Tarantino's latest...

I think he would have let them walk knowing he had got the better of them. Why go through the charade of signing her over if he was just going to kill them? And he had the dogs rip him apart because Django kinda gave him the go ahead to show he wasn't soft. Leo's character was crazy good. That scene where he slammed his hand on the glass and cut himself and Tarantino told him to go with it was epic. The look and reaction of the girl when he rubbed his blood over her face was improvised and her horrified reaction was priceless.

I just don't think they were sure that Candy would give her up though.
Pulp Fiction is the best and it isn't close. If there is no PF there is no talk about his other movies and that is not a slam on his other movies it is credit to how amazing PF was/is.
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I'd have a hard time ranking anything above PF as well. I need to watch JB again in one sitting - seen segments at different times. Never seen either KB.

I'll go

That's the thing about Tarantino movies is he makes these super intelligent characters and then they go off and do something stupid and out of character. Plus his movies are very slow at times. They're good for the most part but not my favorite type of movie.
That's the thing about Tarantino movies is he makes these super intelligent characters and then they go off and do something stupid and out of character. Plus his movies are very slow at times. They're good for the most part but not my favorite type of movie.

Probably Gebbia’s fault
Pulp Fiction is the best and it isn't close. If there is no PF there is no talk about his other movies and that is not a slam on his other movies it is credit to how amazing PF was/is.

There are multiple 'Best of' lists that don't have Pulp Fiction as his best movie.
There are multiple 'Best of' lists that don't have Pulp Fiction as his best movie.
Of course there are...there are lots of lists that don't have Elvis as one of the best singers ever...and just think how often a hot chicks picture is posted on this site only to be followed with 25 dorks commenting on how she "doesn't do it for them".
My ranking goes like this:

1.) Pulp Fiction
2.) Kill Bill Vol. 1
3.) Inglorious Basterds
4.) Django Unchained
5.) Kill Bill Vol. 2
6.) Reservoir Dogs
7.) Death Proof
8.) Jackie Brown
9.) The Hateful Eight

I can't wait to see this one. The only movie by him that I flat out thought was bad was the Hateful Eight. I haven't seen Jackie Brown in quite some time and it deserves a re-watch. Reservoir Dogs is ok, just really grating because its so god damn tense and shit. I absolutely love Kill Bill Vol. 1. It always puts me in a good mood. And Pulp Fiction is, to me, kind of like Star Wars: a movie like that only comes around once a decade or so, and it almost doesn't even need to be ranked, it's just a classic.
Pulp Fiction is the best and it isn't close. If there is no PF there is no talk about his other movies and that is not a slam on his other movies it is credit to how amazing PF was/is.
Amazing thing about Pulp Fiction is as bad as Marcellus Wallace claimed to be the amount of people f-ing him. Literally and figuratively. From Bruce Willis to the boys in the apartment to well you know....Zed.:eek: Even Vincent was considering banging Mia Wallace.
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Pulp Fiction is the best and it isn't close. If there is no PF there is no talk about his other movies and that is not a slam on his other movies it is credit to how amazing PF was/is.
Pulp Fiction stands the test of time. A movie that you can watch 50 times and it gets better every time. Same with Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, Jaws, Goodfellas, Tombstone, Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan and Platoon. All time classics
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Of course there are...there are lots of lists that don't have Elvis as one of the best singers ever...and just think how often a hot chicks picture is posted on this site only to be followed with 25 dorks commenting on how she "doesn't do it for them".

I just think two of the best characters ever in Quentin Tarantino movies were in Inglorious Basterds, Christopher Waltz (Hans Landa) and Brad Pitt (Aldo Raine). Waltz won an Oscar, a Golden Globe, Cannes, BAFTA, and entire cast won a SAG Award, so it's not like it was a snoozer flick.

I still like Pulp Fiction, but just not as well as Inglorious Basterds. Brad Pitt's character was hilarious too. "Gorlami.." The scene in the basement bar was phenomenal.
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Tarantino is a sick F. Cant stand him and his gross way... dude has issues.

Having said that, pulp fiction is good, as is reservoir dogs. Inglorious bastards is well done, too.
Django was good but was too preachy and man did it absolutely jump the shark. What a shame. Leos best role by far as Candy. Great set.

Hateful 8....what a miss. Sad sad miss. Great premise and setting, but it jumped the shark as well. What a waste of Samuel Jackson.

Kill Bill movies are among the most overrated movies of all time. They are dogshit terrible. I dont understand how anyone likes them.
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Just saw Once upon a time in Hollywood. Classic Tarantino. Very slow going getting in. But the last half hour freaking bloody and hilarious. Without giving anything away. Leo and Brad really hate hippees. Lol, rolling. And away we go. Pitt was great.
Just saw Once upon a time in Hollywood. Classic Tarantino. Very slow going getting in. But the last half hour freaking bloody and hilarious. Without giving anything away. Leo and Brad really hate hippees. Lol, rolling. And away we go. Pitt was great.

I have a feeling that Brad might go the way of Newman...almost so handsome that it hurts his chance at winning awards.

Newman should have won...probably 5 oscars? But I think he ended up with just one...he was so handsome and made everything look so easy.
From Dusk till Dawn is my favorite. I like Hostel as well (or are we just talking about writer?). I am pretty twisted, though, and prefer horror films.
Pulp Fiction stands the test of time. A movie that you can watch 50 times and it gets better every time. Same with Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, Jaws, Goodfellas, Tombstone, Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan and Platoon. All time classics

Yep...Road House...I agree 100%.
Pulp Fiction stands the test of time. A movie that you can watch 50 times and it gets better every time. Same with Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, Jaws, Goodfellas, Tombstone, Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan and Platoon. All time classics

I like all of those, although Tombstone and Shawshank are a little hacky at times, and The Godfather isn't nearly as good as Good Fellas in terms of mob flicks.

A few of my favorites.. Deer Hunter, Midnight Cowboy, Chinatown, Michael Clayton, Rushmore, Sleeper, No Country for Old Men, Bottle Rocket, LA Confidential, Dr. Strangelove, Raging Bull, Raising Arizona, Broadway Danny Rose, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Fight Club, Zelig, The Departed, Big Lebowski, Gangs of New York, Annie Hall, American Beauty, Royal Tenenbaums, The Fugitive, The Untouchables, The Incredibles, Up, Love and Death..
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I like all of those, although Tombstone and Shawshank are a little hacky at times, and The Godfather isn't nearly as good as Good Fellas in terms of mob flicks.

A few of my favorites.. OVER THE TOP, Deer Hunter, Midnight Cowboy, Chinatown, Michael Clayton, Rushmore, Sleeper, No Country for Old Men, Bottle Rocket, LA Confidential, Dr. Strangelove, Raging Bull, Raising Arizona, Broadway Danny Rose, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Fight Club, Zelig, The Departed, Big Lebowski, Gangs of New York, Annie Hall, American Beauty, The Fugitive, The Untouchables, The Incredibles, Up, Love and Death..

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I think True Romance and From Dusk til Dawn need to be on his list since he wrote them. The Sicilian scene in TR is one of his best besides the Basterds opening scene.
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True Romance didn't do it for me. It was fine, but I wouldn't watch it again.
Sly had a great line about Over the Top...he said that they kept pitching the movie to him and he kept saying no...over and over...but everytime they would offer him more money...he said "It finally got to the point that the money was just so good I had to say I knew no one would ever see the movie"
I like all of those, although Tombstone and Shawshank are a little hacky at times, and The Godfather isn't nearly as good as Good Fellas in terms of mob flicks.

A few of my favorites.. Deer Hunter, Midnight Cowboy, Chinatown, Michael Clayton, Rushmore, Sleeper, No Country for Old Men, Bottle Rocket, LA Confidential, Dr. Strangelove, Raging Bull, Raising Arizona, Broadway Danny Rose, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Fight Club, Zelig, The Departed, Big Lebowski, Gangs of New York, Annie Hall, American Beauty, Royal Tenenbaums, The Fugitive, The Untouchables, The Incredibles, Up, Love and Death..
Great list but how on Earth does it not include "the usual suspects"?
I just think two of the best characters ever in Quentin Tarantino movies were in Inglorious Basterds, Christopher Waltz (Hans Landa) and Brad Pitt (Aldo Raine). Waltz won an Oscar, a Golden Globe, Cannes, BAFTA, and entire cast won a SAG Award, so it's not like it was a snoozer flick.

I still like Pulp Fiction, but just not as well as Inglorious Basterds. Brad Pitt's character was hilarious too. "Gorlami.." The scene in the basement bar was phenomenal.

Easily the 2 best. The way Landa could switch from regular guy to intensewhen questioning was amazing.
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Inglorious Bastards is better than both of them. Django is too. Inglorious Bastards is his best, IMO.

Yeah... no. Inglorious basterds was way too hokey and frankly quite stupid. Oh, but I'm glad YOU enjoyed it. Django was ok. Pulp Fiction is the best easily, of Tarantino's movies, with Reservoir Dogs at number two.

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