I'm not much into alcohol, social drinking is fine, when someone crosses a recognized threshhold and drives intoxicated, they should be made to pay a steep price.
I think the judicial system can punish these offenders, without ruining their lives.
I say, put their ass in jail for 7 days with a work release during their normal work hours so it doesn't cost them their job; (Of course, in Wager's case, that isn't gonna fly).
Give em that $500.00 fine, elevated $ 100.00 for each .1 percentage above the legal limit. The drunker they are, the more it should cost them.
Suspend their license for one year, absolutely install an interlock device on their regular vehicle, although, we all know most people have more than one car.
In regard to Wager, this is total conjecture. He's 52 years old, he got shitfaced. I would guess he has been partaking in booze since he was a much younger man. Maybe not.
If what some say are true and Wager felt in "over his head" then I think a lot of guys would drink as a buffer. Its gotta be tough on his ego to go from big man on campus in high school football to possibly having your peers think you're unqualified and taking up a spot on the staff that is more deserved by someone else.
Wager wouldn't be the first guy that switched jobs for money/prestige and then quickly figured out they had made a mistake.