If you haven't seen this yet, do so soon! As riveting of a documentary and certainly sports doc as I've seen and on par with any of the best 30 for 30s. Dave Bliss is a sick human being.
I remember a lot of this playing out pretty publicly but so much of the detail is in this documentary I have no recollection of. It becomes pretty clear that a lot of these details, Baylor and it's community was very willing to cover up rather than expose Bliss for the POS he is so as not to tarnish the university and it's athletic department.
Pretty gross and worse is it's the same sort of thing that's still going on there.
I remember a lot of this playing out pretty publicly but so much of the detail is in this documentary I have no recollection of. It becomes pretty clear that a lot of these details, Baylor and it's community was very willing to cover up rather than expose Bliss for the POS he is so as not to tarnish the university and it's athletic department.
Pretty gross and worse is it's the same sort of thing that's still going on there.