possibly impose even the slightest gun control regulations because to do so would be an affront to individual liberties. Why do all of these values go out the window when it comes to the ability of individuals to choose whether or not to use marijuana--a drug which, while perhaps harmful to the individual (debatable, but whatever), does not present a threat to society in and of itself. No advocates of marijuana legalization believe that it should be allowed to be distributed to minors, or that people should be able to use and then operate a vehicle. We are perfectly capable of drafting laws to deal with those potential abuses just like we do for alcohol.

I have a good job, am respected professionally....and use marijuana on a very regular basis. I do it at home and on occasions when it will not impact the other important aspects of my life. If that is a problem for some of you, then you can go right ahead and mind your own business. I would say the same should go for the government. Please leave me alone and start honoring the small government ideals you profess to believe.
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