sure seems likely given that she was found next to a space heater of some sort. Furnace probably died. Just one of the reasons I have an all electric house. Wood burning fireplace for super emergencies. Cost me 20 grand to put the wood burner and chimney in 18 years ago and I've never had to use it... Our electricity was out for 3 hours a couple of weeks ago with -15 temps and windchill of -30F and I was about ready to head to the farm to get some wood but the main floor of the house only got down to 67. We have boiler warmed floor heat in our lower level an that slab of concrete is amazing at retaining heat. Way too many people die from carbon monoxide. A former boss of mine and his family nearly died over Christmas about 30 years ago after burning their fireplace all day long. One of them woke up vomiting and with a headache or the whole family probably would have been dead. Their sons were there with grandkids in tow in the house and some of them were difficult to wake.