Well thought out response and you're right, the kid has a lot of room to grow.Nah, man. If that's your final analysis on Haarberg, there are at LEAST two "delusionals" in here, lol. The kid is taking his lumps basically like a freshman and his throwing motion needs help, but no way do I write him off as a guy who won't improve. I don't know how anyone could say 'this is all he's ever going to be.' Development is a thing at every level.
Call me even more delusional, because that's the same thing I say about Sims, but I'd say I'm more sure of it with Haarberg just because this program is a part of his identity. They'll both work hard; Heinrich has cared about the N longer, so is more likely to push.
Haarberg has my respect, he's in a spot where he's being asked to grow up every week in front of our eyes at Nebraska where he's the second most recognizable figure in the state other than the Head Coach.
Maybe my comments about HH were heavy handed. Maybe I was poking a fellow poster who I find comically defensive on the subject...
Either way, Go Big Red.