Frost spoke at TD today in front of 500 or so associates. His demeanor and delivery is rediculously similar to Dr. Toms, can tell he’s been a mentor since Frost was in high school.
He challenged the associates (tongue in cheek of course) to come of with a tradition, something fun between the 3rd and 4th quarter. He mentioned Wisconsin’s jump around and Oregon plays shout.
Made me want to run through a brick wall... good lord. Also mentioned that he still owes Jason P a couple kicks to the nuts because of when he was on scout team. The year he had to sit out he basically said you had to be extremely tough physically but more tough mentally. He knew most didn’t want him there because of his situation... said Grant, And both Peter brothers wouldn’t even try to tackle him, would just throw punches to his ribs. After that, Frost would do hard counts and pull them offsides and Charlie would go nuts on the D. Absolutely hilarious hearing him tell that story. Earned their respect for not backing down.
He challenged the associates (tongue in cheek of course) to come of with a tradition, something fun between the 3rd and 4th quarter. He mentioned Wisconsin’s jump around and Oregon plays shout.
Made me want to run through a brick wall... good lord. Also mentioned that he still owes Jason P a couple kicks to the nuts because of when he was on scout team. The year he had to sit out he basically said you had to be extremely tough physically but more tough mentally. He knew most didn’t want him there because of his situation... said Grant, And both Peter brothers wouldn’t even try to tackle him, would just throw punches to his ribs. After that, Frost would do hard counts and pull them offsides and Charlie would go nuts on the D. Absolutely hilarious hearing him tell that story. Earned their respect for not backing down.