Severe getting angry about people who drive drunk ...

Abusing alcohol is deeply seated in our culture. It is advertised everywhere. It is available everywhere, even on the plane. It's the punch line of many jokes (see Two and a Half Men) and a regular staple in the film and media. It's the repeatedly told solution for dealing with a bad day, a breakup, a death, social awkwardness, or any of a myriad of life's problems.

There is a massive financial industry behind it that stands to profit for your use, abuse, penalty and rehabilitation of it. As Sam Kinison would say, the only reason people drive drunk, is it's the easiest way to get the car/themselves home.

If you make Alcohol illegal (I'm all for it) of course there will be people who will still make it , but the big pushback against it will be all those businesses that rely on your money. It's quite common for people to spend upwards of $300 or more a month on booze. Get your DUI, and that can easily become $10 grand after attorneys, restitution and rehab for a simple accident.

It ruins lives & families, and yet as a society we won't get rid of it, and instead want to pick on the pot smokers or some other scapegoat. Alcohol makers, marketers, rehab facilities, police, courts, and even the health care system all profit from your use and abuse. You can't take it away. It's like Cancer.. it's become an industry. I think they would actually prefer to keep your addiction going.

Abusing alcohol is deeply seated in our culture. It is advertised everywhere. It is available everywhere, even on the plane. It's the punch line of many jokes (see Two and a Half Men) and a regular staple in the film and media. It's the repeatedly told solution for dealing with a bad day, a breakup, a death, social awkwardness, or any of a myriad of life's problems.

There is a massive financial industry behind it that stands to profit for your use, abuse, penalty and rehabilitation of it. As Sam Kinison would say, the only reason people drive drunk, is it's the easiest way to get the car/themselves home.

If you make Alcohol illegal (I'm all for it) of course there will be people who will still make it , but the big pushback against it will be all those businesses that rely on your money. It's quite common for people to spend upwards of $300 or more a month on booze. Get your DUI, and that can easily become $10 grand after attorneys, restitution and rehab for a simple accident.

It ruins lives & families, and yet as a society we won't get rid of it, and instead want to pick on the pot smokers or some other scapegoat. Alcohol makers, marketers, rehab facilities, police, courts, and even the health care system all profit from your use and abuse. You can't take it away. It's like Cancer.. it's become an industry. I think they would actually prefer to keep your addiction going.

Make the penalty life in prison if you kill someone driving drunk. If you don't kill anyone, 10 years for each offense.
Abusing alcohol is deeply seated in our culture. It is advertised everywhere. It is available everywhere, even on the plane. It's the punch line of many jokes (see Two and a Half Men) and a regular staple in the film and media. It's the repeatedly told solution for dealing with a bad day, a breakup, a death, social awkwardness, or any of a myriad of life's problems.

There is a massive financial industry behind it that stands to profit for your use, abuse, penalty and rehabilitation of it. As Sam Kinison would say, the only reason people drive drunk, is it's the easiest way to get the car/themselves home.

If you make Alcohol illegal (I'm all for it) of course there will be people who will still make it , but the big pushback against it will be all those businesses that rely on your money. It's quite common for people to spend upwards of $300 or more a month on booze. Get your DUI, and that can easily become $10 grand after attorneys, restitution and rehab for a simple accident.

It ruins lives & families, and yet as a society we won't get rid of it, and instead want to pick on the pot smokers or some other scapegoat. Alcohol makers, marketers, rehab facilities, police, courts, and even the health care system all profit from your use and abuse. You can't take it away. It's like Cancer.. it's become an industry. I think they would actually prefer to keep your addiction going.


There are few things I like more than a cold Pale Ale at a bar, or a Moretti with an Italian Dinner, but there's a lot of truth here IMO.

Alcohol abuse is probably one of the top 3 reasons for police officers existence (and I'd guess Sparky might say Fire/Rescue too?). Accidents, overdoses, domestics, bar fights, disturbances, etc, etc. I'm not advocating making it illegal, because it won't work, it would just make criminal elements rich, but we certainly have a problem with it as a society.

After seeing a few impalements, decapitations, and having the 'privilege' of having to do a few death notifications (yea those suck big time), I drive really cautiously at night, especially on weekends, and have preached this to my son who got his license in the last year. If you have a teen or a college aged child I hope you preach to them that they need to expect the unexpected.
Texting and driving is worse. Where's the anger there?

That is what scares the hell out of me. We have an entire generation of kids getting their licenses who have grown up on electronic devices beyond anything prior generations have before. I wish every teenager was forced to drive a stick shift.
Sadly, it may be cheaper for taxpayers to have a mandatory chauffeur assigned to each offender.

There has got to be a way for the actual prisoners to pay the taxpayers for their time in prison. I shouldn't be paying to build more jails and providing 3 hots and a cot for felons. It shouldn't be a money making deal for the government, but a break even. Until fines and penalties actually start paying for the overall operation of the prison system, throwing every drunk driver in jail and making it serious isn't going to happen.
That is what scares the hell out of me. We have an entire generation of kids getting their licenses who have grown up on electronic devices beyond anything prior generations have before. I wish every teenager was forced to drive a stick shift.

Shoot...adults are even worse with texting and driving. I know I am guilty of it all the time.
We had the 10 year anniversary of my best friend dying while drinking and driving. I was a junior in high school and it's still one of two times I ever remember my father crying.

They forced me to my friends parents house that day and i still remember the sound my friends mom was making. I will never forget it and it is why since that day I refused to drive anywhere even after one beer.

I refuse to put my mother or anyone elses mother through what I saw that day.
I was crushed between two cars because of a lady texting while driving. See my profile picture of my leg after it was "straightened".
The penalty for the third one should be that they take your car away and you're not allowed to own a car any more.

I keep saying, it's EASY to drive without a license. Car doesn't even ask you if you have it, it just wants keys. But I'm still trying to work out how to drive someplace without the car.
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The penalty for the third one should be that they take your car away and you're not allowed to own a car any more.

I keep saying, it's EASY to drive without a license. Car doesn't even ask you if you have it, it just wants keys. But I'm still trying to work out how to drive someplace without the car.
A good chunk of them would just be driving someone elses car after that.
It's a serious deal but as you can tell in the responses, some are very insecure about even honestly acknowledging the real negatives that are associated with alcohol and our current society.

Municipalities have a duty to provide sufficient transport options, at a cost, to those who choose to drink.

The heavy money is a long way from allowing our society to start to look at the issues with drinking and how it impacts life.

It's worth repeating that using your phone and driving is 10 TIMES more dangerous than drunk driving (and yet our state does nothing to protect people in this area). I don't understand the manuel transmission comment above...

if we know this is something that is a big issue in our society, why aren't we doing anything about it? Complacency? Fear of change?
I often feel that a lot of people don't understand that it is a major depressant too. Knowing that, you can't really expect it to help in my opinion....

Alcohol abuse is probably one of the top 3 reasons for police officers existence (and I'd guess Sparky might say Fire/Rescue too?). Accidents, overdoses, domestics, bar fights, disturbances, etc, etc. I'm not advocating making it illegal, because it won't work, it would just make criminal elements rich, but we certainly have a problem with it as a society.

After seeing a few impalements, decapitations, and having the 'privilege' of having to do a few death notifications (yea those suck big time), I drive really cautiously at night, especially on weekends, and have preached this to my son who got his license in the last year. If you have a teen or a college aged child I hope you preach to them that they need to expect the unexpected.

I can honestly say that the worst accident I've ever been on involved alcohol. That was about 22 years ago & I still think about it often. Graduation night, 4 teens in a pickup, 3 in the back end. They were obviously drunk. Long story short they T-Boned a young lady while they were going anywhere from 90 mph-100mph. The 3 in the back were ejected and we found 1 of them 1 block from the point of impact. It literally looked like a war zone when we arrived on scene. Never heard so many blood curdling screams in my life. I literally saw 5 FD personnel stop and look around with their mouths open. 1 died, 3 were critical.

I can also say that most of the accidents that happen after 8pm alcohol is involved. The later the night, the worse the accident. But I'm also not going to set here & point fingers as I'm also guilty of drinking after I've tipped a few. Dinner, horse races, tailgating. People just need to learn their limitations.

About 16 times worse if I remember correctly.

Most frequent cause anymore.

Shoot...adults are even worse with texting and driving. I know I am guilty of it all the time.

We always make it a point to watch other drivers when we're in the Fire truck or heck even as I'm driving down the road. Just watch sometime as you're driving. I would bet you dimes to nuts that 70% of all people behind the wheel are distracted by their phones. When in the hell did we need to talk so much?
Just watch sometime as you're driving. I would bet you dimes to nuts that 70% of all people behind the wheel are distracted by their phones. When in the hell did we need to talk so much?

Talking was scary enough - but now they are texting, Facebooking, Instagramming and whatever the hell else while behind the wheel. This is one of the biggest reasons I take public transportation to work. It's a lot less frightening sitting on an express bus, looking down at all these self-important idiots playing with their phones - in heavy freeway traffic, at 65-70 mph.
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We tried prohibition - didn't work. Unless you belonged to the Mafia - then it worked extremely well.

Similar line of thought on pot and fixing some of the organized crime problems. The only way to get mafia/organized crime out of an industry is to make it profitable to corporations. See Las Vegas. Legalize pot now.

I am all for stronger laws on drunk driving - but offering cheap or free transportation to intoxicated folks might be a smart (and cheap) alternative. Our loves of cars in the USA (and flight to the 'burbs) does not mix well with drugs and alcohol.

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