Some highlights from Erstad at the Husker Baseball Fan fest


Jan 5, 2010
Here are some Erstad talking points at Fan Fest tonight:

-Erstad says the defending champs talk is something they don’t talk about because this is a new team and they haven’t earned anything yet.

-Introduced Schlepp and Pritchard as graduate coaches. Jokes how he never thought he’d see “Pritchard” and “Graduate School” in the same sentence.

-Announces that Nebraska once again has an above 3.0 team GPA.

-States how we were top 10 again in attendance once again last year and thanks the fans.

-He then adheres to the player introductions to give his team the opportunity to poke fun at each other. Apparently a lot of them play a game called fortnight (spelling)? Whatever that is?

-Erstad says we will know what this team is capable of after they get “punched in the face.”

-States baseball is an individual sport in that you are alone in that batters box and at the same time you share your successes and failures as a team.

-Asked how do you get that feeling back after winning a conference title and then taking that feeling to the next step? States it is with a day-to-day grind and doing the little right.

-States sometimes you have to do what you don’t want to do to be great. Talked about starting with that mentality in the classroom and then taking it out on the field.

-States he doesn’t have to worry about this teams effort and attitude because they show up everyday and do things the right way.

-Says if they make the postseason they will have as many as 6 college graduates playing on their team (McSteen graduated in 3 1/2 years).

-He then turns back to the players and reminds them to have fun and to enjoy every moment.

“Thanks for coming and Go Big Red!”


Nothing to Earth shattering but thought I’d share.
Oh I completely agree with Coach Erstad,
defending champs were actually last year's team.
But so is the curse of sports...
You have to wear the crown of your predecessors,
until the time comes, to crown the next champion.
In my book, there is a difference between
Champions and Defending Champions.
You don't like it, win your own championship Winking

Fan Fest is always a fun, family friendly event.
Only complaint, I got fed way too many hot dogs Eek
Looks like we know what the throwback/alternate jerseys will look like this year now.

They mentioned a rotation at catcher between Roskam and Wilkening. Interested to see how that plays out.
To me it instills sense the confidence that they have the players to take on the other positions. I know they really want Cronenbold at SS and Altavilla at 3rd. So DH will most likely be Roskam and Wilkening as well. I’d be curious who gets the spot on Fridays when Alvarado pitches.

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