Serious question for the "B1G refs are rigging games against us" folks...

I can site conspiracy theories in our government all day long. Well, they really aren’t theories, they are real, but I digress.

I was reading an article yesterday and it talked about the officiating in our game. Interesting part is the Illinois patrons thought they were the ones getting screwed. They thought we got all the calls and they did not.

For the agenda against us to be true it would require a massive plot of a lot of people. Even when I was in the high schools they tried to not have the same crew do multiple games in a year. There were some crews I was glad to never see again and some I could welcome every week. Sure it’s high school but it is also competence.

just think of the wide spread people who would need to incompetent or bought off each week. You might say it only takes one but if that person only makes calls against us it would be really obvious. Coaches know every call made against them and who made the call.

The game has become very technical with the rules. I hear people complain about holding all the time. The reality is that holding IS legal to an extent. To what extent becomes judgment when they are impeding progress.

This may not be popular but you also have more females as refs. They can be just as good as the men in knowing the rules. I don’t discount that. Did they get the job due to competence or because they are female and the league has to meet a quota.

To bribe all these refs would make for a large underground group of paid off refs. It would have to be extremely wide spread and very quiet. Not likely.

Then there is instant replay and tv cameras everywhere catching every move. How many times have you heard someone say “they held right in front of the ref” and of course the call didn’t go our way and we assume the ref had to be looking right at it. The game and players are so good these days, the speed and strength are remarkable.

Just look at the number of opinions of the two interceptions of Dylan’s. Many on here still believe both were catches when I believe the replays show they were not. The average person does NOT know the rules but they think they do.

It becomes an excuse for losing after a while. We would be better if we wouldn’t keep getting screwed by the refs. A total waste of time. I think the constant complaining i.e Bo is counterproductive. It fits into the world is against us narrative and I am the only person who is right. I got news for you, coaches are wrong a lot and they often cheat just enough to keep their integrity but will stretch every rule.

All my opinion.
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Most of the penalties Friday night against Nebraska were legit, Nebraska needs to overcome their own mistakes, that will take care of a lot of things.
The problem had more to do with the penalties that WEREN’T called on Illinois. The one PI call on us was BS by Oprah but we had guys getting held on their big punt return etc.
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I can site conspiracy theories in our government all day long. Well, they really aren’t theories, they are real, but I digress.

I was reading an article yesterday and it talked about the officiating in our game. Interesting part is the Illinois patrons thought they were the ones getting screwed. They thought we got all the calls and they did not.

For the agenda against us to be true it would require a massive plot of a lot of people. Even when I was in the high schools they tried to not have the same crew do multiple games in a year. There were some crews I was glad to never see again and some I could welcome every week. Sure it’s high school but it is also competence.

just think of the wide spread people who would need to incompetent or bought off each week. You might say it only takes one but if that person only makes calls against us it would be really obvious. Coaches know every call made against them and who made the call.

The game has become very technical with the rules. I hear people complain about holding all the time. The reality is that holding IS legal to an extent. To what extent becomes judgment when they are impeding progress.

This may not be popular but you also have more females as refs. They can be just as good as the men in knowing the rules. I don’t discount that. Did they get the job due to competence or because they are female and the league has to meet a quota.

To bribe all these refs would make for a large underground group of paid off refs. It would have to be extremely wide spread and very quiet. Not likely.

Then there is instant replay and tv cameras everywhere catching every move. How many times have you heard someone say “they held right in front of the ref” and of course the call didn’t go our way and we assume the ref had to be looking right at it. The game and players are so good these days, the speed and strength are remarkable.

Just look at the number of opinions of the two interceptions of Dylan’s. Many on here still believe both were catches when I believe the replays show they were not. The average person does NOT know the rules but they think they do.

It becomes an excuse for losing after a while. We would be better if we wouldn’t keep getting screwed by the refs. A total waste of time. I think the constant complaining i.e Bo is counterproductive. It fits into the world is against us narrative and I am the only person who is right. I got news for you, coaches are wrong a lot and they often cheat just enough to keep their integrity but will stretch every rule.

All my opinion.
What’s your take on why a flag wasn’t thrown on that dead ball sidelines hit after our play in OT. That would have given us a first down and new life.
The constant whining about officials is tedious. People that constantly whine about officials generally don’t understand the sport at more than a superficial level. Those that contend the league is actively conspiring against Nebraska are embarrassing.

Equally embarrassing are people that somehow think officiating is “worse than it’s ever been” seem to completely overlook the fact that every game is on television now, in High-Definition, with more and more camera angles, and more and more talking heads on TV throwing red meat to these dimwits.

Yeah, officials miss some calls. They don’t do it to screw you.
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The constant whining about officials is tedious. People that constantly whine about officials generally don’t understand the sport at more than a superficial level. Those that contend the league is actively conspiring against Nebraska are embarrassing.

Equally embarrassing are people that somehow think officiating is “worse than it’s ever been” seem to completely overlook the fact that every game is on television now, in High-Definition, with more and more camera angles, and more and more talking heads on TV throwing red meat to these dimwits.

Yeah, officials miss some calls. They don’t do it to screw you.
Trust me pal I coached for over 30 years. In some situations Some officials just look the other way . That is screwing you.
I can site conspiracy theories in our government all day long. Well, they really aren’t theories, they are real, but I digress.

I was reading an article yesterday and it talked about the officiating in our game. Interesting part is the Illinois patrons thought they were the ones getting screwed. They thought we got all the calls and they did not.

For the agenda against us to be true it would require a massive plot of a lot of people. Even when I was in the high schools they tried to not have the same crew do multiple games in a year. There were some crews I was glad to never see again and some I could welcome every week. Sure it’s high school but it is also competence.

just think of the wide spread people who would need to incompetent or bought off each week. You might say it only takes one but if that person only makes calls against us it would be really obvious. Coaches know every call made against them and who made the call.

The game has become very technical with the rules. I hear people complain about holding all the time. The reality is that holding IS legal to an extent. To what extent becomes judgment when they are impeding progress.

This may not be popular but you also have more females as refs. They can be just as good as the men in knowing the rules. I don’t discount that. Did they get the job due to competence or because they are female and the league has to meet a quota.

To bribe all these refs would make for a large underground group of paid off refs. It would have to be extremely wide spread and very quiet. Not likely.

Then there is instant replay and tv cameras everywhere catching every move. How many times have you heard someone say “they held right in front of the ref” and of course the call didn’t go our way and we assume the ref had to be looking right at it. The game and players are so good these days, the speed and strength are remarkable.

Just look at the number of opinions of the two interceptions of Dylan’s. Many on here still believe both were catches when I believe the replays show they were not. The average person does NOT know the rules but they think they do.

It becomes an excuse for losing after a while. We would be better if we wouldn’t keep getting screwed by the refs. A total waste of time. I think the constant complaining i.e Bo is counterproductive. It fits into the world is against us narrative and I am the only person who is right. I got news for you, coaches are wrong a lot and they often cheat just enough to keep their integrity but will stretch every rule.

All my opinion.

It doesn’t take some massive plot of hundreds of people and secret meetings. It is the culture of the B1G. I remember an article a few years back, (when we were having this same conversation after another screw job) with an outgoing B1G official talking about how much he loved Dantonio and Farentz because they were real Big Ten guys like him.
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It doesn’t take some massive plot of hundreds of people and secret meetings. It is the culture of the B1G. I remember an article a few years back, (when we were having this same conversation after another screw job) with an outgoing B1G official talking about how much he loved Dantonio and Farentz because they were real Big Ten guys like him.
They probably include Bielema amongst that group too.
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It doesn’t take some massive plot of hundreds of people and secret meetings. It is the culture of the B1G. I remember an article a few years back, (when we were having this same conversation after another screw job) with an outgoing B1G official talking about how much he loved Dantonio and Farentz because they were real Big Ten guys like him.
All it takes is a crew chief who has had a few beers with Bielema. 20 yards of penalties against Illinois with several picked up flags? Really? Obvious dead ball hit on the sideline without a flag in OT? Sure looks incriminating.
The constant whining about officials is tedious. People that constantly whine about officials generally don’t understand the sport at more than a superficial level.

Actually it’s the other way around. Those saying there is no issue don’t know football. They only understand on a rudimentary player level, probably from HS, when their coach would tell them not to focus on officials, move on to the next play, winners find a way, etc, etc. Which is all exactly what coaches should tell players.

But we aren’t players, aren’t teenagers, and we know enough about the game to know officials yet again had a huge impact on another game by choosing to interpret the rules differently for the two teams.
The “player safety” fouls have to be called and they weren’t. Head shot on Raiola and late hit out of bounds in OT, (could have been targeting on the initial hit on the sidelines.) Game changers? The non-call in OT certainly was. It wasn’t sloppy play that resulted in the ref swallowing his whistle…
I’d rather Nebraska just drop down to a lower tier conference like the Big 12 at this point. In the Big Ten, we’ll continue to get the business from the referees and will never be back on an elite level like Ohio State, Michigan, USC, PSU, etc. With Texas out of the Big 12, I’m guessing the current members are able to breath a sigh of relief. The competition is more on NU’s level. Feels like a better fit for a program that still can’t figure out their identity after 20+ years of struggles.
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I’d rather Nebraska just drop down to a lower tier conference like the Big 12 at this point. In the Big Ten, we’ll continue to get the business from the referees and will never be back on an elite level like Ohio State, Michigan, USC, PSU, etc. With Texas out of the Big 12, I’m guessing the current members are able to breath a sigh of relief. The competition is more on NU’s level. Feels like a better fit for a program that still can’t figure out their identity after 20+ years of struggles.

I agree with everything exact the notion that the Big 12 is a “lower tier” and the competition level is lower than the B1G. They have been a good football conference. Of course that was with Texas and OU.
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Should we leave the B1G?

Saw this posted by @B1G RED RULES in another thread and nobody addressed it. Then watched the Michigan/USC game yesterday and I will admit, I saw some questionable calls/no-calls that seemed to go Michigan's way. It got me wondering if all you guys are right.

If there's something to it, how are we supposed to combat it? If they're doing it to USC, and if they're doing it for a lowly program like Illinois 14 years in, I don't see how it's going to ever change. If we haven't been given the super secret handshake by now, we never will.

Seems the only 2 choices we have are to continue to suck or leave. We left the Big 12 when they were stacking things against us. How is this any different?

I personally don't buy into this theory, for the record.
It occurs in every conference. There are no effective mechanisms for accountability. In theory, TPTB believe refs need to be treated like the supreme court and free of consequences to preserve their objectivity. In reality, this enables incompetence and possibly even bias or corruption. If I had enough money, I would start a subscription gambling service that grades referees like PFF and also tracks potential bias and corruption. If egregious anomolies were found then get a few private investigators on staff to connect the dots. Gamblers would love that information since it is effecting the outcomes of games and so once it was off the ground it would pay for itself.
It occurs in every conference. There are no effective mechanisms for accountability. In theory, TPTB believe refs need to be treated like the supreme court and free of consequences to preserve their objectivity. In reality, this enables incompetence and possibly even bias or corruption. If I had enough money, I would start a subscription gambling service that grades referees like PFF and also tracks potential bias and corruption. If egregious anomolies were found then get a few private investigators on staff to connect the dots. Gamblers would love that information since it is effecting the outcomes of games and so once it was off the ground it would pay for itself.

That is a great idea.
I agree with everything exact the notion that the Big 12 is a “lower tier” and the competition level is lower than the B1G.
I feel like the Big Ten is full of elite Blue Blood programs who will be competing for multiple playoff spots every year. The Big 12 has several solid top 10-25 programs, who can compete with anyone on any given day. The competition is certainly there, but you don’t have 4-5 programs juiced with 5* talent at every position.
I’ll start with saying I don’t buy into this conspiracy of the conference is holding us down. I do think some zebras are better than others. I didn’t watch any football yesterday, I was too busy so I can’t speak on any other games with the new comers, but I can say I still think the zebras calling our game were horrible. That’s not complaining or making an excuses for all those “losers complain about refs” people, that’s simply me making an observation. now to get to your question on if we should leave, absolutely not, I don’t know why we would. Bad calls are going to happen in any game, we shouldn’t just take our ball and leave. What needs to happen is the big ten needs to step up and hold zebras accountable just like they hold players and coaches accountable, grade them on a per game performance, make their grades public, and fire poor performing ones at the end of the year, or suspend them if they have a really bad game.

For those that do think we should leave, I’d ask you where in the hell would we go? Should we go back to the big 12? No thank you, if you think they stack the refs against us here what do you think they’d do if we went back? Especially after we’re a big reason why it looks so different now! Should we go to the SEC, where right now we’d be on par with like a Vandy, and oh yea be back with Texas? I don’t think any of those are better fits, so where should we go?
The big 12 would take Nebraska back in a second
Actually it’s the other way around. Those saying there is no issue don’t know football. They only understand on a rudimentary player level, probably from HS, when their coach would tell them not to focus on officials, move on to the next play, winners find a way, etc, etc. Which is all exactly what coaches should tell players.

But we aren’t players, aren’t teenagers, and we know enough about the game to know officials yet again had a huge impact on another game by choosing to interpret the rules differently for the two teams.
I agree partially with you. There are plenty of calls that are questionable that knowledgeable fans can discuss and even disagree. It’s the constant drumbeat of gripes that officials are out to screw Nebraska (or insert another favorite team) or benefit the Chiefs, and before that, the Patriots, that suggests only a rudimentary understanding.
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Trust me pal I coached for over 30 years. In some situations Some officials just look the other way . That is screwing you.

I referee high school BB. Not a lot, but enough games each year. I can tell you there is a pre-bias about certain players and certain teams as far as style of play. Doesn’t matter if HS or D1 college. That is a factor in how games are called. It us very real in how FB and BB games are officiated. In FB, Illinois / Bielema are considered a “tougher” team than Nebraska. Their OL get the benefit of the doubt on calls. NU isn’t getting them. For a team that is still learning how to win, it is easy to say “just play better” but easier said than done. We have a 5* QB who hopefully is elevating the culture and attitude of the entire team, but it takes more than just 1 player. We need 2+ on each side of the ball, plus ST.
I referee high school BB. Not a lot, but enough games each year. I can tell you there is a pre-bias about certain players and certain teams as far as style of play. Doesn’t matter if HS or D1 college. That is a factor in how games are called. It us very real in how FB and BB games are officiated. In FB, Illinois / Bielema are considered a “tougher” team than Nebraska. Their OL get the benefit of the doubt on calls. NU isn’t getting them. For a team that is still learning how to win, it is easy to say “just play better” but easier said than done. We have a 5* QB who hopefully is elevating the culture and attitude of the entire team, but it takes more than just 1 player. We need 2+ on each side of the ball, plus ST.
It’s a reality that learning how to officiate a closely contested football game suddenly makes a team play better and learn how to win.
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The Big Ten bringing in Blue Bloods and then having an agenda to keep those Blue Bloods down is one of my favorite theories.

FTR, I bet a lot on Big Ten teams and watch a ton of games. The officials are always just bad across the board.
I watched you guys get away with holds all last night. I tend to believe there is a little more respect for Kirk than say us. Officials are people , people are imperfect. I trust some of them as much as I do our goverment.
Should we leave the B1G?

Saw this posted by @B1G RED RULES in another thread and nobody addressed it. Then watched the Michigan/USC game yesterday and I will admit, I saw some questionable calls/no-calls that seemed to go Michigan's way. It got me wondering if all you guys are right.

If there's something to it, how are we supposed to combat it? If they're doing it to USC, and if they're doing it for a lowly program like Illinois 14 years in, I don't see how it's going to ever change. If we haven't been given the super secret handshake by now, we never will.

Seems the only 2 choices we have are to continue to suck or leave. We left the Big 12 when they were stacking things against us. How is this any different?

I personally don't buy into this theory, for the record.
Personally I'd rather play in the Big12 , better fit for me. With that said , we're not going anywhere. Never in my life did I see us continually losing to Iowa, Ill, Wisky and Minn .Hopefully it won't last forever. If it continues a few more years they should give us the boot.
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Jimmy Johnson at Miami once said something to the effect of “if you don’t want to get beat by the refs, then score enough points so it doesn’t matter“.

The odds of Nebraska scoring enough margin against opponents to offset penalties is a pretty big stretch, so the other option is to accept that we’re going to be a bottom half to mid tier football program that has incredible fan support. Hell, that’s what we’ve been for the past decade and have been trending downwards for a quarter of a century, so we’re all used to it by now.
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Jimmy Johnson at Miami once said something to the effect of “if you don’t want to get beat by the refs, then score enough points so it doesn’t matter“.

The odds of Nebraska scoring enough margin against opponents to offset penalties is a pretty big stretch, so the other option is to accept that we’re going to be a bottom half to mid tier football program that has incredible fan support. Hell, that’s what we’ve been for the past decade and have been trending downwards for a quarter of a century, so we’re all used to it by now.
If no Big 10 biases, without looking, when does Michigan and Ohio State play their conference assigned Friday night football game?
Not sure if anyone remembers, but there was a frost game against Illinois where we had 4th and goal on the 1. We ran a basic hand-off for the easiest TD of all time. An Illinois DT fell down on his own as he was blocked, Nebraska was called for holding him, we did not score a TD, and I believe lost the game. It was one of the most ridiculous calls of all time. You can't make a call like that and be considered unbiased. Pretty sure this was the same ref Friday night. Go 7 minutes in

Not sure if anyone remembers, but there was a frost game against Illinois where we had 4th and goal on the 1. We ran a basic hand-off for the easiest TD of all time. An Illinois DT fell down on his own as he was blocked, Nebraska was called for holding him, we did not score a TD, and I believe lost the game. It was one of the most ridiculous calls of all time. You can't make a call like that and be considered unbiased. Pretty sure this was the same ref Friday night. Go 7 minutes in

There have been so many of those over the years, anyone that isn’t seeing it just doesn’t want to.

Anyone remember the “simultaneous possession”, “disconcerting signals”, and Martinez fumble way after the play against Michigan? The TD not given to us on that goal line last year against Minnesota? The Black Friday screw job a couple years ago? The list goes on and on. A receiver possessing a pass in the end zone sure was interpreted a lot different last year in East Lansing than it was last night, odd.
The big 12 would take Nebraska back in a second
Oh I have no doubts about that, what I’m asking is do you think the officiating would be any better, you honestly think they wouldn’t try to “give us the business”?
All it takes is a crew chief who has had a few beers with Bielema. 20 yards of penalties against Illinois with several picked up flags? Really? Obvious dead ball hit on the sideline without a flag in OT? Sure looks incriminating.

Yes, like someone said above, they are all human.

In this case, a bunch of guys who grew up in the conference footprint and went to school at B1G schools. These guys actually grew up believing all the Big Ten man stuff. They probably sat around talking about how schools like Nebraska and PSU couldn’t hack it in the Big Ten and how they wished they had to play in this conference because they would lose. And now they are officials in the league.

Of course the Iowa trolls will gaslight the situation. They love that it is happening to us and they benefit from it happening to us. Not sure why we have some of our own fans OK with it.
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Yes, like someone said above, they are all human.

In this case, a bunch of guys who grew up in the conference footprint and went to school at B1G schools. These guys actually grew up believing all the Big Ten man stuff. They probably sat around talking about how schools like Nebraska and PSU couldn’t hack it in the Big Ten and how they wished they had to play in this conference because they would lose. And now they are officials in the league.

Of course the Iowa trolls will gaslight the situation. They love that it is happening to us and they benefit from it happening to us. Not sure why we have some of our own fans OK with it.
the refs went to B1G schools?
I can site conspiracy theories in our government all day long. Well, they really aren’t theories, they are real, but I digress.

I was reading an article yesterday and it talked about the officiating in our game. Interesting part is the Illinois patrons thought they were the ones getting screwed. They thought we got all the calls and they did not.

For the agenda against us to be true it would require a massive plot of a lot of people. Even when I was in the high schools they tried to not have the same crew do multiple games in a year. There were some crews I was glad to never see again and some I could welcome every week. Sure it’s high school but it is also competence.

just think of the wide spread people who would need to incompetent or bought off each week. You might say it only takes one but if that person only makes calls against us it would be really obvious. Coaches know every call made against them and who made the call.

The game has become very technical with the rules. I hear people complain about holding all the time. The reality is that holding IS legal to an extent. To what extent becomes judgment when they are impeding progress.

This may not be popular but you also have more females as refs. They can be just as good as the men in knowing the rules. I don’t discount that. Did they get the job due to competence or because they are female and the league has to meet a quota.

To bribe all these refs would make for a large underground group of paid off refs. It would have to be extremely wide spread and very quiet. Not likely.

Then there is instant replay and tv cameras everywhere catching every move. How many times have you heard someone say “they held right in front of the ref” and of course the call didn’t go our way and we assume the ref had to be looking right at it. The game and players are so good these days, the speed and strength are remarkable.

Just look at the number of opinions of the two interceptions of Dylan’s. Many on here still believe both were catches when I believe the replays show they were not. The average person does NOT know the rules but they think they do.

It becomes an excuse for losing after a while. We would be better if we wouldn’t keep getting screwed by the refs. A total waste of time. I think the constant complaining i.e Bo is counterproductive. It fits into the world is against us narrative and I am the only person who is right. I got news for you, coaches are wrong a lot and they often cheat just enough to keep their integrity but will stretch every rule.

All my opinion.
The irony in this post, ha
There it is. Hope that little rant made you feel better, it’s complete bullshit, but still.

Officials are paid to call a fair game. A PI is a PI and a hold is a hold whether the player is in a Nebraska uniform or an Illini uniform. Why is that even a debate?

What makes some fans OK with getting fvcked by the officials in a game? Is it because you are an official or your dad or uncle or whatever is? They come home and tell you how hard it is and how everyone is mean to them so you have decided all officials are above reproach? There are high stakes in these games. They need to be competent and unbiased.
A hold is a hold unless you play Wisconsin
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A hold is a hold unless you play Wisconsin
One obvious thing to me was that they weren't going to throw a flag for O line holding in OT. Our O line should have been tackling guys on our OT possession. I said right away we needed to run the ball on first down to try to keep them honest and we either called a pass as the primary play or audibled in to it. I think Illinois's DC abused Raiola and their stalling techniques when we subbed left him with less than 5 seconds prior to the snap to look at their defense and try to audible the whole game. I kept saying on our last regulation drive to "leave the damned personnel the same and run a play". The constant subbing played right in to their hands.
I don’t believe the B1G refs are bias against NU. But what I will say with confidence is they protect Bilema like I’ve never seen. When he was at Wiscy they rarely got a holding call…and they ran 80% of the time. I was actually speaking with an Iowa fan about it and they said they’ve been noticing it for years. It’s been very similar since he’s been back at Illinois. They were replays where our guys were flat out being held, and no flags being thrown. This is making me wanna go and check and see how many penalties were called on him at Arkansas.