Wow, I hear what you’re saying, but that’s a bit extreme. After Frank, the right coach could have brought us back quickly. The brand was still strong.Frost & Solich belong in the same sentence. At least Frost held the f’ing line from what Riley set him up with. Didn’t improve, at all, and that’s on him.
Frank actually depleted our program of talent, VERY quickly.
Point is yeah Frosts years were disappointing in contrast to the success he’d had elsewhere… yet he’s persona non grata among a lot of ppl here. Yet Frankie is somehow Revered. I’m not seeing it… maybe because of what he did as an asst under Tom, but he HURT our program, badly. Seems a little hypocritical.
After Frost, we have no brand at all. Those are huge differences between Frost and Solich.
With Solich, there was only one direction to go, and that was down. With Frost, there really seemed like there was only one direction to go, up. But he took us down even further.
Solich was able to coach for many years, respectably, at Ohio. Until Frost does this, they aren’t equivalent, in my opinion.