Tarantino's latest...

Sly had a great line about Over the Top...he said that they kept pitching the movie to him and he kept saying no...over and over...but everytime they would offer him more money...he said "It finally got to the point that the money was just so good I had to say I knew no one would ever see the movie"
Sly also had a good one about a couple other movies. He got 2 scripts. One was Romancing the Stone, one was Rhinestone. He said he drank too much that night and chose Rhinestone.
Sly also had a good one about a couple other movies. He got 2 scripts. One was Romancing the Stone, one was Rhinestone. He said he drank too much that night and chose Rhinestone.

Haha! I never heard that! That is awesome!

Michael Caine had a great one..

, who is an Oscar winner once said of his role in Jaws: The Revenge (1987) that "I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.”
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Yeah... no. Inglorious basterds was way too hokey and frankly quite stupid. Oh, but I'm glad YOU enjoyed it. Django was ok. Pulp Fiction is the best easily, of Tarantino's movies, with Reservoir Dogs at number two.

LOL, welcome to Quentin Tarantino. Where ya been? Name one QT movie that isn't hokey. They're intentionally hokey.

Rotten Tomatoes disagrees with you. Pulp Fiction is rated just barely above Inglorious Basterds
LOL, welcome to Quentin Tarantino. Where ya been? Name one QT movie that isn't hokey. They're intentionally hokey.

Rotten Tomatoes disagrees with you. Pulp Fiction is rated just barely above Inglorious Basterds

Do I really care what others think? Yeah... a little. :D But seriously, I thought Reservoir Dogs was a classic and PF is without peer in Quinton's body of work. I liked Jackie Brown, but it was not great. KB I & II were meh. Death Proof was fantastic.
My son and I replay "For one thing you're fightin in a basement" on YouTube all the time, Inglorious Bastards is one of my all time favorite movies of all time.
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I went to see the movie last night and enjoyed it a lot. As all of his movies, there are plenty of easter eggs referencing previous movies he has made. Director Antonio Margaretti(!) reference made me laugh when I heard it. This movie is a nod to his love of Hollywood movies and if you look at the extended cast, you will see it is loaded with a ton of Hollywood friends and kids of these friends. I don't think I would put this movie in my top five Tarantino flicks, but it certainly was worth the money. Hateful Eight was the only one I absolutely hated. That one really sucked.

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