Singleton - is this really possible?

I see it as Singleton lacking the confidence needed to go, plus I don’t think he was happy with his play this season.
Yep . If you get a decent draft grade it isn’t a guarantee you will be drafted there. But it’s always risk either way. I also agree I don’t think he was pleased with himself on field.
If he was a third rounder it was based on something other than his play. Also if he was a third rounder and didn't enter the draft he fell and bumped his head.

Long story short I don't think there is anyway in hell he would have been a third round draft pick. Not sure where Rhule for it from but I didn't believe it. No way...

If he was a third rounder it was based on something other than his play. Also if he was a third rounder and didn't enter the draft he fell and bumped his head.

Long story short I don't think there is anyway in hell he would have been a third round draft pick. Not sure where Rhule for it from but I didn't believe it. No way...

Rhule likes to see the sunny side of things. But also, Singleton is a large man for a safety. His size and athleticism are attractive to NFL teams. It’s more like he is coming back this year to play himself into an upper round bid next year.
If he was a third rounder it was based on something other than his play. Also if he was a third rounder and didn't enter the draft he fell and bumped his head.

Long story short I don't think there is anyway in hell he would have been a third round draft pick. Not sure where Rhule for it from but I didn't believe it. No way...

So Rhule lied?
So Rhule lied?
I don’t see it as lying but… Rhule is a hype man. He believes in his guys and sees their potential which is what coaching is all about.

But he made comments about Jeff Sims being an NFL guy, Benhart and Gifford “foregoing the NFL” but choosing to return. I think it’s safe to say he sees his players through a bit of a rosy lens.

Singleton would have been 6th at best - and that’s if he had a great combine / workout, runs in the 4.4 range, and could sell his potential. Otherwise as it stands right now, he would have been a UDFA.

That being said I’m thrilled he is returning and think he could play himself into the draft if he has a great year.
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So Rhule lied?
ofc.. he is paid to lie, just like any other person hired to run a public institution of sorts.. it is part of the gig.. Name any leader of an organization that gets on stage and tells the whole truth like it really is.. (I can think of one recently in the highest office, and even he's got to lie a little bit here and there.)
Rhule likes to see the sunny side of things. But also, Singleton is a large man for a safety. His size and athleticism are attractive to NFL teams. It’s more like he is coming back this year to play himself into an upper round bid next year.

I don't disagree with this. All I disagree with is him being selected in the 3rd round. If course we won't get to see one way or another since hes coming back. But I believe what I believe.

ofc.. he is paid to lie, just like any other person hired to run a public institution of sorts.. it is part of the gig.. Name any leader of an organization that gets on stage and tells the whole truth like it really is.. (I can think of one recently in the highest office, and even he's got to lie a little bit here and there.)

Not sure why that question was even asked as if Ruhle or any other coach wouldn't lie? I'm a Rhule guy but he's a man just like the rest of us. If course he would lie. I'm not saying he IS lying.

Maybe he actually got that info from someone. But I don't believe it coming from him, Rhule, or anyone else for that matter. I've watched enough ball to know better.

Not sure why that question was even asked as if Ruhle or any other coach wouldn't lie? I'm a Rhule guy but he's a man just like the rest of us. If course he would lie. I'm not saying he IS lying.

Maybe he actually got that info from someone. But I don't believe it coming from him, Rhule, or anyone else for that matter. I've watched enough ball to know better.

yeah, it's not like bold face lies to people, although sometimes that happens (Trev did it too) but it's more like selling a narrative, or showing the bright side of things.. it's part of PR, sales, all that sort of stuff. I don't have a problem with it.. most people know when coachspeak is coachspeak and why they have to do that. So yeah, I'm not knocking him for it, but some people take everything so literal.
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I don't disagree with this. All I disagree with is him being selected in the 3rd round. If course we won't get to see one way or another since hes coming back. But I believe what I believe.

Just because he got a draft grade of around the 3rd doesn’t guarantee’s that is where he is going to be drafted. Rhule never said he believed it or thought Singelton would actually be drafted in that area . Maybe Singleton himself knows that was not realistic. Who knows where this information came from maybe it was an overzealous agent who was talking to someone who really is not in the know about things.
3rd round grade? If that is true, why would you decide to come back in any way shape or form?

Absolutely not. There's a much better chance that Singleton doesn't get drafted as him getting drafted by day two. I wouldn't doubt that someone might have said Singleton could go anywhere between round 3 and undrafted- something like that. But Singleton going in round three this year is pure silliness.
Just because he got a draft grade of around the 3rd doesn’t guarantee’s that is where he is going to be drafted. Rhule never said he believed it or thought Singelton would actually be drafted in that area . Maybe Singleton himself knows that was not realistic. Who knows where this information came from maybe it was an overzealous agent who was talking to someone who really is not in the know about things.

All of that could be true. What I'm saying is Ruhle has said things like this on many occasions that obviously turned out to be not necessarily "truths". Again nothing against him. I just think sometimes he gets ahead of himself based on info he gets when anyone's with eyes knows better

Nah, Rhule just Rhuling. He is always good with rhetoric. It needs to translate to W’s this year.
the top guy in Nebraska to overstate the abilities of Nebraska football is Matt rhule as it should always be.
Very disappointed in Singleton this year. Thought he looked really good before the injury and was very meh this year. I'm surprised anyone would have drafted him based on last year.
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