Top of 8th down 3-1. Ben Miller leads off with a double right over the third base bag and down in the left field corner. Kind of fun watching him chug his way into second. (Get that piano off your back Ben). Pitching change.
Fish dribbles one in front of the plate for the third out. We have done a terrible job all day in moving or advancing runners. Very disappointing performance today. We could should have swept this doubleheader today but looks like we get swept.
Long Beach strands a few runners and we go to the top of the 9th down 3-1 with the bottom of the order coming up. Glad I made it out to watch them the past two weekends but leaving California feeling we left a few wins on the table.
Steven Reveles comes to the plate as the trying run. He works the count to 2-2, then gets plunked to put two runners on with one out and Boldt coming up.