Texass just snagged the A@M baseball coach

Schloss just said in the press conference that he had a buyout specifically for Texas in his contract. l did not know that. How on earth were they surprised by this?
Because they are a Cultish fan base that thinks they are the best.
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Have they won anything? I assume their trophy room is about the same as Iowa’s
They haven't won a national championship in football, baseball, or basketball in 85 years. Hitler was in power the last time they won something lol.
I know our fans can be insufferable when it comes to football. We don't deserve the praise we get at times from the media...but holy shit that's bad for a fan base as arrogant as they are.
yes, the fightin' texas aggie band is renowned for their war song that's all about the orange texas.

Did Trev really say this? Ouch.
Hard to know what was really said, just based on those comments. But, it's amusing to see Teflon Trev get a taste of his own medicine. Trev dropped a bunch of similar comments with the media on his way out the door, because he just couldn't stand the thought of being seen as the bad guy.

Good swift kick in the nuts from a guy who left for more money. How's it feel, Trev?
Hard to know what was really said, just based on those comments. But, it's amusing to see Teflon Trev get a taste of his own medicine. Trev dropped a bunch of similar comments with the media on his way out the door, because he just couldn't stand the thought of being seen as the bad guy.

Good swift kick in the nuts from a guy who left for more money. How's it feel, Trev?
I agree who knows exactly. But some of his comments seem a little off also. He had a Texas clause in his contract. Tje ball park project was approved in last month. That doesn’t seem to add up with his timeline on what he told Trev on nothing been decided. and if anyone believes the Texas job wasn’t decided upon before the CWS stand on your head.
I agree who knows exactly. But some of his comments seem a little off also. He had a Texas clause in his contract. Tje ball park project was approved in last month. That doesn’t seem to add up with his timeline on what he told Trev on nothing been decided. and if anyone believes the Texas job wasn’t decided upon before the CWS stand on your head.
Just like Trev, Schlossnagle wants to have it both ways. He wants to take the new job and the larger salary, but engage in a bunch of finger-pointing to make it seem like he was in a bad situation and had to get out. Too bad he's leaving A&M, because he and Trev seem like two peas in a pod.
Just like Trev, Schlossnagle wants to have it both ways. He wants to take the new job and the larger salary, but engage in a bunch of finger-pointing to make it seem like he was in a bad situation and had to get out. Too bad he's leaving A&M, because he and Trev seem like two peas in a pod.
In the end it all works out great. We got a better A.D. who's on the same page with the coach, 1890, President, Chancellor and BOR. Trev got some karma. Texass got a piece of shit as a coach. A@M will continue to cry and never win a championship in anything. They can all kill each other in the SEC. Good riddance to all. And to all a good night. GBR!!
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Just like Trev, Schlossnagle wants to have it both ways. He wants to take the new job and the larger salary, but engage in a bunch of finger-pointing to make it seem like he was in a bad situation and had to get out. Too bad he's leaving A&M, because he and Trev seem like two peas in a pod.
Well said
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